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Explaining the Paranormal

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As a young man in my 20's I played with an ouija board and was involved with levitation. As a WOW I witnessed to people who could destroy things with mind concentration.

Most Christian groups I am aware of would attribute this to devil possession.

What do those who do not believe in possession, or are agnostic, or atheist attribute these to? Does science have a theory?

I can assure you the levitation we did was real. There were no wires or slight of hand magic involved. Same with the ouija board. The little triangle piece moved around the board of its own accord. It was not prodded or pushed along. The man I witnessed to who blew things up using his mind was scared to death. He decided not to do it anymore and he said the spirits were ruining his life. They would not allow him to rest and he was so afraid they would kill him. One other time he attempted to stop and they did the same thing, but let up after he decided to go back to destroying things with his friends.

What are the explanations?

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Well, I've got some explanations, I think. But probably not ones you'd be satisified with.

Lots of folks have claimed supernatural powers over the years, but they are always unwilling or unable to perform those feats under supervised, controlled conditions. And their abilities are never reproduceable either. They may claim they are, but put them in a well-designed laboratory test and they always fail. So much so that there has never, in the history of the world, been a single documented, proven case of paranormal goings on.

Leaves me to think that either there are no such things or that the source of these evil powers is as reluctant to be definitive as is his Holy counterpart. Vague always seems to be the order of the day when dealing with the paranormal.

I'd discuss more but I'm off to Japan for a week or so. Maybe we can pick this up when I return...

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What are the explanations?

there is power that

can be tapped into

don't ask me how

2 ways 2 go with it

life or death

stay with love

no matter what you

may experience

drop selfishness

focus on someone or

something you love

do not give in to evil

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Believe It Or Not, I have been trying to walk on the water for a long time. I really do attempt this feat.

I go to the oceans edge and begin, and my wife as witness, I end up to my waiste in water.

I try over and over, and the same result.

My wife and I chuckle at my attempts.

But I really do try.

I think surfers really have the answer to walking on water.

This devil spirit stuff, i think, is maya

Main Entry: ma·ya

Pronunciation: 'm?&, 'mI-&

Function: noun

Etymology: Sanskrit mAyA

Date: 1788

: the sense-world of manifold phenomena held in Vedanta to conceal the unity of absolute being; broadly : ILLUSION


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I can assure you the levitation we did was real.

STL, can you still perform levitation?

Unless you are being facetious about your experience(s), how would one attempt levitation?

There must be a formula, an equation, an excercise, a breathing technique, etc, to perform such an extraordinary gymnastic ability contrary to the law of gravity!

How did you do this?

How did you venture upwards and then venture downward?

I know helium works in a balloon and it takes 17000 mph to launch a space shuttle into space with lots of fuel, but to rise up of owns own accord would put to shame NASA.


How far "up" did you levitate? Was the ceiling the height?

David Blaine the Street Magician performed in broad daylight and no ceiling attached levitates about 2 feet from the concrete.

Now, STL, if you really have experience such a manuever~~~~

How do or did you do it?

I know magicians do not divulge their secrets, but seems to me you are not a magician and for some reason capable of such a paranormal gig.

Is it "devil spirits" that are scary?

All I can say is that the human race has proved to lift them self into the wild blue yonder and that there are some extraordinary claims without fuel.

What fuel do You Use?

I am serious!!!


Edited by oneyedjackswild1 ps
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i suppose i should clarify my post

i have not witnessed or performed levitations or blowing up anything with my mind

things can happen that can be termed "paranormal"

there have been things that i have seen and heard that could carry that term-i will not discuss it in this forum-just advice should anyone experience it...e-mail me if you are seriously in need of help...i might be able to help-i don't know...

so anyway i addressed that term-paranormal

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I will be the first to admit that I don't know everything. Shoot, I don't know a lot of things.

I do know a way to make it look as though I was levitating if you stood about 8 ft away from me and looked at me from the side. It is an illusion. Magicians are illusionists. They are very good at it. They have to be, that is how they make thier living, not in selling truth, but selling an illusion. The better the salesman, the better the illusionist.

There are definately many things that I have seen that I can't explain difinitively. Which is why I won't be able to answer your question. You see that is part of the beauty of being agnostic. If you don't know something, you don't have to make up an answer for it. Being in the know is not part of the gig. It is, as I have said before, being honest both to yourself and to others.

What is interesting is how you ask the question as if I should be able to come up with an answer, as if not being able to puts me at some sort of disadvantage. Unexpainable seems to equate spiritual and/or God, not just ignorance.

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Just so, Lindy, ya nailed it icon_cool.gif

If someone describes a phenomenon, and claims it is God, or the devil, oe ESP, or aliens, or the IRS, my doubt does not mean that it can't be any of those things, just that I don't see any evidence to support the contention that it is.

I can't remember where I saw this, but unexplained phenomena are usually explained by way of whatever pet belief the believer believes in. wink2.gif;)-->

The Christian believes that the unexplained event is evidence of God, the psychic believes that it is evidence of psychic phenomena, the UFO enthusiast that aliens were involved, a Hindu might credit Krishna or some other deity, etc.

All we really know is that something apparently unexplainable happened

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Song quote:

STL, can you still perform levitation?

Unless you are being facetious about your experience(s), how would one attempt levitation?

There must be a formula, an equation, an excercise, a breathing technique, etc, to perform such an extraordinary gymnastic ability contrary to the law of gravity!

How did you do this?

How did you venture upwards and then venture downward?

A friend of mine used to do it when I was younger. We would gather around an oject and all would touch it. He would start to tell the oject to rise and soon it would begin to do so. Usually it would rise about waist or chest high and then he would have it go back down. He just told us to concentrate with him and he would start talking and it would tell the object to rise and it would.

There was no breathing or any technique used. The object just starting rising. Nothing physically was done to help it along.

As far as Ouija Boards go if they did not work Parker Brothers could not continue to sell them year after year. I used to work them with my mother. She would put her finger tips on one side of the piece and I would put mine on another side. One of us would ask it a question, and it would move from one letter to the next letter from an alphabet that is printed on the board, spelling out the answer.

For example I asked it where I was going on vacation. It immediately began spelling out S-E-A-T-T-L-E letter by letter. The piece first moved to the S then the E, etc until the entire word Seattle was spelled out.

If it did not want to answer a question the piece would run off the edge of the board and stop.

The piece was not pushed or moved by either of us. It skimmed across the top of the board on its own accord.

Don't know how it happened but can assure you it did. If spirits are not the explanation what is the answer? If it didn't work this game would not be selling off the shelves everyday.

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by lindy

What is interesting is how you ask the question as if I should be able to come up with an answer, as if not being able to puts me at some sort of disadvantage. Unexplainable seems to equate spiritual and/or God, not just ignorance.

yeah...lol-good answer

you are not at a disadvantage

but smart enough to know not to

answer when the answer ain't there

i certainly don't have all the answers

just a few to the many questions of life

life is so big and diversified

we just live and do our best

and don't worry about it

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Stayed Too Long


Song quote:

STL, can you still perform levitation?

Unless you are being facetious about your experience(s), how would one attempt levitation?

There must be a formula, an equation, an excercise, a breathing technique, etc, to perform such an extraordinary gymnastic ability contrary to the law of gravity!

How did you do this?

How did you venture upwards and then venture downward?

A friend of mine used to do it when I was younger. We would gather around an oject and all would touch it. He would start to tell the oject to rise and soon it would begin to do so. Usually it would rise about waist or chest high and then he would have it go back down. He just told us to concentrate with him and he would start talking and it would tell the object to rise and it would.

There was no breathing or any technique used. The object just starting rising. Nothing physically was done to help it along.

But you did "touch" an anonymous "object" and there was instruction. Who is the "it" that would tell the object to rise? What was the "object"?

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QUOTE]Quote of Lindy:

What is interesting is how you ask the question as if I should be able to come up with an answer, as if not being able to puts me at some sort of disadvantage. Unexpainable seems to equate spiritual and/or God, not just ignorance.

That was not my intention in asking the question. I used to believe the paranormal was done through devil possession. Now I am not so sure and asking for other possible explanations.

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