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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2010 in all areas

  1. Chas - LOL!!!!! Actually, alas, I cannot show you my Girl Scout card because I got thrown out. Yes I did. I did earn quite a few merit badges though :) Teachme, I was at the fellowship where that pic of Kris was taken and put on the cover of Life. I was with two of my high school friends, we were in Tim Bishop's living room and the photographer was snapping away while Steve Heefner was teaching. I was sitting just 2 or 3 people away from Kris. We all thought we'd be in Life Magazine!!!! You must realize, that back then, being in Life is like an appearance on American Idol today - it was a huge deal. It was America's magazine. Imagine everyone's disappointment when none of us except Kris were in the pics. I think there were a couple of other shots from the living room twig, but none of most of the fellowship. Also, remember, those "little" twigs routinely had 30 or more kids crammed in the living room, so there was lots to photograph. I keep meaning to respond to your doctrinal thread, I will. Its just been busy. Oh, yes, my avatar scares the guys and keeps them in line down in the basement in the political forum :)
    2 points
  2. Its Peta Wilson who played Nikita from the tv series "La Femme Nikita." She's not looking too good these days though ...
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. You people are making us witches look bad by comparing Wierwille and his cult to us...
    1 point
  5. Cool - it wasn't just me. I thought maybe I was being punished or something :( I just gave you a boost Wordwolf!
    1 point
  6. So where did the little green plus "reputation" button go in my own posts? Does this mean someone can't give me a little green thingie anymore if they like my post? I can see it in other people's posts, but not mine :(
    1 point
  7. V. P. Wierwille honored and learned from Albert Cliffe. Wierwille compliments Cliffe in the "About the Author" section in most of his books, which was printed either as a separate section before the Introduction, or on the book flap. "About the Author" stated that Wierwille learned from and worked with Cliffe and others, who "were guests of Dr. Wierwille's local congregation." Wierwille wrote in The Twenti-fifth Anniversary Souvenir Booklet, p. 13, Wierwille took many of his teachings from Cliffe and his books Let Go and Let God- Steps in Victorious Living (LGLG) and Lessons in Successful Living (LSL). Cliffe uses terms and concepts followers of Wierwille would relate to, such as "positive and negative faith," "perfect faith believing," "the ministry of healing," "tithing and the law of prosperity," "sowing and reaping," "the law of cause and effect," "your enemy- fear," "Faith- how to get it.""abundant living" and making "mental images" of things you want to produce by believing (many of these are chapter titles in Lessons in Successful Living). For example, Cliffe proudly claims to be a medium and psychic. The Way has always opposed mediums (sometimes called spiritualists or channelers). The "Burn the Chaff Weekend" brochure (March 16, 1985) noted that followers of The Way International "brought their books dealing with spiritualism... and burned them." Apparently, they never burned Wierwille's copies of Cliffe's books, though they should have done so. Cliffe freely admitted he was a medium, "Many of the subjects I have given in my Bible class have been dictated to me by my loved ones long since passed on." He calls this his "psychic work." A longer article and photo on Cliffe is in the Photo Gallery section of abouttheway.org
    1 point
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