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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. edited to say I kinda added to this post in a new thread since it was about a recipe and not about gardening. Mish mash or something like that.
  2. Typical of you Rascal - always insulting something you know nothing of. I can't believe how insulting you get all the time. I can't believe anyone actually lets you speak in front of them. Frankly your vitriol and venom astounds me - although I confess I also find your bitterness somewhat entertaining at times. Ignorance? My daughter has studied TaeKwonDo for 17 years under a Korean Master and currently participates on the UCSD competitive team. In San Diego martial arts of all kinds are a big deal since there are so many Asian immigrants with varying disciplines. At the San Diego All County competition which is between students followed by a single day of just the masters, the Karate "followers" are held in the lowest esteem...for the very reasons I posted. So my facts which I have seen for years now are what you claim to be ignorance. You know nothing about my actual life in San Diego - yet you are the one who presumes to be able to accurately judge ignorance from experience and then pronounce your findings... No Rascal - you are the ignorant one to always use harsh language when you don't have all of the facts - you are ignorant to presume that only your experiences count. Why don't you come on out and take part in the San Diego All County competition and see for yourself whether my post was accurate or not? I'll anxiously await your hitting the "minus" button on this post since you clearly have a personal vendetta against anything Groucho or I post. Now unless you post more of your bitter bile against me I'll leave this thread to you and your greater knowledge of the universe. Yo!!! Caleb - come on back - I'd like to have a chat with you - casual however as I am no longer religious - just curious about SOWERS though.
  3. You pray!! OMG - you're doomed!!! At this very moment your best friend is probably doing your next door neighbor - oh wait - sorry - wrong cult and you don't own a motorcoach to my knowledge.
  4. RumRunner

    Happy Birthday Geo

    Curmudgeons can have happy birthdays? Who would thunk it? Happy birthday.
  5. Huh?!?! Go visit politics and tacks, sports and others. Regular long time posters dish it out and get it dished back. Someone "new" shows up with a fairly confrontational first post and you don't think there will be some dishes served back? This is GSC after all. Granted he apologized but you know if you visit my house - stand at my door - pseudo-threaten me (note pseudo) then do not expect to be welcomed to the dinner table just because you toss out an apology.
  6. That is a true groaner...if there was a prize here you would win it.
  7. http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_07_06/en/index.html Uhh nowhere near a million cases in the U.S. as reported to the WHO. Try 94,512 cases reported <--- world wide with just under 34,000 in the U.S. Given that the U.S. is pretty accurate at reporting while some other countries are less so one can presume that the total world wide is higher but nothing like a million in the U.S. CDC reported numbers (including D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico) are slightly higher at 37,246 with 211 confirmed deaths http://cdc.gov/h1n1flu/update.htm Let's not also forget that the two countries with the highest populace are notorious for bad reporting of disease.
  8. Karate = too many bad movies, too many self-indulgent braggart students TaeKwonDo = for serious students.
  9. Wow - you are one bitter one eh? Jokes? Humor? All escape you unless you are the center of... oh never mind... I confess you are so much fun. I would never want to constrain you - so much fun just reading your posts - makes my early morning hours more interesting than the news - you still afraid of anthrax? Geezuz go to USAAMRID and get some facts. BTW my daughter wears a class 5 containment suit and has less paranoia than you by a long shot. Go fly to Nicaragua for a nice tropical visit. In fact you most certainly do not need my approval to post your thoughts I just find them entertaining
  10. Yes Rascal - sounds like us 30 years ago - not 20 - and do you want him walking down the same paths we did or do you want to grab him by the shirt collar and yell "NO MAN don't do it!" Or since horror is one of your favorite terms here at GSC do you want him and his loved ones to experience the same? Come on Rascal - don't give this guy room to drown - help bail him out.
  11. No Rascal - not reading any nastiness in your post although your allegation about me is about the same as reading nastiness into my post - I just happen to disagree with you rather radically - but hey that isn't anything new twixt you and me is it? Want a recipe for a great martini? Might lighten up some posts.
  12. Heck no - I'm not quite so sure - I'm not quite the cinephile you guys are...so I was waiting for some validation... Let's try this one... Look at it go Homer - this one's gonna go for miles.
  13. Ain't no such thing as red beans and rice unless the recipe is from Louisiana.
  14. Caleb - couple of thoughts for you - meant in all earnestness. A lot, if not most, of the people that are regulars here are old enough to know your mom and maybe your grandma. Anywhere from 5-25 years in TWI and for some a few more years in some offshoots where, in some or perhaps many cases, the damage continued. Everyone with a brain will respect your right to "religious" choice - heck it's your constitutional first amendment right. Bear in mind however that SOWERS has some "roots", if you will, in an organization which was so damaged, and in many ways malicious, that that is how GSC came to be - a gathering place (read mission statement) "to tell the other side of the story." Some here will be genuinely curious - some have been damaged enough that they are never going to listen to you. Go with the flow like any other networking site. Talk to the people not to the organization. No one goes to facebook and talks much about facebook - people go to facebook to yak at each other - consider GSC a microcosm of that - a group of people who have some rather odd past experiences in common (to lesser or greater degrees) who often enjoy yakking about anything from sports, cooking, to TWI. One other thought - at the age of 22 you might want to just keep some options open. Hope it all works out for you. RR
  15. He was a horse's what? Interesting that in academic publishing the wordier pubs are easily ignored as blustering which often cannot be repeated in a laboratory.
  16. Rascal YOU need to lighten up...a lot...not a bit. Jeff is still relatively new and you of all people come down on him - not an unusual pattern though...however you of all people should know that it takes time for a lot of people...not all...some of us just walked out and were done in 10 minutes instead of spending 2 more decades publicly portraying victimhood ( oh and don't play your usual word twist game here - I didn't name any names about the 2 decades of whining - but you know darn well it's true for some)...oh yeah - GEEZ I MISSED IT - YOU DID POST IT TAKES TIME - so you lighten up on Jeff..everything you lay on Jeff you should listen to yourself. Heya Jeff - she does have a point about Caleb apologizing - let's see what the young pup has to say about sewers. And don't worry Jeff - with a temper like his he won't pass the psych exam to be in law enforcement - except maybe in Mississippi or NK.
  17. Not entirely true about the Jewish good old boy club. There was provision in the law (albeit carrying very onerous conditions) for bringing an "unbeliever" into the fold of Israel...although I don't think it did anything for the "unbeliever" but maybe did something for like his 4th generation offspring if they stayed loyal...
  18. Thanks for the catch - I edited my post with some more snot I pulled out of my nose. Gift ministries my azz.
  19. RumRunner

    Post Upgrade Issues

    I have no probs using the PM menu just like the last version (well close enough anyway). Go to your name (upper right) pull down menu to "messenger" - go from there like always. For the geeks: Windoze XP, Home Ed. Ver 2002, SP3 Firefox 3.0.11
  20. An lo when Eve saw the Victoria's Secret catalog she saw that she was naked and sought to cover her nakedness with lingerie. Victoria's Secret made for her an apron of French Maid design replete with wrist restraints for later garden frolicking. Then the serpent (also known as the Cyclops) saw how fair she was and made designs for her downfall. The Cyclops / serpent approached her and told her that she was fair and suitable only for more lingerie and his special device called a heavenly motor coach. Meanwhile Adam was checking out his lady saying to himself - "hey man this naked thing is way cool - she's a real babe!!" Then Adam saw Eve walking off into the coach with the Cyclops and realized she had left God for the Cyclops and her nakedness and ... The original sin was committed...soliciting a minor (she was only a few days old technically) with Drambuie instead of good scotch
  21. You are the bully minded follower of a con man who starts a bs christian ministry. You know nothing more than screaming and intimidation. He (the con) engages in illicit sexual activity, massive chemical abuse, rape, and more. His resume reads like a cheap spy thriller. But you are his follower. He gets ocular cancer and becomes a cyclops. He deeds his ministry to you and has a big public event. You accept this role as leader of a ministry as a GIFT - and proceed to destroy as many people as you can. This is the definition of a Gift Ministry
  22. Roger that - I'll go with the Captain. When you rotate back holler and I'll buy you a drink - your choice.
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