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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Bumpy

    Geography game ...

    I hate games like those! They make my heart beat faster playing against the clock and remind me of all those tests I used to have to take. Of course I couldn't resist and made it...well, pretty far up the ladder. But I 'ain't gonna em-barerass myself...and tell you quite yet, how far. But I can say, wine tasting does not increase your score, it just makes you realize how ridiculous it is playing games with an African Rhino!
  2. My feeling is that all (that's "all" w/o exception!) here at the Spot, have a personal "story" to relate regarding their "logic", as to WHY they would INVEST so heavily (so many years) into the WAY.ORG FARM buyout. Maybe some wish to forget, maybe some wish to remain lurking, maybe some are just hiding their past. But for sure some of the guys playing in the "reading room" or the pool hall, have some STORIES to tell regarding the ol' FARM! It seems to me, the women here are the ones who have more honest or direct comments to make regarding how things in the cult "dormitories" played out? Whatever the thread, it's the "girls" who seem more interested in scratching the surface and taking emotional chances by talking about what happened? We all here w/o exception went thru the class many times. That was just "lift off". TWI or Way Corps commitment however involved selling yourself out to the CAUSE, the MOD'S, to Big Bro himself. There's a lot of male testosterone put out on this site which must have had a hard time keeping quiet when faces were melting! My feeling is that all (that's "all" w/o exception!) here at the Spot, have a personal "story" to relate regarding their "logic", as to WHY they would INVEST so heavily (so many years) into the WAY.ORG FARM buyout. Maybe some wish to forget, maybe some wish to remain lurking, maybe some are just hiding their past. But for sure some of the guys playing in the "reading room" or the pool hall, have some STORIES to tell regarding the ol' FARM! It seems to me, the women here are the ones who have more honest or direct comments to make regarding how things in the cult "dormitories" played out? Whatever the thread, it's the "girls" who seem more interested in scratching the surface and taking emotional chances by talking about what happened? We all here w/o exception went thru the class many times. That was just "lift off". TWI or Way Corps commitment however involved selling yourself out to the CAUSE, the MOD'S, to Big Bro himself. There's a lot of male testosterone put out on this site which must have had a hard time keeping quiet when faces were melting!
  3. ...just reading thru this, and wondering HOW the twi STRUCTURE of the "purchase" of the farm mentality really came into your individual commitment? The purchase being, all of you selling out yourselves to sacrifice, what...free will, logic, time (youth) finances,etc.?? Difficult for me, after getting "to know" a few of you vis a vis your posts, how this could happen? Most of you seem so strong in your opinions here that the question of HOW the twi STRUCTURE was able to convince you to BUY INTO...the COMMITMENT of the ORGANIZATION baffles me. I think what I'm looking for is, where did THEIR ORGANIZATIONAL POWER & YOUR DECISION MAKING ("buy")CONVERGE? The condemned soldier on the losing side says he was just "following orders". What caused people here to spend 10-20 YEARS+ to a system which today appears to be so evil? Hope no one minds the intrusion? :)
  4. Maybe his comment is just meant to be another one of those "oriental"...ism's that was taught, and just needs to be explained in a little more detail? Or, maybe this is just a "Figure" of Speech, in a modern biblical version which I have not heard of? Or, maybe this is something like "Condesencio" when God is needing to take human form so we can understand it better! Or, maybe it should just be taken at face value!
  5. That was "Eve" who FORCED me to edit your text!
  6. Take OUT the word "church" and try and discover or uncover a "leader", any leader. He or she must NOT "compromise" him/her self to put their own "material" possessions or self worth above the spiritual message they wish to promote. He or she must generate a contemporary or historical message which is new, or something you have been thinking about being of great importance. That thought must be very real for you at the time and have a human or spiritual benefit. Also you must be able to separate the messenger from the message, and the interaction will probably have to be brief. For as familiarity breeds contempt, the importance of the message will evaporate in a very short time. As all men are liars, searching for truth in the human domain is a risky business.
  7. Dear Belle, It's getting late here and I've had a really l o n g driving day in the mountains, ending up with a 4 hour tie and coat meeting. So I may not answer all questions very well in my latest hotel on the ol' laptop here. "But you can quote me"...I MISS my brothers & sisters in Christ from twi. For sure, it really is the closest I have ever gotten to believing in the "Body of Christ" here on earth. I very much enjoy the people I get to meet here, no matter how distant. NONE of you are "pathetic", so please don't use that against me. It is possibly a misconception, some of which I create out of jest, but again here you have to be careful with every word you speak or you will be picked apart and destroyed (As for "theatre" it could be fun to create a thread of..."the return of Dr. Viper", re-discovered dna and the house of horrors!)
  8. It's not really that exciting...except once I send my driver to pick you up in Dakar. That's when it begins! Get Your Shots!
  9. WHY...? Are you always using the revolving wd-40 program of removing people who you don't like? Your postings are so..."well, if you don't like it here" don't let the dooooor floooooor you on the way out? Don't you see that the Cult Brain Train, no matter how you integrate it, is still in your DNA? 14 million posts won't change that...Je crois? And I know you have the majority of your friends disagreeing with this comment, because...well, Bumpy just didn't sign on the Korps Line and therefore, lacks "qualifications"?? <_<
  10. I'm Stuck here in Andorra in the Pyrenees...Sunny and beautiful snowy mountains! I was just waiting to see how my "friends" would respond! LOL If I waited much longer, I might lose the POP contest for the next election!
  11. If...(since discovering life w/o twi) ...you still spend years after "leaving" your so-called CULT, wasting your time on the Internet, with the same Cult people you lived with, when you were IN the Cult! ...and still trying to figure out what happened?
  12. You mean...you don't know?? "It Was Written", that after P.O.P., there was to be Regime Change! (The movie, "Boys from Brazil"), Der Fuehrer und Der Zurueckkehr (forget about the umlauts!) This was all made known to a select "Korps" few. They were all "programmed" with ORDERS to re-establish Head Quarters with new recruits, equipment und ein "New Word Order"! Once you have secured HQ, und alle die present Gefangene Inmates have been interrogated, der Zweite Phase will commence. Das ist Alles.
  13. Das "problem" with Der Squirrel Abteilung WeirWelle Erste Einsatztruppen ist... they keep "chattering" with their mouths full ALL the time! And then when they're eating their "nuts" like there's no tomorrow, and the Befehl order comes to ATTACK (Angreifen und Aufmarchieren), they are so full of sauerkraut and nuts, they fall asleep in the trees!! Es ist Absolut Unsinn, completely crazy to outfit these guys when they only think of their fluffy tails blowing around pine cones and puss 'n boots!!
  14. Excuse me here...but since there appears to be no lady "bush" whackers in the audience commenting on this subject, has anybody in fact ever read or heard of this 1981 collectors item? And who is it 'signed' by, Ms Cheney or Annie Oakley?. Signed, "Insightful"
  15. This discussion appears to be a bit one dimensional. Are there no lesbian ladies in the audience who would care to comment on this subject of 'bush' bashing?
  16. OMG, Was that in one of those "cult" films I missed where they take the 'leaders' brain and bring it into the future?
  17. That squirrel is only a diversion even though they are equipped with telescopic night vision. Going up the gut is the Rhino. He comes fully equipped with amour metal plating and no attitude when it comes to taking prisoners. Also he knows the terrain from years of public speaking at the auditorium.
  18. ‘How do you move forward’, by going back to the past of course! http://www.theway.org/ Hamm and the 1st Squirrel Division will be responsible for securing the forward positions in the initial attack!
  19. Thankful for a loving, beautiful wife, thankful to be alive, thankful for 2 great kids & thankful the stress test on old treadmill in the USA indicated I hadn’t suffered a heart attack! :)
  20. Sure you can ‘fire’ them, but after that, you’re on your own! “Bumpy” has a long tribal African history which can only be revealed in the native language of Wolof! Not polite to de-rail thread this further.
  21. It’s not the pay, but the “blessing” you will receive as a reward. I figure from your postings, you might be able to ‘convert’ some of my Islamic boys on the old work crew.
  22. Larry, Happy Thanksgiving! Now that I know how old you are, can you tell me if you are married with kids and a job? Because if you’re unemployed and have no serious commitments, I might be able offer you a position on one of my African construction sites! :B)
  23. Bumpy

    Cults In America

    ...or better stated, the ‘melting pot’ which has a long way to go before the lumps are out. About the only thing melting today is US $$ purchasing power, the stock market, respect for the rules of law, international prestige, middle class America, etc., etc., etc. Cults quite possibly provide a recreational setting for a Dr. Strangelove rationalization of impending doom. The liberty to choose between one cult satire or another being just a question of hanging around with folks, who don’t make you feel too uncomfortable when listening to the “new American quick fix technology” of the next level. Your final destination.
  24. Me thinks behind that visual avatar, Larry can find just about any bible verse he needs to keep the angels entertained, (not to mention annoying those who have not ascended quite yet!).
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