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Everything posted by cman

  1. a Christmas Thank You (it'll play without changing security settings if you get that popup from windows) http://www.123greetings.com/events/seasons...ours/home1.html
  2. that is cool can we add more cards to your thread OnionEater?
  3. cman


    I've found about myself that I'm a focuser. When I have something to do I really focus in on it. This is a flaw and a good thing. Kind of tricky. Twi didn't help, I focused on it for twenty years. It's focus was on itself. Then I focused, zeroed in on blowing up what they had taught me. Which took about 3 years. Though I still must maintain a course to keep their junk out of my head. Then after that three years I found I didn't have much to focus on that intensly. So I got idle and drank too much which turned into a problem. And I'm not blaming twi. But my own character makeup. So instead of focusing so much, I must take in the bigger picture also. Which is changing me. So I am focusing on me to get better by doing those steps. But I also will not miss out on the bigger picture this time.
  4. cman


    Thanks for the comment RumRunner, and glad you are doing better also. One day at a time works in many situations if we are applying some sort of solution. Compassion is nice to have but will not hinder if it's not there. And it is from most who posted. Having the compassion and drive in yourself, and bringing it to the surface in the form of action is power. Wether to help yourself or another.
  5. it's kind of fun to look at the past and dream of the future and really all we have right at this moment is right now-this moment everyone has the past to look at and the future it's the present that is baffling... hohoho ohohoh how many ways can the present be opened?
  6. And I think in a real way it's a selfish thing to do. In a great way. Cause if you don't have the help then how can you help another. So in a good selfishness to improve yourselves. To concentrate on fixing yourself. However you want to put it. And have fun too...yeah... Thanks Paw GSC has helped me tremendously.
  7. You haven't destroyed any thing Mark. Neither have these few people who seem to be playing God. There is a God and I ain't it. He is the one who I will give myself to. Not science or even religion. Though these things play a role in my life. I think I'll just let God show me the way and quit trying to do it myself.
  8. cman


    oenophile I have no problem with what you do at all. Just for me I won't drink anymore and still haven't. I do not like alcohol being promoted to be drank in excess. Don't really matter to me who they are, they have their own things to deal with. None of my business. pond So are you saying that alcohol is a problem or not? And your comment- Is not true of those working what AA has to offer. And Physicians and Doctors and even Patients know that after a while the prescription will not work and even sometimes starts to work in reverse. So those must also be constantly maintained. I don't want prescriptions unless I have to have them. So the plan is for me one day at a time. And various other things. Because I've missed out on the bigger picture at times. Don't want to anymore. ---- Figured out that this nervousness I experience at times is really fear. So working on love more and staying thankful. I have not seen any self-righteous attitudes at all in AA. I think a lot of them don't realize what great people they are. We are our own worst enemy sometimes. Love your enemies too. One Day At A Time
  9. I liked the pictures. And still stay with what I said. The illustrations are not offensive to me either satire or whatever. I only watched it once and really didn't care what he was saying. Got my own things to do. And that was my post for one.
  10. I tend to agree with your first paragraph Garth. That claiming God wrote the Words because the words say that he did is not suffecient for any valid real documentation and reliability of said words. Knowing what the words say is a good thing wether one is an atheist or theist or anything else. Mainly because there is a lot in it and a lot of controversy and problems people have with what is claimed to be spoken by a 'God' for whom the ones argueing about it have not found evidence to go either way-theist or atheist, and seem to land somewhere in between. Hoping that there is, waiting for proof, saying that there must be a God cause man could certainly not bring about what he sees with his eyes. Or saying that since this 'God' has not shown himself then there is not one. Nice pictures there Greasy though and still this little show is yet another show that the eyes can see. It's what the eyes cannot see that have so many in such bewilderment of the question of the existance of a 'God'. So rather then staying in bewilderment they usually will say no to kill the idea and problem, or yes and without solid proof say there is a 'God'. And what about the ones that say they have seen the proof? Have experienced this unseen 'God' in their lives. Have their words actually been considered without fear and honestly looked into? It must be something that is different then the theist and atheist and the inbetweeners that I described above. In fact so different that that is exactly why it's not looked in to.
  11. Certainly more then 9 planets. And not saying there isn't darkness. Doesn't that book (bible) say that light shined out of darkness? For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us I believe that it's not a model so much as an actual autobiography of the heart. It being Genesis and much more. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead
  12. Perhaps those are round coins like balls there Jerry. You know as you turn em you can see the darkness and the light. Like 9 planets and the Sun right in the middle. All of this in the mind of a person which is somewhat round. The universe is but a reflection of ourselves. What we see is seen in the mind and experienced in all of are parts. Body soul mind and spirit. So we can't be to hard on our selves but continue to improve. hmmm the Sun a ball of fire. The Flaming Sword that keeps the way of the Tree of Life. Can we see this perspective?
  13. Ha! good point Jerry and right on the 'money' too. so fear and deceit missing yeah, what a time we had with those in the ole twi huh had it all friggin bass ackwards positive and negative believing bullcrap fear is fear love is love love beats fear everytime tipping the scales and deceit had my fill of that, how bout you guys honesty, honest in all our affairs and speech and i know love is not understood by some and not seen, but it's there and i can still ####ing cuss like a sailor too lol....:)
  14. thanks sirguessalot i was hoping you would chime in it seems to me that it's not a box to live in but an ever widening circle to expand the abilities that god works in us and to recognize not so much the map but the directions and not so much the directions but an unlimited map that begins to clear if we turn certain ways and look and then most anyway we turn begins to be seen as light coming out of darkness
  15. were we ever taught these things? Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Trust (Trust, opposes lying.)— Trust. Chastity (purity, opposes lust, ) — Courage and boldness. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought through education and betterment. Abstinence (self-control, opposes gluttony, ) — Constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation. Liberality (will, generosity, opposes greed, ) — Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions. Diligence (ethics, opposes sloth, ) — A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness. Patience (peace, opposes wrath, ) — Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive; to show mercy to sinners. Kindness (satisfaction, opposes envy, ) — Charity, compassion, friendship, and sympathy without prejudice and for its own sake. Humility (modesty, opposes pride, ) — Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.
  16. cman


    on the subject of drugs sometimes doctors and prescriptions are needed for people this is not discouraged at all, but needed for some people some of the people are under a doctors care for various things, physically and psychologically
  17. cman


    and frickafrack, i have been with greasespotcafe for more then 6 years changed names i think 5 times cause i change too and i get tired of the same name sometimes but that's me
  18. cman


    outofdafog and even frickafrack listen closely and silently please i crave release from the symptoms and that relief had come from alcohol i got addicted to it-mind and body the craving turned to craving for alcohol a change happened-a bad change term it what you like it is more then just a passing problem that can be remedied in a day i am working on reversing this process there is no quick answer to this major problem i do not like saying i am an alcoholic but i have to be honest so yes i became one and am one perhaps one day i will be able to say i'm not i pray that day comes when it is said in the meeting and to myself it is to remind me of where i am and what i'm doing focusing on alcoholism is what aa does it is it's primary and only purpose the problems that cause alcoholism are not fully known so the solution is not fully known either aa has come the closest to helping people stop drinking for life and stop the drowning person, the dieing life that is before them i do not want to have another drink again as long as i live in this life that's me i will get relief from the symptoms without alcohol or drugs aa is helping me find the answers a power greater then myself-a power greater then aa that's what i'm going to get-and am getting even now whatever anyone else wants to do is their business-not mine i know what i need to do and will do it and i am learning more everyday even if i wasn't an alcoholic these answers would still be helping me the answers are from a power greater then myself people are helping to point me to this power
  19. cman


    btw-JonnyLingo That was another thing that would cause me to drink sometimes. Someone not responding to my post. Thanks for what you posted. Also I know I missed thanking many personally for their input. Shellon, You are always listened to by me. edit The ones I see anyway...lol...sorry-sounded like a stalker or something-i'm not.
  20. cman


    Thanks for the tip on the book Belle! Thanks cool, these obstacles will always be in our way wether with alcohol or something else. I learned that if we are grateful then the good can be found out of things And if we are resentful then it will all be pretty much bad. I was resentful that i had to work second shift, and the type of work that i was doing. That made it a bad job for me. And that is how i felt about it and it stirred other bad things as well. Bitterness and such. Now I'm grateful for the job that i was able to keep with help from others. I'm grateful to have a job! Then I see that there are many good things about it. So, better attitude and a change in my life. A spiritual change. And I know some don't think it's spiritual but it's the SAME JOB. So what changed? Me. Godly attitudes make for Godly changes. Thoughts are spiritual. Can't be grateful or thankful and resentful at the same time. So there is a choice in circumstances.
  21. cman


    o and no name tags either :) sure tests my memory...lol these are good people making their lives and others better no one is judged at all in any shape form or fashion-period.
  22. cman


    remember that's part of why it's anonymous it's first name basis no one knows where you live or work
  23. cman


    in aa you will have a sponser in which to confide and in full confidence that whatever is discussed between the two of you will not be disclosed to any one else this is part of the process to tell of these flaws to another face to face if you hold back then it will not work and of course these things take time there is no pressure to rush it if it's rushed it will not work either my previous post is the truth i gave it as an example
  24. cman


    for instance- since twi, i'm very nervous about going to meetings and i was self employed and always got nervous before the job and now i'm employed by a company and still get nervous about showing up for work i don't know why just a feeling of nervousness before even going shopping or out to eat i had become a recluse of a sort so i've at least recognized this and it did drive me to drink to calm my nerves just recognizing it alone just about kills it but i trust God will work in me too perhaps some can relate to this
  25. cman


    hi DrtyDzn Please explain this. Perhaps there is that in aa. I've only been going for a short time now. Thanks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_drunk i found this it's these thought processes that are dealt with in aa like i said i've only been going for a short time but i've learned that this is what is being nailed discovered and removed by a power greater then yourself because you haven't done it on your own
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