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Everything posted by alfakat

  1. nopers, mistah strange....my sisters were 10th kork with JL. My sis's names are Annette and Jeanette. Steve Kile is the name, JL. were in the greater LA area in the late 80s...lost track after that, might still be there, dunno...
  2. there was a waymag from 75 or 76 that had photos of vp front cover and inside front, or back, cover...one is captioned, VP-the man and the other , VPW-THE MAN 'O GAWWWWDD. look it up, keeeeedz....it's all there in the originals, doncha know????
  3. damn, I was just ready to give the WOWmobile a tune-up and oil change and I'd be hittin the road at the end of July headin out towards wirewillie road and...hiway 29!
  4. Sunesis --- WHOAH, hot post... I gotta think about that awhile. Are you kind of extending the whole Nephilim thing backwards to Gen. 2 and 3?? I can see some real possibilities there...
  5. sirguess.... a query: are you familiar with the works of Annie Besant and other Theosophist authors? some of your thought would seem to be in agreement with much of Theosophist thought.... just wondering...
  6. thanks, cynic, that was a good piece. makes sense that in the West, we are so focused on the individual that we miss the concepts and mindset concerning the children of Israel...
  7. rascal ... yes, I remember llp's first posts on wd, too. I believe you are right, the story is a bit iffy...
  8. yeah, waddaklown, you must be THE MAN O GOD, now, huh?? B.I.O.Y.A., woodja?? I wouldn't go to your pompous, self-righteous, chest-pounding "church" for all the tea in China...
  9. more mindless blather from the head-in-the-clouds llp... you are so naive sounding, after ALL this time at GSC, to appear as disingenuous, llp. I just do not believe your everything is hunky-dory line, llp. WHY do you REALLY post here if you are so g-d happy and satisfied??? Your whole story is fishy and ALWAYS has been...
  10. another brilliant, pointless essay of obfuscation by the wierwille-worshipping waddahayseed......... .."But let's get honest about what it is that is really bugging you. It's not whether or not someone thinks VPW was good or bad, whether he was a heretic or a hero, but what you're really afraid of - is the fact nobody is gonna think of, remember or talk of me once I leave this cold, heartless world. " classic horse-spit from the master, waddaklown..
  11. maybe ole "Papa Joe" is so fondly remembered cuz FDR could hardly keep himself from fawnin' all over the guy, thus establishing him to America at the time as a ?harmless old "teddy bear"?? uh-huh, and if you believe that, well, you can just give half of Europe to the guy for 50 years...oopss, guess FDR did.... -->
  12. Prezidents Riverbark, I have known many fine pastors, I have worked for and with pastors in the past, I continue to work with them at this time and I can tell you one thing for certain Prezz. Reichenfuhrerbarken, YOU ARE NO Pastor!!!! ...with apologies to Lloyd Bentson in reply to Dan Quayle back in 88, was it??
  13. not positive but I think he got fed up with the "research" standards at der wey and left in the early 80s...all I know.
  14. Song -- do we REALLY need you quoting yourself 7 minutes after you just posted??? Some folks might think you are duplicating your own efforts with no apparent purpose.... :D-->
  15. Rosey-tells-lies did indeed do 1(one) year of Wake Kork trainn-ing, SIR, with the Special, later Family, kork 2. She did first year with her no-account, sneak-thief son. He was busted that year or the next, can't remember. She then was put in charge, along with B*b W*negarner, of pfal 77. She became so damn important that she did not do a final in-rez kork year. So she is technically a kork "wreck"-cognized kork type person.
  16. Mike, you must have a driveway FULL of Dodge Darts, DeSotos, Monacos and Chargers .. --> I could care less about public opinion; I am NOT taking a poll, doofus...sheesh It is not about points-of-view; I took you to task for mooching off others' generosity being your failing...dishonest and disingenuous .....how like you to change the subject. You make my point far better than I ever could...
  17. careful, mr. H, it's gettin' deep and ripe in here.... Mike -- why not go set up your own site?? really?? cmon, it would be a lot more honest, ethically and intellectually. Maybe it's cuz you are a User...using Paw and G-spot for your corner soapbox. Perhaps there are your results, or fruit, if you will, mr. H. Mike can't be bothered with paying to set up shop for those interested in his spiel...instead, he mooches off others. Over 4000 posts, 95% of which are nothing but long-winded sales pitches for stuff that most have moved beyond in some fashion or another. Why not get together with Tom B. down in TX and work together to promo your ideas to folks who ARE interested, Mike??? quit being so damn block-headed, Charlie,er, mike, Brown!!!
  18. BLAH BLAH BLAH... I'm right, you're wrong...BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH signed....guess who...
  19. yeah, Om, everybody here is immature and delusional, liars even...but you...riiiight. Your last comment defines you like nothing and no one else could....
  20. cmon, folks, where is your NYC geography??? The former NY Giants were located in Manhattan, across the river from the Bronx. Hence the "Miracle of Coogan's Bluff" and "The Giants Win The Pennant! The Giants Win The Pennant! The Giants Win The Pennant! " and all that...meanwhile, the Yankees built da House of Ruth right acroos the river in...da Bronx!! So da Bronx still has der Bombers while Manhattan has been bereft of their Giants since '58...as well as Brooklyn losing their Trolly Dodgers...
  21. OM why not run one yoseff, if'n you are SO sold on it??????? --> --> ;)-->
  22. ...and to follow on with that, t-crat, IF the corps was so loaded, who were their teachers....? the corps was what veepeeewee set it up to be, you can be certain of that. LCM, at least circa 74-81, was only carrying out vic's veeee-sion for the corps. Not that there was not plenty of useful stuff taught but still to what end?? the ones who became the rising stars rose because they licked and kicked...and we all know which direction got licked and which got kicked, now don't we, keeeeeddzz??? --> :(--> --> :P-->
  23. dmiller ---- CONGRATS!!! Your last paragraph is a GreaseSpot Gem O' The Month as handed out by one of it's charter sign-ups -- Moi. Please pick up your award at your earliest convenience... :D--> -->
  24. :o--> :P--> ..... boy, ain't that the truth...a course, neither can Evan...
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