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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. The Fox is running the chicken corps.
  2. Seriously, the parallels. "Everyone here is free to go as they please Senator"[sic] The joy people had amongst each other vs. the heaviness when Jim Jones walked in the community separate from "the world", building together, the ownership of all selling of houses and giving all to the church beauty above , darkness below
  3. Anyone heard of the "Fourth Trimester?" My wife explained this to me. Basically the newborn is much like it was in the womb for about 3 months after birth. A few differences but essentially an out-of-womb-like-fetus. I think she read this in a book called "Baby Wise". That got me thinking. What's so special about the first breath? (aside from the fact it can now breath on its own, just like the first steps or words) So is someone on a breathing machine the walking dead?
  4. The fetus is an appendage!? --- I forgot about that one. Someone correct me on the what the medical community thinks. The blood doesn't mix. Baby blood and mommy blood are separate. Always, and if it does mix, there can be problems that kill the baby.(Rh+ blood types) Far as I know, a mucous plug holds the liquid in, technically the womb is outside just as our intestinal lining is considered outside the body. The placenta communicates between baby and mommy. Appendage!?
  5. Sounds like the Devil had issues that were "unresolved" Sorry I couldn't help it. You do make a good argument though Lone Wolf, I think. "But sometimes, God doesn't always say everything that happened. Sometimes God gives just enough details and waits for you to ponder and meditate and "fill in the blanks"."--Lone Wolf McQuade Maybe God doesn't want us to know every detail. TWI prided itself in details i.e. "the exact time of Jesus' birth". As wayfers we just miss God's big pictures. It's embarrassing. Thank God for Grace and Mercy. Perhaps another thread could discuss this, but maybe God left these blanks because he wanted us to have some imagination. (I am speculating here). Jesus was mocked. However you interpret it, the Lamb of God did not deserve an ounce of it.
  6. Danny, I offer my deepest condolences. Sorry to hear that. Love, Bolshevik's wife.
  7. Some of these derailed threads seem to come to this. Does the life (professional and personal) of church leadership such as in twi affect the doctrine of the church? Does their lives therefore affect the way the followers think, make decisions and behave?
  8. Really, lcm would yell about this as much as JC not God or dead not alive stuff. It didn't necessarly apply to the teachings goal (if there was one). Why would he do that? Why would this get him so worked up? If someone believed abortion is murder, I could understand them getting upset. Why lcm? Nobody was murdered. Calm down dude. Does anyone know if vpw was as or nearly fanatical about this subject? When was there a beginning to this teaching? (I'm still digging through the other threads)
  9. Wordwolf's changing the subject? LOL Captain Spiritual, There are messages you can send to WW without posting for the rest of us to laugh at. If you continue like this the moderators will send the thread to the Soap Opera forum and I will be forced to start anew. Admiral Bolshevik
  10. kinda makes all the pieces start falling into place. . . (sigh)
  11. Spells? (There are posts here on GS that gest that "The Law of Believing" is magic, so this got my attention.) Seriously, doing spells for good or bad, receiving the responsibility from your actions(of spell casting), "trying to affect change on a spiritual plane". At twi, there's postitive and negative beleiving, believing = receiving, looking to the word(or twist of it) and believing for your desired results. Are spell casting and the Law of Believing two forms of the same thing or have I done a "epiluo".
  12. There were some lawsuits concerning lcms hobbies. Info. on them is on this site.
  13. So. . .If the fetus in near the third trimester, but not quite, mom's not sure, maybe still in the second trimester. . .then what? Do we start examining fluids? What does the Word say on that?
  14. This is a long thread so I haven't read it all yet. I wanted to get this out. Years ago my wife and I announced to her parents she was pregnant. We were fresh from the gulag and thus broke. The pregnancy was unplanned and we were busy putting our lives together (and still are). Well, her father (an innie) asked to see if this is really what we wanted, that we knew things would be more difficult, and that abortion is an option. My wife and I had already decided to keep him. My wife was unsure at first and let me know that as "the man" if I wanted to abort, she'd go ahead and do it. (Fortunately) I felt uncomfortable with the whole abortion idea and decided we'd go ahead with the pregnancy despite all the added difficulty to our situation. Here we were being adults (me, my wife and her parents) sitting around making an important decision based on our beliefs. Abortion is not murder and therefore an option. Well we've had the baby since then and everything is okay. Until, on another thread I asked if vpw and lcm had any little bastards running around due to their hobbies. Someone reminded me of the abortion doctrine. I felt sick. There's a good possibility that the abortion doctrine of twi is a result of making an excuse to cover up previous affairs. And now people are basing their decisions on that. Why else would someone yell every third service that "abortion is not murder"? Nothing was wrong with my wife's health. A pregnancy wouldn't kill her. But we were talking about a fetus or embryo like were making a decision to buy a car. Whether or not God equates a fetus or embryo to a human being, I don't know. But the idea that these types of decisions are based on the twisted cover-up thinking of an egotist who thinks he deserve excessive amounts of a$$, well, that's just gross. F.U. twi
  15. Thanks everyone for all the posts concerning the Law of Believing. I got quite a bit to chew on.
  16. If, as implied in another thread, the abortion doctrine was a result of their sex activities, than yes, they were that bad. They did what they thought they could get away with. Isolationist and totalitarians. Thank God the fields of Ohio aren't as isolated as the jungles of Guyana.
  17. Congratulations on your accomplishment!
  18. Yes, the devil came into "concretion" as a female. Doesn't mean the devil is a female. This concretion and plasma stuff could be the topic of another thread somewhere. Could you explain more on what you mean about compulsiveness?
  19. Welcome nyunknown! Is it Yoda you seek? jk Please, snoop around. An "outsider" opinion would be great. Maybe you can help throw in some common sense for us.
  20. Captain Spiritual, What is your opinion, does twi worship the man vpw? He is not dead. He lives in the idolatrous doctrines that is twi.
  21. You could, but you don't want any bleach left for your fish to exposed too. If it is a new bowl you want any manufacturing chemicals out. Basically just rinse with clean water a few times and that'll do'er. (ammonia water would be alright to clean any dirt out, fish and food waste produce ammonia which needs to be removed by filtration, bacteria or water changes anyway.)
  22. Listening to your teaching right now.
  23. Yes the CF&S class (lcm's version) really messed with my head. (I think I mentioned this on another thread) The whole, teenage sex depends on the parents? So I could start arguing with my parents for approval or something? It raised more questions in my head than providing answers.
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