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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Uhh no... think American revolutionary war
  2. You don't like turnips?!?!?!?! I feel badly for ya - My kids and I love them
  3. Uhh so who are the "we's" and who are the "they's?" I just don't see it. Is this Dr. Seuss? Star Bellied Sneetches and Plain Bellied Sneetches?
  4. Oh man...oh man...you could have looked at him with a calm composed face and simply responded, "I am a spiritual ambassador for the Lord thy God. The Lord hath need of your van." Hand held out pointing at the keys like the ghost of christmas future. Dammit for you guys having all the fun - I have never run into a wayfer or even ex-wayfer face to face in the 24 years or so since I left. Probably god protecting them from my rather distorted sense of humor.
  5. You are so much nicer than me. I would be sorely tempted to, without making any reference to TWI at all, sorely tempted to say something like, "Hey John good too see ya again - been awhile eh?" Then I'd just sit back and enjoyed my coffee without another word of recognition. Let'em worry - just for a tad of entertainment.
  6. I gotta go with Boulder. NCAR Mesa Lab has a large wildlife preserve surrounding it - plenty of walking trails with wildlife everywhere. Plenty of other good hiking and climbing - Boulder is stunningly beautiful.
  7. Time for canning. When I was a kid we lived all winter on the canned tomatoes from the last fall crop. Granted you'll be a couple of months early but you won't lose those tomatoes!
  8. May I simply puke now? WIerwille's concept of the "greatness of God's Word" was based on his ability to get an erection.
  9. RumRunner


    Alternatively use Firefox excie
  10. That sure showed my age... "Course heading sir?" "Second star to the right - straight on till morning."
  11. Shot in the dark - "The Incredible Mr Limpet"
  12. And to think back to the 70's when Dr Cyclops was teaching in rez that one of the proofs that Islam is bad is that they won't let people have any debt including a mortgage...went on and on about inhibiting people's ability to prosper - and I do mean went on and on and freaking on... What's next? L(nder the idiot, the complete red-azzed baboon disguised as a human, the piece of animal defecation starts to declare fatwahs on GSCers? Edited for this: I am running up debt so my kids can be in good universities. Guess what TWIts? If you don't like my debt on behalf of my childrens' futures feel free to take your wuss version of god and your self-centered control the planet doctrine, place them carefully in a tampon applicator and insert down your throat. Oh one more thing TWIts - god is not first in my life - my children are first - choking yet? ...and to think that lunatic organization once ordained me...any god I would worship doesn't need my money, my hands (god has no hands and all that rot), my children, nor even my allegiance. For you TWIts that put your children in the second tier, having them lose on behalf of your religious nose snot - may you cop lung fungus for withholding from your children.
  13. Weh = Ham’s WOW Work Effort Wes = Sower’s Work Effort Wes mathematically cannot equal Weh∞ But his long term misery might…
  14. Cat food is easy to make. Feed cat 2 oz good scotch, add to crock pot with copious quantities of good chilies, cook for 8 hours on low - add BBQ sauce, cook on low for 1 more hour - voila - cat food.
  15. If you poke around a little you'll find all kinds of animal food recipes that can be made at home in simple or bulk quantities. Turns out that it is not only better for the animals but it is no more expensive, and sometimes cheaper, than store bought so-called pet food. Of course you might want to check those recipes - no sense trying to turn your dog vegan like one site recommended.
  16. Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide. - Tom Robbins
  17. TWI was more despicable to us (GSC folk) because we were in, we got conned (something which people here seem to deny a lot), our egos got slapped down for the foolish decisions we made. But I see no difference between TWI and any other mainstream religion except that TWI was nothing more than a small footnote and the Muslims and Christians are global. I'm pretty much going with Garth - but maybe taking it farther. Please feel free to keep all religions away from me. Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide. - Tom Robbins
  18. Come now - you've never heard of the IOCCC? (International Obfuscated C Code Contest) Here is the winning entry from David Korn - 1987 - still the all time winner. If you can solve this WITHOUT using a compiler you're probably a pretty good bit splitting with C. Don't cheat now...One hint - compile it yourself token by token and it won't be so obfuscated. main() { printf(&unix["\021%six\012\0"],(unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}
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