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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

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Everything posted by TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames

  1. Well Galen, you know, anything for the cause. :D-->
  2. Well, Lord willin' an' the crick doan rise..... Don't know about the kids yet, though.
  3. So, is this just a proselytizing strafing run? Just my NSHO, but I would think you have a lot more to answer for than someone who just wandered in here off the street. Such as others have posted, the timing of your new found enlightenment and your departure from The Way's compound. Are you going to use the Nuremburg defense for this one (I vuz just following ordairs)? If you don't have the time to answer questions, you don't deserve the self ordained collar you wear.
  4. :D-->Does anyone have any statistics on people who attended the word in business conferences? If they all thrived, I'll retract this statement. If God was managing their businesses and they went under, I sure wouldn't want him as treasurer. Not unlike the bumper stickers I see with "God is my co-pilot". If God's you're co-pilot, maybe he needs driving lessons.
  5. Welcome back, (Satori) your dreams were your ticket out.......... :D-->
  6. Don't know why either, maybe the original email was too old. It was just a catch up email.
  7. Yeah, I remember getting this letter in my email at one time (whichever version it was, 1.0, 1.2........). I see, it's OUR fault. So then, why exactly do we need you? All for the low, low price of 19.95 (except where noted). I can see why you would think people who go to an exway site would take the opinion of a man who led such an 'exemplary' life. I don't know about you, but I have some difficulty with deathbed 'conversions'. A person realizes he/she's going to die and suddenly, faced with the prospect of going to 'hell' renounces everything they stood for in life. This is why you seem to find a LOT of 'Christians' in prison. Please forgive my cynicism (which, I believe, your 'book' implores you to do). Thanks, but no thanks.
  8. New show with Mandy Patinkin. The story revolves around people who die and either go on to their final destination, or end up as "Grim Reapers". Grim reapers are responsible for taking the souls of the nearly dead just before they actually die. Might give this life a little perspective. Highly recommended by me, should that mean anything to you. :D-->
  9. Thanks for playing "Too Much Information", Galen, and if you'll step off to the left of the stage, Carol has some lovely 'parting' gifts for you. :D-->
  10. Hmmm, I guess Mike doesn't get enough attention around here, huh?
  11. Or, as Ray Stevens put it, "Would Jesus Wear A Rolex On His Television Show"? :D-->
  12. Mr. Miller, I've started a private topic per your request.
  13. Wish I could tell you a funny story, but they tend to leave me alone. Must be that 999 on my forehead. :D--> Actually, I would engage them, but only for a few minutes (Socratic reasoning and all)
  14. Posted by Abigail "that was the choice given to many many folks and that is why many left or where thrown out long gone." and "yes people clearly had egos and power trips . but it was fed and you may not like this the power trips where fed by those laying at the feet of the leaders and begging for answers and direction from them instead of from the Lord Jesus Christ ." I think we should just all bow down in awe at MJ's incredible ability to hold herself accountable for all her choices and to never ever point fingers at others who may have mislead her, pressured her, or emotionally blackmail her into making them. Additionally, she had the incredible wisdom to stand her ground and never give into such things or to feed the monsters by laying at their feet. And finally, she has the spiritual wisdom and ability to seek her answer from the one true Lord and never seek counsel from anyone else. She is setting such a wonderful example, how dare we criticise her? Oh? Compassion? What about compassion or understanding? Don't you remember it's The Word, The Word, and nothing but The Word and we have no friends when it comes to The Word. Emotions come and go but The Word stands strong forever. -->
  15. So much for "the rain falls on the just and the unjust", huh?
  16. If anyone has extra room in their cabin, Abi and I could be interested in splitting the costs. Otherwise, we'll have to get a room in France. :D-->
  17. It's amazing what can happen when you put the right search words in :D-->. (Originally posted by Orange Cat. fare thee well.)
  18. It's amazing what can happen when you put the right search words in :D-->. (Originally posted by Orange Cat. fare thee well.)
  19. A while back, there was a thread started by Orange Cat which was like Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary". I tried looking for it before, but couldn't find it. If someone were kind enough to, it might be good for a laugh or two. :D-->
  20. A while back, there was a thread started by Orange Cat which was like Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary". I tried looking for it before, but couldn't find it. If someone were kind enough to, it might be good for a laugh or two. :D-->
  21. Hey Peruser, We may have met then. I was in Phoenix around that time. We also may have had this conversation (Juvenile Alzheimer's and all :D-->). Lived with a WOW family out by Davis Monthan. They had a doberman pinscher without its ears cropped (the things you remember, huh?).
  22. The real purpose (or Flipper, if you will) is to drag the remaining remant of the 'prevailing household' kicking and screaming back to this planet. :P--> We're not full yet, so climb aboard. (For those not familiar with the concept, the above was blatant sarcasm. One quality a fundamental believer in anything tends to lack is of sense of humor, therefore the clarification)
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