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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Science! Ha-Ha-Ha!! That idiot. His foundational class (its in the syllabus) teaches that the "big bang" was the thawing of the ice age!!!!! LOL He took two theories and slammed them together, as if one had anything to do with the other. A theory is a theory. It could be wright or wrong. You don't change them. You discard them and write up a new one. Idiot.
  2. What about the rest of leadership. They had this great connection too. Even worse I think is the pressure put on husbands and fathers to have this "God works in me to chose what we'll have for breakfast" nonsense. It just supresses the wife and kids and ruins what could have been a family.
  3. I'll have to check my syllabus at home, but this sounds familiar. I can tell you at the gulag (a few years after lcm) I was being trained, no, instructed to use my spiritual five senses. Spirtual smelling, hearing etc. It was my job to use them.
  4. I'd have to say Yes and No. Yes because the teachings of some ministers on TV began to make practical sense. They were actually teaching me how to live life. How to apply the Word and even giving tools to thinking things through. I was forced to go over my mind's thinking patterns. (Since I've always been in twi, well, that's all I know) I began to get excited about going out in the world and dealing with problems, now that I had some tools. I could now live amoungst other humans. This made me seriously doubt twi's teachings. Perhaps they didn't have the answers. No because I never really understood most of their teachings. I've read all the books many times. The collaterals especially, are not written in english that communicates to me. So it was hard re-evaluate something I never understood. Some doctrines (J.C. not God, Dead not alive, four crucified) I just don't give a hoot. Who cares? So I don't really spend much time re-evaluating those except for discrediting twi's credibility.
  5. Bolshevik


    Wow, satori001, just like PFAL. Quantum theory and the theory of relativity arose because there were holes in peoples understanding of the natural world. Prior, many scientist thought all was known. These theories are young, and in time will be modified or thrown out entirely. But they work for now. This guy jumped from energy to "you can control things with your mind." What a salesman. Thanks, that was very interesting.
  6. Yes, I have to ask. Reading some of these sad stories that women have been put through, Would not God Almighty give these moms eternal fellowship with these babies? I doubt he wouldn't.
  7. Good answer. But no guarantee.
  8. "Thou shalt not run Greasespot by moderators alone."
  9. I did ask and thank you. I apologize if I contributed to any derailing.
  10. What about the post before that? The "how" part. No uncertain terms. But what if it survives? (Beyond your generation?)
  11. What? You don't understand German Physics?
  12. to restate. She does denounce some to the acts of vpw.
  13. I found a book I think you'd like. It concerns a topic you were talking about that one morning. Amazing, the correlation.
  14. The thing that concerns me the most. Rivenbark is working hard to bring credibility to The Way International. Giving ABS to the local Red Cross (and gaining recognition). Meeting with biblical scholars. Bringing them in for meetings and adding there books to the library. Structure to the services. Spreading the wealth. Not a spotlight President. Sending Way Productions to the Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations. Allowing the internet installed in Founders Hall for every room. Giving a acoustic bandshell(something like that) to a school in Toledo (and gaining recognition). Making the Board of Director position a Corps assignment. Adding two more. General participation in New Knoxville. Concerts aimed at the community. (Was it Dr. Juedes who that it was nice?) The roomer is she doesn't like people are punished for owning a house. Reversing lcm and vpw mandates. (yes, she doesn't like things vpw did) 401K encouragement on staff. (and alleviating some financial constraints to the Staff.) Honestly letting wayfers know that The Way is not able to help in certain situations, and advising to seek professionals outside The Way. Asking them "What do you want to do?" If she can stabilize The Way International. What next? Would this belief system grow without a vpw? What is more dangerous about The Way International: The belief system, or the leadership? Seriously, Take the leadership out, the overbearing control, the rules and restrictions and impossible standards. What will be so wrong with The Way International?
  15. Reading this make me feel bad. Ted was always such a good guy. Oh well.
  16. a Way Corps degree is an associates of theology? I've heard if you had a bachelor's already they'd give you a bachelor's, if not, an associates?
  17. They did lead us to believe they'd won something. (I was there when Fox announced) They also said it cost the ministry nothing because it was covered by insurance. They cover shame with false joy.
  18. After watching the Jonestown video, and someone pointing out people still defended the "organization" decades later, I would say everyone who stood could take some of the blame. Feeding the ego of the leader and doing whatever spurts out his mouth.
  19. Captain S, If you think that what is said here is bad (all the joking) consider the lies being promoted at twi. The lives that will be hurt by them. The joking here can't hold a candle to that. Let's Start over with this: The whole point being vpw is immortalized at twi. This is done because of the belief system. Twi brings this subject of last words up, not GS.
  20. "one price for freedom" Hardly. It's a benefit. Posts that are disagree with your views, beliefs, opinions and tastes challenge your way of thinking. Disagreement is one thing we really need after spening any time "like minded" at the gulag.
  21. "I wish we would write the posts we know to write"
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