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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Unless you're a former German Cardinal aus Munchen of the Catholic Church currently enlisted in Rome as Pope Benedict XVI otherwise known as... The Vicar of Christ! <_<
  2. I will! But what do I say when they ask me what I do in my spare time?
  3. Potato, just a thought & with all due respect...The Internet and GS may not be the most intelligent place to rediscover ones lost mental & emotional health regarding past sexual abuse. Blaming individuals here at Grease Spot for not being more sympathetic or understanding regarding emotional female abuse 20+ years ago, is at best something of an illusion, and a risk you may (should) not want to take (no matter HOW cleverly you phrase it). Expecting each member of a former cult community to line up and say everything you want to hear, is possibly a bit naive / immature and most likely never going to happen given the circumstances everyone has experienced. Important emotional stress related issues have been previously stated to be best attended privately, under professional care. I think that approach would also alleviate most of the false expectations, personal accusations and aggravations that continue to go on around here unresolved. Leaving us more time for happy, convivial interaction, and less time to have to keep apologizing for yet another faux pas which slipped out from under another person's fingers! :) Now who's on first...I mean, ready for the next round! Tom, come over here. I've got something special I want to show you & she's made in Japan!
  4. Bumpy


    Tom only knew the answer because he watches Way too much TV Pictionary! And besides all his bedroom walls are probably plastered with Babes, he trades with Rhino! :biglaugh:
  5. Bumpy

    Violin Playing Robot

    If you think the Japs have perfected just the violin player, take a look at the "dolls" they make for single men! (find your own link!) No more bedroom "headaches" in Japan!
  6. DWBH, I think this is a game you have play with "kid gloves". These guys at CES are all old wounded TWI Vets, playing their next and possibly final act out in the courtrooms of America. Not a place I would want to be "advertising" a Christian ministry! As a former long distance supporter, there are few things I personally miss, other than the company of good old fashioned brainwashed fellow cult believers opening up song books! Only Kidding!! IF, corporate America can be used as an example, the cult heads of state have to be removed due to lack of job performance. You can't put this crap out into the public domain, and still spin the weekly Bible CD off in the mail. Credibility is the issue, and too many people (myself included) are tired of hearing the same old tunes. Once it became a legal issue for the courts, the train left the station. (Did you write the book of love & do you have faith in God above?) Humpty Dumpty cannot be resurrected with the same characters writing the script! Le Bump
  7. Touch Me In The Morning...then just walk away... It's a little lonely some mornings over here. All the little grease spotters are sound asleep with visions of Santa bringing joy into their lives...what am I saying...? Bump is up for it! I KNEW this was just another politically correct, don't talk to me like that whining, boring thread, made in America by retired twi junkies! The real "leaders" are out drinking at the farm playing pool, not woooosing around tv game shows talking about retirement. Buy The Way, I always knew ol' Graucho still had a soft spot for the doc! The old glass eye ball falling in the soup was just a test of loyalty!
  8. Bumpy


    Rhino, just asking here, but with all those girls you have hanging around on "the farm" ...are you a 'horny' kind of guy? lol le bump
  9. E v e n t u a l l y ... I am sure, at the end of the day, this thread will find its' way, down the lavatory drain...yet Christendom will have survived, although 'smitten', not yet slain! Still, you have all forgotten, among injustices shared, bad breath and human oder are equally offensive to those you may distain!
  10. Only if the 'abuse' occurs in the past tense! Any Philistine woman will do!
  11. ...and with that thought in mind, I thought this might good for a little afternoon tea chuckle...relax http://www.videosift.com/video/Religion-Bashing
  12. And this kind of stuff can get pretty out of hand as well, especially when "All in the Family" starts to $$ splinter! http://apnews.myway.com/article/20071205/D8TBG0DG1.html
  13. OK, but it was fun trying! I was just contemplating the "processing of the process" last night, and in the process turning a little soil in my brain. But still, the question of what makes the RATIONALE of people's minds "turn" when the subject of "GOD" is brought into the equation, is interesting for reflection? Especially when analyzing human behavioral decision made within religious organizational structures. However, maybe the farm "lab" has to be closed due to lack of interest, substance, information, ideas and contributors...oh well! :)
  14. Rascal, God knows your character traits would never fit into the inner-workings of what put TWI on the map of a Cult Heartbreaker. I don't doubt that you and many others ever overdosed on certain "flavors" of Kool Aid being served up. But that's not the point. The "POINT" is, illusions of POWER & MONEY & what certain types of people will do when tempted by "opportunities"! If you wanted to ARRIVE at a certain position on the Old Way Tree, you had to...BEND OVER! In other words, sacrifice a little, all in the name of GAWD, Jesus and the Cause! That's a euphemism for how far individuals will go, to sacrifice whatever innocence they arrived with, until the point they left. What existed in between is the "Cult Experience"! What I'm looking for is the psychology of the "players" who like Icarus flew too close to the sun yet have the courage to not only come forward, but to explain "the process". (It doesn't pertain to most at GS, who were just good little soldiers). There are many in the audience who will choose to remain silent and find a way to justify their actions. Much like they did WAY back then...so long ago. <_<
  15. ...ahh, but Satan had already been "SEDUCED" by Eva's rather deeeep Cleavage! He was willing to "play around" with a few little words to get what he wanted! I think the same might be said about old veepee when "on the road"? Once the drinks were poured, it was pretty much o p e n season!
  16. Bill...for a Rhino that was a very interesting reply to which I think many former WC 'humans' can relate? On "the street" they would say, never fall in love with a stock. For sure, human nature, both good and bad, keeps organizations alive which would normally take a dive! But here are a few points that might be interesting to cover... * The "need to belong" (already referred to previously) How powerful was that as a motivator? * Males wanting to achieve greater heights on the Cult Corporate Ladder (& the bodies that needed to be stepped over?) * Females wanting their husbands to be one of those rising stars (& how far they would go to be "seen" at the right table?) * The "ART" of manipulation in getting to the next level (& what little stories can we invent to get there?) * The social cult structure, and the anticipation of change (& who was quickest out of the gate!) Those are just a few for now, but what needs to be plowed up a little on the farm, are the GUYS who have the stories to fill in the holes. This I think is important for those anticipating entering a TWI cult or "splinter" experience. And as we all know... experience is the best teacher!! Finally, if splinters like ces find this site of no use in expressing themselves, then maybe there has to be less antagonism here and more "substance"? <_< Just a thought. :)
  17. Bumpy


    TOM STRANGE! Dressed up just before a photo op after winning 1st prize in LA for 2 free baseball tickets!! The picture of his "date" though is what's really worth the shopping bonus!
  18. ...not so fast Oldiesman! First I want to check the blood pressure of that young girl you call "your avatar" and see if she's not gone missing! Then, I want to check your medicine cabinet for evidence which might support another opinion! (You can't be too careful around here, some Vixxxenn might just waiting around the corner in a parked car!)
  19. Indeed! And "strangely" seems to apply to our good friends from Eden... Adam & Eva! I wonder if they would have "considered" going WC / WOW? Or would they have just Transferred Out having tasted a little of the home cooked "fruit"!
  20. This question may soon need to be resolved, seeing as the "other half" has been silenced! What strikes me as even more hilarious, is the "creator" of this thread is more than likely enjoying a show he never dreamed would play out like it has! :unsure: Strange...don't you think, Tom?
  21. "Oh...give me a home, where the Buffalo roam..." Meanwhile, back at the farm... this question of sub-prime investment in time allotted option trading continues to be ignored by the those who probably have the most "to share"! Those "traders" at the top, like the MC here or Raf, WW, the MODS, all those guys with 5* credit ratings! How high up the corporate ladder did you get before throwing in the proverbial towel? So please, GUYS in TV room, don't be shy, come on out from behind the Grease Spot Gallery door and share with us HOW and WHY you bought into YEARS of TWI Cult Entertainment. Don't let the girls have all the fun! After all, hindsight is supposed to be 20/20! <_<
  22. I remember my "welcome" or should I say "initiation" here at gs some months ago regarding this subject. Since then, my skin has shall we (oriental) this one and say, "grown a bit thicker"! But a few old WC vets certainly made their thoughts known. Then things just moved on with I'm sure a few "eyes" watching my little postings from time to time. For me, this aggression is related to the nature of things both past and present at the Spot. People have for the most part, come from a difficult life experience, with anger and distrust as part of the baggage they carry. Individual personalities! (plural) also enter into the equation, as well as the Internet being the communication medium. If we were "mates" meeting for a barbie and a beer face to face, I think a lot of this perceived anger would not exist. Resolving these issues may possibly means letting some of it be laughed at and/or ignored. People have bad days and sometimes push the wrong button w/o thinking, so pursuing it to the end just creates more turmoil. Also, maybe it's more Christian and a lot easier to forgive and forget, and start a new more interesting thread... Like the one about The Farm!
  23. Lloyd...hmmm, let me see, as in WC Lloyd? I think I remember hearing something about a "cross/dresser" with a name like that? Wasn't 'she' into some rather "kinky" things back in the 70's? Nice body, long blond (bleached) hair, but a bit flat chested? If I remember right, didn't like to be turned down for a late night drive around town?
  24. Bumpy

    Geography game ...

    PS, Try learning one of these "games"... http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/198
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