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Everything posted by waysider

  1. Careful, Mister P Next thing you know some Mansfield apologist will come crawling out of the woodwork to herald the wonderful time he had on a week long fishing trip with Mr. Mansfield and proclaim how Mr. M. taught him methods of baiting the hook that had previously been unknown to mankind. Holy cats!!! You may be correct about that similarity of the two men!
  2. I don't have any sage advice but I still remember how to pray.
  3. For the sake of clarification, I am not trying to proclaim a stance on the subject of abortion being right or being wrong. My opinion is a moot point. What I am trying to do is establish that Wierwille DID take a stance on how he regarded the subject. We all know, I believe, that a stance taken by Wirwille on any subject carried a tremendous amount of weight. (ie: "This is the stance that "DR" has taken so that's how I will stand also because he is obviously MUCH more in touch with what is spiritually correct,") (I looked for a "smiley" hurling chunks but couldn't find one.)
  4. I also have a vague recollection of VPW teaching on Luke1.35( the section of scripture that refers to Jesus as a "thing") and rationalizing the usage of the word "thing" by saying he, Jesus, was technically a *thing* because he had not yet taken his first breath. I wish I could remember where VP taught this but it's been too long ago. Part of the emphasis of that particular teaching was that The Word never contradicts itself. It seems that there were people who had said this passage was an example of contradiction because it used the term*thing* rather than refer to Jesus as a child. As always, there were subliminal implications to much of what Wierwille taught. "Hey!, That's not what I taught. That's what you heard me say and give your own meaning to." (Sounds like a cop-out/loophole to me.)
  5. Gosh! I haven't heard that name since I was in Delaware, Ohio in the mid 1970s. Gene's family owned a tavern there. I wonder if he still has family in Delaware.
  6. Maybe I'm just dreaming this, but didn't VPW say somewhere in piffle that life begins when you take your first breath and ends when you take your last? Hence the term, *breath-life*. I'm not stating this as a form of agreement or disagreement with that line of thought. I am stating this to establish that VPW did, indeed, "teach" that a fetus was not alive until it took its first breath. (Though I don't recall him using the word "fetus".)
  7. Dadgum it! Now I need to figure out who this guy named "Forever" is!
  8. Who is this guy named "Basket"? And, why did you not put a comma in the appropriate place to denote that you were addressing him?
  9. " Too few good things I learned taking PFAL" OOPS! My bad I changed a word Hey! whatta ya know! I learned about that in PFAL!
  10. Well, AnotherSpot---------- It would appear that you had not yet heard Ted F.'s excellent song: There Are Many Roads That Lead To Chicago ;)
  11. waysider

    After TWI?

    A.as I. This stuff sounds so amazingly like the information that was passed down to us in the mid-1970s and pawned off as revelation from Gawd ( Which, it turns out, was gleaned from White Supremacy propaganda by VeePeePee) that one simply has to wonder---------Have you discovered the secret of *Time Travel*?
  12. waysider

    I'm coming out

    And all this time I thought an ATHEIST was a hot Italian sports car. Campaign slogan: "Goes like a bat outta he!!" I really need to get out more often. Sigh!
  13. You couldn't write a funnier movie scene than that if you tried!!
  14. A La P--- Gotta LOVE that Joni stuff.The Janiva clip is about a year old.Her hubby, Jeff Turmes, plays bass and 2nd guitar behind Rick Holmstrom.Here's more.
  15. I had to know so I *Giggled* it, thereby disqualifying myself. Geeze!! I just heard this on the radio a week or two ago. Can't believe I missed it. Good tune!
  16. You must have seen the same newscast I did about the woman who was shot last night.
  17. Hmmmm. Sunset pigs.-------Could be talkin' about cops in L.A. Nope----Still drawing a blank.
  18. Among the volumes and volumes of books and devotional writings of E. Stanley Jones, are such familiar sounding titles as: Christ And Human Suffering (1933) Victorious Living (1936) Abundant Living (1942) How To Pray (1943) -------------------------------------The Way (1946)------------------ And, oh, yeah. Did I mention he is well known for some of his famous quotes? One of those happens to be---- Fear is sand in the machinery of life
  19. People who were never involved with the organization (and even some who were) will sometimes have a hard time understanding why we stayed so long. Here it is in a nut-shell(IMO)-----mind control.(*Never even consider*---Where have I heard that before?) The media has painted a picture of mind control and brainwashing that depicts zombie like reactions in its victims. Some will say, "well, we were never like that!" Maybe the reason for that is because the Hollywood version is inaccurate. The real version is more subtle and more deeply rooted. Even today, 10, 20, 30 years after the fact, people still react in a programmed manner if the right stimuli are applied. It reminds me of The Little Train Who Could "I know I can, I know I can." Just say it until you have convinced yourself. Try to suggest that in "the good old days" all that glittered might not have been gold and VOILA, someone is sure to react by saying, "I know it was, I know it was." In my mind the thing that is so puzzling is not why we did not leave sooner but rather why people who have been removed for decades still can't come to grips with the reality that they were duped. The only answer that makes sense to me is that pieces of the programmed information(ie: mind control) continue to float about the vast reaches of our minds like so much space junk. Every so often, pieces of it come crashing into our world when the conditions are conducive. Who bewitched us? We bewitched ourselves. (With a great deal of assistance from TWI)
  20. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Wm. Clarke----Stretch My Money
  21. Now that you mention it, it does seem to share a cadence with "Lady Chatterley's Lover." by D.H. Lawrence (Though I would never classify that particular book as a cheap, romance novel.)
  22. I think his Freudian slip was showing.
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