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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm all for trying to present a new or different way to look at things, but if you think that's what you were doing, perhaps some self-awareness development might be helpful.
    1 point
  2. Every student in our class receives a free pair of reading glasses. They’re yours to have for a lifetime! Enables you to read between the lines, through the lines yeah verily thoroughly through and through the lines of the authorized King James Bible while at the same time verifying the integrity and accuracy of what wierwille said pertaining to a particular verse. For any passages not specifically addressed by wierwille, these amazing reading glasses will play a soothing audible message while at the same time administering low dosages of Kool-Aid-tivan to be absorbed topically via contact with the frames of the glasses; our research has found this is the best method to calm really inquisitive students so they can wait patiently to take the class again. Why not enroll in our class today – your very own reading glasses are waiting! your very own special reading glasses
    1 point
  3. Our research will show you how the Bible interprets itself, believes itself, and on occasion will even mark and avoid itself.
    1 point
  4. I like to listen to different Bible teachers on You-tube and read books about the Bible from different scholars. There are many many people who have studied the Bible for years and have a lot to share. It now amazes me that I accepted one class as the final say on God's Word. We were programmed that we were not to consider any teachings from any other source other than VP or PFAL or the higher-ups in TWI. Blows my mind now that I look back on it. We were led to think that we were so special and we had the Truth, unlike all the other schlubs in the body of Christ who didn't have the knowledge that WE had. Oh yes, we were SO special. And I would like to add that sometimes these Bible teachers don't agree. Does that mean I have to close myself off? The worst that can happen is I have to know I don't know about something.
    1 point
  5. AOS has to be one of the great highlights of TWI’s hypocrisy...the production was to reveal the wiles of the devil and how a believer can be strong and stand up against all the deceptions and temptations...meanwhile the “star of the show” believer boy (craig) is boinking the “wrong seed” chick...oh no, Obi-Wan we lost another to the dark side!
    1 point
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