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Everything posted by Twinky

  1. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Less than 12 hours to go! - There is a group photo for all the people running on behalf of The Genesis Trust (nine of us, if no-one withdraws - and if everyone turns up for the photo), then into the holding areas for 10.30 ready for 11 am start. ...Still no disaster has struck me such that I can honorably withdraw...guess I need to go through with it. The weather forecast is good. Sunny, cool, dry. No rain. I have some encouraging visual imagery to help me round the course. But specially, I keep visualizing myself going through that finish line and the satisfaction of having completed my race. Yay!!!!! Whatever time I achieve, it'll be my PB (personal best) - being as I've never attempted anything this ambitious before.
  2. Thought it might be useful to bump up this old thread, for the benefit of people who have found the Cafe in the past few years.
  3. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Thank you very very much Bowtwi! Pleased you got the link to work. It's tomorrow!! Aargh! (Head in hands) Not so sure I am looking forward to the run - but I am MIGHTILY looking forward to getting across the finish line and thinking, "Yes, I did it!" (grins with delight, victory salute) Weather forecast looks good. Should be dry, sunny...probably quite warm.
  4. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Thanks Chas. Someone at the Cafe kindly let me know the link doesn't work, not sure why because it has worked for donors in the UK and in another country. Maybe something to do with how this board is set up. If anyone is willing to sponsor me, perhaps they could type into their browser this address - but omit the spaces, of course: http://www/ justgiving.com/Twinky and a little picture of my braver cat Tuxedo will be there to greet you. The link in post #1 works but the later one doesn't seem to. Try below: http://www.justgiving.com/Twinky Had just a little run today, as I have been strictly told to rest and not overdo running, so only a shortish 3 miler today, and I walked up the hill and the last bit home, so really it was only about a 2 mile run. I am not to run after this, just continue to do stretches. But it was too pretty and bright an afternoon to stay in. Lovely just looking at the trees and the swelling leaf buds; at the catkins on some of the bushes; at the snowdrops in full bloom; at the daffodils just swording up out of the ground. Birdsong was deafening. The wind was quite strong and cold but the sun was bright. Must remember to take some sunglasses on Sunday!
  5. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Aaaaarghhhh.... it's this weekend! This Sunday!!! Am I ready? Not really, but as ready as I'm going to be. I may not complete with much style, but I will complete it! Whatever time I achieve will be a personal best. Things can only improve ... .... does that mean I'm thinking of doing another one? Lord, preserve me from such madness.
  6. I never had the "privilege" of hearing her teach. Guess I never will, since they don't dare put their teachings out on the net so that anyone can listen (how's that for "moving the word," huh?). Say what you like about CFFM, at least their teachings are available to anybody, free of charge. It's all their on their website. Gosh, how embarrassing would it have been if some of the SNS from LCM had been in the public domain - available to all on the TWI website (shudder). Sounds like RFR's are the other end of the pendulum from histrionics to utter boredom.
  7. Workman, if Charlene posts an essay here, isn't it more courteous to discuss it here, rather than in some other location? Better yet, privately with her?
  8. "Diffused light" means not in full sun on a window sill, nor in semi darkness at the back of the room. Sometimes you have to experiment with a plant to find its preferred location. I have a houseplant which I thought to treat to a sunnier location and it kinda threw up its leaves in horror and refused to grow. Back in a more obliquely lit location, it's doing nicely again. Confused light would be where you put it near a "disco ball." (LOL)
  9. I never heard any words to the "Chicken Song" before, but those kids are funny. It's a tune that really gets me moving ---- out of the room, and as far away as possible.
  10. Oh my lord! That was inflicted on little kids??! Was it as much fun as the "Birdie Song" ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeswZaReE0I (Now you can't get that out of your head, either, can you, LOL)
  11. You will chart your own course, brainfixed. When I first left (got kicked out), life was terribly difficult. I didn't trust any kind of non-Way person (especially Christians); and there were no Way people at all, anywhere near. So there was no-one to talk to. I finally (after some years) managed to hook up with some ex-Wayfers (which was terrifying but the only place I found anything like safe). It was reading a particular book, and a very long chat with one of these ex-Wayfers, that really "healed" me. I cannot remember anything discussed. It was just as if a load of guilt, shame, abject misery ... just dissolved. But now, I don't like to be around those people. Not that I don't like them, or don't believe they sincerely, honestly, genuinely, want to help. It's just that I've moved on a long way and what they believe and teach sounds like the same-old, same-old. It's not, but I value input from elsewhere now. And I recognise how much my own understanding and relationship with God has changed. Grown. The book (and it's highly recommended here at the Cafe) is "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" by David Johnson & Jeff Van Vonderen. Subtitle: "Recognizing and escaping spiritual manipulation and false spiritual authority within the church." It's very readable. Eye-opening. You might find the book helpful. As you were raised all your life by Wayfers, it may help you differently from how it helps someone who came to - any abusive church or relationship - later, when they already had some idea of life. You can get the book from Amazon, if you can't find it in a bookshop near you. Meantime, spending time here might help you see how many of us here have moved on and gone in different directions. If being here helps you explore some of your head-stuff, stick around. If it hurts you, stay away for a while. If anyone abuses you, report them to the Moderators.
  12. And here was me, thinking what an interesting thread this is. Instead, I end up getting pie-eyed. Robererasmus, enjoying your posts and your take on Biblical research. I thought your reading-back to original languages and then re-translating thing was a bit weird to start with. Then I remembered a friend of mine, from Nigeria, who referred to the sides of his chest - the ribs under the armpits - as his "wings". That's his native language word, where native English speakers would probably just say "side" or "chest". Can put a different nuance on things. And I wondered about the "wings" of angels and other critters in the Bible and wondered if that meant "wings" as typically depicted for angels and cherubs, or whether it meant something different. Looking in Strongs, I see the word (kanaph) has the meaning of something projecting, or an extremity, usually but not always meaning a wing. Always fun, translating from one language to another - especially if yet another intervenes. bit like Chinese whispers, really.
  13. Twinky

    Cat whispering

    At 4am I'd be adopting a "no tolerance" stance, too! Know what you mean about the paper. Got home one day to find my two had knocked the kitchen roll off where it stands on the microwave. They had had such fun and there was shredded paper everywhere and a look of great delight on Tuxedo's face. Now they get to play with two toys - I stick the edge of a feather or their other playthings under the couple of sheets of kitchen roll that were more or less intact, and this is just the most fabulous toy these cats can imagine. The paper can be made to move and the edge of the feather or other item can be made to "disappear" into the scrunched-up paper. We still need to see some photos of Rocket at (?)work!!
  14. This whole thing makes a nonsense of God being able to speak with anyone. Hmm, have we forgotten "the witness in the stars"? There for anyone to read? What about the witness of all of creation? We are "sealed with the holy spirit of promise" which is to be "a comforter" and which will "teach" us. But that doesn't limit it to the only way God can teach us...or anyone else. I believe he's always been able to teach those who seek the things after his own heart - no matter what color or creed they follow. The Bible itself talks of those who are gentiles following the things of God. Well, how do they know how to do this unless somehow or other God had been able to teach them? And yet they do rightly "by nature". Do "gentiles" have a different "nature" from "Jews"? I think not; all are human beings. Yet God seems able to teach them even though they are "outside the pale" or outside the place he could give them his "holy spirit". Like ErkJohn I never understood this but as Corps, you daren't ask the question - that's if you still remembered it after you'd been knocked back a few times. Romans 2:13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law,<a name="22"> they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
  15. Is that another of LCM's wilder interpretations? What's clear in the verses is that it's "for food" (says so twice). The verses beforehand talk about going forth and multiplying. Then there is a clear change of context prefaced by "And God said, Behold...." in the verses you quote. God's smart enough to figure out that his newly-formed creatures on the earth need something to eat, so he tells them what. That's if you believe that Gen 1 is an accurate historical record and not a synthesis of ideas, poems, oral histories and myths encapsulating a bigger truth.
  16. Today I noticed some sad looking little shoots - I think they're my daffodils. They don't look very enthusiastic about life, and there aren't many of them either. Maybe they're just a bit slow. Too cold and too wet to spend much time outside. Brrrrr!
  17. Sad but true, Rummie. Like so many things. You agree to one thing and they strung it out evermore. Intrigued by the pic mstar posted. D'ya reckon Jesus would have smoked? I reckon he would have gone around in jeans and a T shirt - and perhaps on a motorbike, if he were around today. Maybe he wouldn't smoke nowadays, since there's a big backlash against smoking. But do you think he would have done if he had been a young man - 30 years ago? 50 years ago? When it was quite fashionable? Can you imagine JC and his closest disciples sitting around on the shore of the sea of Galilee, having been fishing, having a cook-up, and kicking back with a ciggie? D'ya reckon there would be anything (ahem) interesting in the ciggie?
  18. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Many drops make a bucketful, Jeff. Yes, I'd agree that many already help out in their own generous ways - practically, monetarily, other ways. As for me, I went a long run as a final long practice yesterday. I ran about 9 miles. The Half a level route all on roads, so that's how I've been running. Surprising, however, how one overlooks the little undulations in a route when driving... I run easily on the flat and downhill but anything more than a slight rise has me doing a brisk walk not so much of a run. It was nice (?) being out running because I had time to look over the stone walls and observe bits of countryside that I had no idea about before. Today my back is sore from the running, despite my new well-sprung running shoes. I will run a couple of miles on Weds and maybe something similar on Tues. After that, my training consists of a meal of fish and chips on the night before the Run. Carbo-loading. An early night would probably be a good idea, too....! http://www.justgiving.com/Twinky
  19. Dunno about pot, but smoking just ordinary cigarettes could get you kicked out (this is post-Fog). No smoking allowed at all in res, whether on grounds or on leave - one girl who had graduated a few weeks earlier and never smoked in her in rez time was seen enjoying her first cig (being no longer in rez) - and for that reason was immediately DFAC'd and a big hoo-ha made of it. "What?" ranted LCM - "You spent all that time in rez and you never learned the self-control not to smoke?" Classic case of moving the goalposts - again.
  20. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Okay, Jeff, start a Cafe trend!! Join my (so far) one current donor, from the far side of the world. And yes, it's a very credible organisation, supported by a large number of churches throughout the city and well-respected by all - churchy or not.
  21. Twinky

    Running for cover

    Hi Cafe denizens. Well, as if I hadn't done enough running in the Corps, here I find I have entered a half marathon. Why?? Dunno, seemed like a good idea at the time. Have been beating the feet and frightening the pavements (sidewalks) in the area for a while now. It was especially fun training when there was a lot of snow on the ground. I will be raising funds for Genesis Trust, which is a Christian charity that offers practical help and assistance to poor, homeless, and disadvantaged people. There is a soup run, a cheap cafe, computer training courses, CV help, training in furniture renovation and such like; and specialist help with addiction problems. Nobody is creaming money off, and the premises is not benefitting from an elaborate paint job (or any paint job, really). The place runs on a shoestring (running shoe string, LOL?). http://www.genesistrust.org.uk/ - and there is another link on the justgiving link below. Genesis don't spend a lot of time updating the web pages because they're busy "getting their hands dirty" helping people. Anyway, the Half is 13.1 miles and takes place on 7 March. (Oops, naughty girl that I am, I won't be in church that morning!). If any of you feel able to support me in my efforts to raise some funds for the vulnerable and impoverished people of Bath, you can donate by clicking on the link below and there is a safe and secure method of donating in whatever currency you use in your bank account. I'd really appreciate your encouragement and help - spiritual (prayers) and financial. Many thanks. http://www.justgiving.com/Twinky Donations can be made anonymously but it would be nice to know your Cafe name.
  22. Got his doctorate in pulling the wool over people's eyes. You know... Dr Wearwool.
  23. Never heard that joyful snippet. Yeah, anyway, it's really walking in the steps of Jesus Christ, ennit? He always beat on people who had problems and told them it was all their fault. He never offered to help anyone in need. He never stretched out a hand to help when he could have done. No, he condemned at every opportunity. He even threw the first stone at the woman caught in adultery. And he really got in the faces of Lazarus, Mary and Martha for their lack of believing such that L died. I wish you could read it in the original. bleeeaghhh I think NOT.
  24. Maybe if we offered him immunity from too many bunfights at the Cafe, he'd tell all here?? (Yeah, right.)
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