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Everything posted by cman

  1. lol, yeah none of the bible was written to me Scripture is God breathed but not written to me, although I hear it so clearly sometimes.....when the spirit of god shows me things....
  2. hm psalms 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. You won't get that from your books.
  3. mike: I fight it off the best I can, but find myself fighting it off over and over. what is "it"
  4. Not "what am I [Twinky] fighting?" but "what is Mike fighting?" as it's a quote from something he wrote. Yes I know So what are you in a fight for Mike?
  5. this was part of the trappings and compelling push to believe everything you were taught without questioning any of it
  6. "if that man or woman is speaking god's word then you have to be strong in what they say" paraphrased but pretty close to what was in pfal
  7. We were taught that we should be strong in what someone is saying that the "rightly divided" bible says. If they are teaching "God's Word" then we are to be strong in what they say. I don't believe this is true at all about being strong in the Lord. More like nearly the opposite, be strong in the spirit of your mind, the scriptures say. I think this is the key, you, your spirit, God is big enough to work with you. Sure, we can listen and hear what others say, but it should always be you, your spirit with the say on anything for you. And then you don't go trying to force feed it to someone else. Let them work with their own spirit. Does this make sense to anybody? I may not have said it well.
  8. name one of the many others, I'll be glad to start a topic on it
  9. My wife and I each got a card in the mail. That must be joking, I mean seriously? We have come so far ahead of that twi teaching they would not grasp any kind of reality that is truth. Not that any of them might want to actually learn anything from god. They are stuck in a narrow analytical world of a few books.
  10. I have the spirit of many loves ones in my heart. I call on them a lot sometimes.
  11. In all that learning did you ever get born again? Doubt it. I'm not seeing any evidence of that happening in your life Mike. When and if it does happen you will know it
  12. A big failure in comprehension of the actual forgiveness given by God and paid for by Jesus Christ. To even get to this point takes intervention by the holy spirit. To really experience it this will change a person, from the heart. And affect every action afterwards.
  13. Is this how you live Mike? Why are you so hungry for followers that the closest you get to any following is posting non-sense like you do?
  14. Honestly, I think Mike needs to smoke some weed. See a doctor or something.
  15. I see a big problem with the receive retain release deal. There should not be a retain factor, everything one receives is usually released anyway. Problem is the retain thingy. We receive and release all the time, no matter what it is. We should not retain most of it. Let our spirit sort it out.
  16. eeyyyy....whatever I was part of a lot of pfal classes too....blah blah blah It didn't take.....good thing it didn't
  17. well.....hmm the adversary is in me so is Christ....in me There isn't any double doors in my head....I think anyways You know I just wonder who was talking to who in Genesis...I mean really..... And Job for that matter Where is all this taking place? And doesn't it sound familiar to anyone who can think for themselves
  18. That's a carrot on a stick crap promoted by the unlearned. It's just not a thing. The perfectly renewed mind? Not on scripture or the lives of the saints.
  19. and the dead in Christ shall rise first For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead
  20. But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body
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