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Everything posted by alfakat

  1. I think the "Blue Plate" special can be had with 2 plates; why not????
  2. lesssee, watered garden, you were in Ft. Worth, right??? (I was in Albuquerque that same year) so I am thinkin' your wunnerful BC was a sewin' type o' gal, with a syrupy Southern accent and initials o' SB --- do I win da door prize??? you must know Miss PA from you year in Ft. Worth; she was from CA and i knew her well before we went WOW. Also DF from cali was WOW there, as well. wg, I was posting while u posted... I think I am right...
  3. This bit of obfuscation brought to you by our sponsor, waddafreakinhay...we now return to our scheduled program.
  4. He has. He makes up his own rules, and then challenges us to prove him wrong by his own rules. When we can't (in this case, because he set an impossible standard to meet) he claims victory. When we can, he dodges, distracts... we-e-llll, thanks, Raf -- I have followed Mike all over kingdom come here at GSpot, so i am aware of his rationale. That being said, I want Mike to flash his credentials...just to see if they are as impressive as mine are, doncha know... ;)--> ;)--> --> :D-->
  5. Mike ... Are you a self-appointed authority on the issue of intellectual property theft in God's family? Who has given you carte blanche to decide what is, and is not, plagiarism??? You pontificate like a Supreme Pontiff, doncha?? Your fiat declaration does not make it so, sonny boy... WTFH, you sure can obfuscate!! good work, as per your usual high standard...
  6. yeah, Geo, and he just grabbed em from that kid, too...probably gave the kid some line about Hebrews Should Be Prosperous.... and that's where vp got the idea, doncha know?? --> ;)--> :P-->
  7. just imagine, if'n ole vic had gone into sports insteada Bible-sellin'... less see, the hook shot, the forward pass, the suicide-squeeze play, basket catches, West Coast offence, pick and roll, pads for goalies, illuminated "puck-trails", Willie MacCovey/Barry Bonds right field/infield shift, empty backfield with 4 wide receivers, the mind boggles at the stuff vic coulda borrowed/invented..... :D--> --> --> :P-->
  8. hey, cat, check your PTs, ok?? from one Kat to another Cat(cup)
  9. the county line is between town and twi, might be the road on the backside where Bob Ed W. lives or did live back then, can't think of the name. Runs parallel to wier-willie road but closer to NK.
  10. Karl's book is wrong about the 6kktphth kork, 275 is a very easy number to remember and that was NOT the number.
  11. Way Kork 6 had 353, I believe after all the late invitees showed up, some time by the end of our first week. We finished with 281 or 282 which included 1 4th kork straggler who finished with us and 3 5th kork stragglers. Evan, Hope?? any different memory on final numbers??....
  12. like I said, Mike, this guy is out for your job...he read your manual on dodge, distract and discredit and memorized it....
  13. Mike, move over, there's a new sheriff in town... "Bible"Dave -- you sure have ALL the answers, doncha??? I guess GAWWDD hasta carve out a new spot, cuz you sure must KNOW IT ALL!! You could NOT POSSIBLY learn anything, since you are 100% sure on everything as you yourself say.... waddajoke........
  14. Excuse me, but does Dave-o's "obvious" conclusion in his 2nd paragraph quoted above seem a bit far fetched, as in perhaps an orbit out beyond Pluto and planet X, maybe.... --> --> :(-->
  15. Dave-- you oughta be on cable, FOX maybe, cuz you would make a great pundit. You CANNOT and will not address issues, will you?? just tar me with your tired brush of anger and bitterness.... get the hell over yourself, bub -- you DO NOT KNOW ME AT ALL. Stick to the topic at hand, could you??? What is a generality about this: ....."Hebrews 11 makes it quite plain that faith(in and upon Christ) unites *all* "believers" from Abel all the way through Jesus' first appearance and ministry and all the way up to today. NO ONE was ever or could ever be "saved" by keeping the law!! -- you did not know that, Dave??? And please don't trot out "The Mystery" --- what was secret was the Judean and gentile being EQUAL under Christ as the head, NOT some "new" way of being saved. It was Christ, Jesus the LORD in Gen.3:15, it is Jesus LORD and Christ in Rev.22:21 and ALL the way in between." NO more "general" than your tired repetition of Wierwille, which is to say Bullinger.... What makes you possibly conclude that a reassessment of Wierwille, Bullinger, et al, is a blind hatred of derVey, vp, loy or anybody else, for that matter??? Your methods of deduction are arcane to say the least..... You cannot handle criticism, can ya, Davey boy??
  16. Thanks for your answer, Dave. NO "thanks" to your useless chatter in paragraphs #1-5 and #10. How you think you know one thing about me says a lot more about your ego, vanity and willingness to learn(and to unlearn) than your answer does. You still smack of the condescending, know-it-all attitude that earmarks the classic wayfer. Your answers in paragraphs #6-9 is straight Wierwille. Thanks for confirming that. I would say that you are trying to shove the Gospel message through a mighty small lens with your "rules" theology. Hebrews 11 makes it quite plain that faith(in and upon Christ) unites *all* "believers" from Abel all the way through Jesus' first appearance and ministry and all the way up to today. NO ONE was ever or could ever be "saved" by keeping the law!! -- you did not know that, Dave??? And please don't trot out "The Mystery" --- what was secret was the Judean and gentile being EQUAL under Christ as the head, NOT some "new" way of being saved. It was Christ, Jesus the LORD in Gen.3:15, it is Jesus LORD and Christ in Rev.22:21 and ALL the way in between. If you can't see THAT, than maybe YOU need to let go of your preconceptions and prejudices...AKA broken cisterns, ya know, pfal and all......
  17. Many thanks, Oak. I could not say it better. Dave --- why kick up all the sand??? Just answer the question, plain and simple. THIS is EXACTLY what I said: "well, Dave..........we await you..... why don't you delineate all these great differences, as you see them. Just because you say they are does not make it so, eh, Dave??? or does it??? I would suggest you open your mind, Dave -- you might learn something that contradicts your way theology..." sounds like I touched YOUR nerve, not vice-versa....... I have no bitterness at all, but I am not your or anyone elses' fool -- capiche? So instead of this typical way bull.... put-down,.. "If you can't see the difference between the law and the grace administration, you really don't understand the Bible at all." -- how about steppin up to the plate like a big fella and answering my honest question?? can you handle that, Dave?? I have much more of a 'tude about your dissimulating than I ever would about your honest answer....
  18. thanks, excy, my thoughts exactly...good ole waddahayseed, GAWWDDDD'S own mouthpeice, sent from heaven above to lay da Werd on us like it ain't been know since, shoot, alla 1988 at Least..... The only folks who would even give the guy a glance are xwayfers..... --> ps wt(f-in)h --- I have NEVER seen you at my church(in my home) or any old place, for that matter.... so YOU GOT revuuulation on me and whether I stand approved before GOD Almighty or not?? NO ....!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't you jessss spessshuul!!!
  19. well, Dave..........we await you..... why don't you delineate all these great differences, as you see them. Just because you say they are does not make it so, eh, Dave??? or does it??? I would suggest you open your mind, Dave -- you might learn something that contradicts your way theology...
  20. BUT, and this is in the emphatic, rarely used, extra, extra, EXTRA tense, was it yeller snow????? :D--> --> :P-->
  21. I guess I will chime in now that some of the dust is settling... I am not sure I really understand all that it means to forgive -- but I know one thing: some will probably NEVER regain trust. Some will continue on their merry way, never interested in one whit of change so in that case, never regaining an ounce of my trust. Am I bitter? Nahh, do not have time for it. Too much to do to keep up with the "evil" of today without living back in the plces I have been hurt. Part of our problem in twi, and other causes of our youth, is that we thought we could change the world, and almost overnight, to boot. I trust we all know better now... I know some will never change in certain areas; nuttin I can do about it so I can "forgive" and leave it behind. Damn if I will listen to and follow in the stupidity I once did though. If there are those who feel that way about me and do the same, more power to 'em. I will certainly listen if one has a complaint against me but not if it is only that I do not conform to their new set of "post-twi" rules for the "more abundant life". Not interested in new classes on the bible; interested in people who practice what they preach... This diatribe, rant, whathaveyou, not directed at any in particular... just my thoughts today.
  22. WRONG--herr vicenstein was the first to teach the Athletes stuff including the change to gear in Eph.6 .... where do you think numbskull loy GOT the idea, bdave?? Better know what you are talking about before opening yap....
  23. so how's it work??? what is the method of implanting seed?? what is it?? is it "spirit"?? You are long on talk, short on answers, waddahey...gee, how unlike you....
  24. sky -- you are misreading ror. She KNOWS there is more to Christ than vicenstein's take on it...duh!! Where did she say OTHERWISE. Quote, please. That is why she cannot figure out what the h you are referring to .... and neither can anybody else....
  25. let me get this straight: . . . -- "good things" happened at fellowships associated with, but not directly "run" by vpw and, by extension, twi, and therefore vpw in con clusion is "not such a bad person". Did I state that correctly as stated above by bibledave and seconded by om-man??? . . . WTF?????? -- how does that follow?? sorry, folks, that is abyssmal logic. WHERE IS GOD ALMIGHTY IN THAT PREMISE???????? Did vicster teleport to homes all over the country and do the miracles and healing?? were they performed in the "name of victor paul etc."??? Sorry, that is simplistic beyond belief.....
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