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Everything posted by Cindy!

  1. I agree with Kit...watch what you post. During my divorce and custody dispute, my lawyer cautioned me about talking, emailing, posting, etc... about the case while it is in progress. ANY KIND of statments made by me could be used in court against me. And in ANY kind of court battle, whether it be civil, family, or criminal...it's just not worth taking chances. The internet is a public forum, and as such, can be accessed by anyone for any reason. That alone should scream caution to those involved in any sort of legal action.
  2. chwester.... I think you meant to say that one has witchcraft and the other has bitchcraft
  3. Folks will think what they want to think and read what they will and will not read. When my daughter came home from school upset that some of the kids were calling her devilish for liking Harry Potter, here is what I said to her and what I'd say to pretty much anyone... "If Harry Potter is devilish, then so is every fairy tale we've ever told kids, every Disney story or film, every Magic Schoolbus episode, and many, many classic tales in literature. I wouldn't worry if I were you. Most folk who say that about Harry Potter have not read the book(s) or seen the movie(s)...how can you make a valid statement without any fact? You are basing your opinion on heresay, and how do you know the heresay is true? It's not what you read, see, or listen to that determines your relationship with God...it is what you do with it once you've read, seen, or listened to it. People have used the bible to kill thousands of people...was that the intent of the author? Ya know, if God were so weak and fearful as to be afraid of a book or a movie, we'd all be in big trouble. Only fear causes people to condemn something before they know it. If someone reads it and does not like it, that's another story. That's a matter of personal taste and their opinion should be honored. But to judge out of ignorance....that is evil." She never has had a moments worry about being "devilish" again. (I've read each book at least twice, seen each movie at least twice, and buy em as soon as they come out. And the voices in my head all say it's ok.) [This message was edited by chinson on July 01, 2003 at 10:03.] [This message was edited by chinson on July 01, 2003 at 16:48.]
  4. Happy Anniversary Mark and Joan!!!!! You two clearly show what a marriage is. Being there for each other in every way in good and bad times, health and sickness. The love between you that is so strong, it touches others lives. We wish you every joy that you've had and more and more in the years to come. Hope your days ahead are filled to the brim with the joy you find in each other. Love, Steve!, Chinny, and the chinettes (((((SL & Joan)))))
  5. That assumes, Liffy...that the previous father was loving. Some people really have no clue how to be loving, unfortunately this includes fathers at times...and even some stepfathers. Though in this, I have been extremely lucky to find a man whom my children love, and who is the finest man I have ever met. Stepfathers can sometimes be so much better than real fathers.... But thanks for not criticizing my poetic attempt!
  6. That was beautiful, Pirate! But that poem left out the step-dads...the men who come in after major damage has been done and somehow work a miracle. So....it's very rough...but here's my addition to that poem... Heres to fathers who enter where the 'real' father left who bandage the scrapes that go beyond knees who does all the things noone ever sees, who mend little hearts while theirs break on behalf heres to the fathers who stand in the gap Heres to the men who are true men indeed who make sure that those fatherless kids... with all of their hearts are loved and directed and that chores, school work, concerts, laundry, and unmade beds aren't neglected. This real man also heals the women waiting for checks and waiting to see that they are worth all this mess and during each day, if one looks in his eyes, one can see that this all means more to him than one sees... Heres to the men who are true men indeed. [This message was edited by chinson on June 15, 2003 at 20:10.] [This message was edited by chinson on June 15, 2003 at 20:10.]
  7. Happy Birthday, Bowtwi!!!!!!! 44 years young! Love from Steve!, Chinny, and the chinettes!!!
  8. Happy Birthday, RG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And many, many more btw, Rottie...you share your birthday with SEVEN brand new kittens in our house!!!!!!! [This message was edited by chinson on June 14, 2003 at 12:24.]
  9. I'm with you, Dot...all that meat and cheese....just wasn't my *thing*. Steve! loves it and it sure works for him! I do Weight Watchers, works VERY well for me! And bein a teacher, I can take those handy Smart Ones or Lean Cuisines to work. Some of em are MOST yummy!
  10. To uphold Pmosh's theory...I LOVED this movie!!! Bought the soundtrack and play in on my laptop at work. I thought it was "fun" but attached no particular meaning to it. Was justa movie....but was a fun movie! I was laughing out loud at some of the lines!!! K...so sue me, I'ma sucker for musicals
  11. I thought the ''looking up'' line was priceless....after all...how many people blame God, i.e. look up, when they themselves are the ones who can make a difference??? I could just SEE God ROFL when I heard that line.
  12. Now if we could only find a poopless food!!! Ok, maybe not...the explosion at the end would be kinda gross and a bit messy :D-->
  13. Movie wasn't good...but the company was EXCELLENT, Stevey!!!!!!! tmd
  14. Sorry guys, but I didn't like this movie much. There HAD to be a better way to communicate the information we needed to know without the long-drawn-out, mind-numbingly-boring dialog. The fight scenes were a bit redundant too...look, we can be motionless when we're fighting...look, we can be motionless when we're fighting....look, we can be motionless when we're fighting. I loved the first Matrix...but this one put me to sleep...literally...it was the first time I've fallen asleep in a movie theatre. And they are gonna CONTINUE it???? Might I suggest effective script writers and more imaginative choreographers?????
  15. Cindy!

    Cats and Dogs

    ROFLMAO!!!!!! :D-->
  16. Last time I saw Dana and her husband was when I was WOW in Washington, DC in 1987-88. She was still very wonderful...and her husband is equal in wonderfulness! (I knew her from before that WOW year) Haven't seen her since then,though last I knew she was involved with the John Lynn spin off. Ya might try their web site or an email to them.
  17. I was SOOO spoiled for mothers day...I shouldn't even mention it in polite society...ya'll will think I'm bragging. My Steve! and the chinettes were amazing. Guess I should be used to it by now...ever since Steve! moved in six months ago...life has been amazingly good. I keep thinking...'So THIS is what bein happy is' See...told ya it'd sound like bragging. Sowwy...
  18. Ahhhh....so wonderful, Psalmster!!!! Happy Birthday to Isaac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My youngest turned 8 yesterday....tomorrow we're having a Spiderman Birthday party...complete with spider cake,spider-tag (with silly string), and lots of fun!!! They grow up so fast *sigh*
  19. Happiest of birthdays, Hoper!!!! (sorry to be late) and many, many more!!! chinny
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya, chinny
  21. Thought I might add something to Steve!'s post bout diets... It does indeed work for him...all that he says is true about it! For anyone who has a family and is wondering how it will work when you have little mouths to feed....here goes!!! The Atkins diet does not work for me ( I use another approach)...it about drove me nuts, but no worries....I can do my own diet, feed my kids, feed Steve! what he needs and there is NO extra cooking and NO hassle!!!!! As he said, this is not a cookie cutter world, so one diet will not work for all. But what he says about how he is doing with the Atkins approach is absolutely true. After the first couple of days, it has been completely stress-free for him. (that's how you know a diet is for you, if you pass those first few days and feel GOOD!!!!) So if ya have a family with a diversity of dietary needs, Atkins will still work.
  22. see my post on the dating game thread Thank you and goodnight ;)-->
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