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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. What about dealing with a nagging wife and kids? How they gonna fit that into his life? P.S. This statement is approved by Mrs. Bolshevik
  2. It had to have been taught again much more recently for someone my age to have heard it. If not, than the teaching has survived word-of-mouth for twenty some years.
  3. While at the gulag a bunch of us young guys got caught up in this topic of Jesus and mocking. Some of us believed twi taught that J.C. received the unthinkable, others thought we were nuts. I could of swore it was written in JCOP, but I couldn't find it. Anyway, leadership eventually intervened and encouraged us to drop the subject.
  4. No, one of Noah's sons saw him naked, the other two covered him up while walking backwards. What the big deal was I don't know.
  5. Re-evaluate. Beliefs. Circumstances around my "exit". First, how can something that can't be proven be re-evaluated? Were they teachings or mandates? They had the answers but not to my questions. What do I believe? I don't know. I'm a scientist. If it works. Use it. When old ideas fail, upgrade. I only know what I know relative to something else and within a specified degree of uncertainty. I use one theory until a better one is developed. I expect everything I know today to be proven false tomorrow. If life is like one of those games where you develop a map based only upon where you have been; then twi is just one of the big boundary walls. Bump . . Bump. . Okay, big wall here. Just keep changing direction to you find what you didn't know you needed. (. . . Whoo hoo! . . . The magic acorn! . . . . . What do I do with a magic acorn?) "Circumstances surrounding my exit". . . . hmmm. . . . What was the question again?
  6. Yes, let him be forgotten. Tear up HQ, burn it down and salt the earth.
  7. Um, Yes there are still people who believe vpw was God's man and therefore believe in being loyal to twi. I believe it's because vpw invented a form of doctrine that appears to fit everything together and some haven't scrutinized it enough to see if and where it breaks down. Some also seem to believe vpw was God's man but his ministry went south. (vpw did say God would teach him the word yada yada AND that this would never be reveiled to ONE MAN again.) So there still those of us carrying vpw's doctrines around like they've found good furniture at the dump. That's where the fish analogy and jokes come in. ???
  8. "I'm a little fishy swimming in tha sea. . . Oh! Look! A worm on a hook! Maybe just a nibble. After all, I know there's a hook, so they ain't foolin' me It's just the meat of the worm I'm after. (nibble nibble nibble nibble. . . .YANK!) what was that?! No. . . wait!! I justed wanted some of the worm! Nooo! Spit it out! Spit it out! NOoooo!!!
  9. Have you heard lcm's "Both Guns Blazing" tape from the 70s? talks about Stephen in Acts. While he was being stoned he announced see Jesus standing at the right hand of God (ready to fight for Stephen). Then, while being stoned, Stephen knelt down and died. Always was an exciting teaching by lcm. twi says God is always ready to fight for his people. They point to the prophets in Hebrews being "sawed asunder" and say they chose to die. They knew God was willing and able to save them but decided to "quit the fight". They believed God's eternal blessings would outway the torture given by their enemies. These teachings reinforce that we die when we "quit believing to live". Lone Wolf, Wouldn't a wayfer just argue that they didn't receive what they promised because that is part of "the hope", not something directly having to do with faith or believing?
  10. ". . . minds that devise wicked imaginations. Where do they get these imaginations? Natural man's mind cannot conceive these imaginations. They must come from the spirit realm. He that is the prince and power of the air? The Adversary." [sic]
  11. Call me immature, but eeeewwwwee :huh: A little creepy
  12. Maybe he has his hands full with the porn sites.
  13. I was watching a show on TV about the bible. There was an interview with some muslims about why Abraham is held in such high regard. One man said, "When God spoke to Abraham, Abraham knew God was speaking, he had no doubts, he heard God and acted. Abraham did not even need to ask 'God? is that really you talking?' Most men God would need to goad a little" (SIC)
  14. I don't know your situation completely or your the desires of your heart but I can tell you I see a lot of older folks who've finished raising kids begin their college education. One lady I know is a grandma and she's decided to go to college and start a new career. She's really got a "plenty of life left to live" attitude. I say this because I'm still young and I thought my opportunities were shot. That lady really helped me put things in perspective.
  15. This is how physics in Germany works.
  16. I got it. Catch and release. If its little through it back. Catch it again in a couple years.
  17. I love fish. Yummy. Then again, I don't crave acorns.
  18. This college stuff rips me. I began college with the huge pressure of "Make sure you are near a fellowship" College is a huge experience for an 18 year old. Your mind is bombarded with all kinds of new ways of thinking, both in the classroom, and at the Greek parties. Anyway, "thinking" is at cross-purposes with twi. Every paper was about "saying things to get the grade in this crooked world, but we know the truth!" I was so consumed with God and twi and devil spirits. "College is a dangerous place, it will take you away from the Word!" Confusion central!! That combined with "You'll get higher grades if you give more to the way" Supporting classes and going witnessing. Oh and sending in my weekly schedule of what I was doing every 15 minutes. I got completely derailed from my focus to go to school. I got convinced from one of lcm's rantings that school is a waste of time and I eventually dropped out and went Way-D. (I was at school w/ a full-ride, studying what I love to do) FU twi
  19. If you can discern, than that's your right. I can't. But I do see the fruit. Broccoli has lots of natural carcinogens in it. But it also has lots of benefits that outway that. But there is some food I wouldn't feed to a stray dog.
  20. How bony is this fish we're talking about anyway? In the past there were fish completely covered with a bony shell. Choose your fish wisely.
  21. Bolshevik

    Can you read this?

    I can raed wried wnitrig! I'm srtemar tahn ftfiy pcenret! I slahl put tihs on my rumssee!
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