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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Sounds like this duck is more like a goose. A golden goose maybe.
  2. Are your pages falling out? That was usually considered a good sign. Especially if it was all of Ephesians.
  3. This thread is not about Martindale's excesses and the homo purge. It's about the lemmings. How they think. What will get them to truly think? Discussing her past actions concerning lcm will not get their attention. They can mentally block that. I'm honest about the changes. I looked into leaderships eyes. In fact, it was the direct actions of leadership, including the President Fox, that encouraged me to leave twi. Had Rivenbark not done what she did to me, I would probably never be here on GS. Maybe I should thank her. I remember being annoyed (and others were to) about how impersonal rfr could be. For her birthday she spoke about witnessing or believing or something boring like that instead of herself. She was our president. We wanted to know who she is. Maybe the ultimate Robot Corp. Who is rfr? anyway, walks like a duck, quack quack quack
  4. I speak for myself. The more proof of plagiarism helps me distance from vpw mentally. He was our "Father in The Word". He's not here for me to ask him if he's really my father. and when leaving twi, what's reality? twi was it for so long. If these other guys came up with these things maybe I do know something truthful. Would these doctrines have gone farther w/o vpw? Perhaps had these men's works not been associated with twi more of mainstream christianity would have taken hold of it? Do these works continue to circulate? Should we advertise them (as the works of the original men)?
  5. Yeah, I know the hearbreak well, but a lot can be learned in the school of hard knocks I got a 37 gallon salt. Just a couple fish right now damsel and pseudochromis. And no filters. I clean the tank just once a month. I've had them for a few years now. I trying to learn how to balance the bacteria, water current, lighting and other parameters so the tank is as independent as possible. (and use a little less electricity) Not everyone likes this part of fish keeping, (the balancing) but I do. I did have a yellow tang in there too but I fed it improperly. Should have known better. I plan to upgrade to a tank your size in a few years when life's a little more settled. Got the stand already. For now I just try to enjoy a few fish in a big tank to ease the maintenance and avoid fish death. Not everyone likes an empty-looking tank. Marines can be very involved. But hey, that's why I do it. Never heard of those, Awesome!! I've heard starfish do that. Sorry to hear that, Mr. Lingo. I had a hermit crab I had to get rid of. took out about five damsels before I figured it out.
  6. Talk about eating the body of Christ.
  7. Okay fine Satori001 this thread is about hypocrisy. I've had gay and lesbian acquaintances that I've had no problems with. It is not my place to judge. And I don't believe I have. I do believe in tolerance. No homosexual has ever told me how live. Except maybe, Reverend Rosalie Fox Rivenbark, President of The Way International who is in a position of responsibility and reverence. TWI is glorifying her as a wise figure who has brought a tenderness and love to the ministry that it has never seen before. She was prophesied over to fix The Way Ministry, and many believe she has. This lesbian thing has been rumored for years and years and so I thought maybe there was substance to it. If she wants to be a lesbian, fine. Proof of her lesbianism would help get a few more of the lemmings out. Nothing against the gay community. I am not their God to point fingers at them, they haven't pointed fingers at me. The Way International has. I have many friends and loved ones in The Way International, and I want them set free. Maybe you enjoy watching people guzzle the cool-aid?
  8. Let's see, what about Grace? That is when someone screws up in your mind and you verbally hash them until they're downcast and then tell them how proud you are of them when they apologize. Or is that mercy? I dunno. Only the wisdom of the Fox can discern these things. PFAL, I took it when I was twelve. When it was over I was asked at a branch picnic what blessed me about it and I said "Four crucified" Honestly, what can a twelve-year-old do with PFAL? Lone Wolf, I decided awhile back not to read the bible for a few years. For me it just reminds me of twi, lcm, the fox, way disciple, etc etc. I just haven't been able to read it honestly. It's not God talking to me. It's twi and all their definitions and all their spin on the "truth". Until I can read it objectively, or just like it's me and God, I can't look at it. I know I said this already, but no, I don't understand it. And that is upsetting.
  9. I understand this is a rhetorical question, I'm just thinking aloud, Math, anatomy, opinions can be difficult to have, some classes are just designed for regurgitation. Others the complete opposite. I guess it all depends on the goal. A lot of courses have a goal or purpose stated when you enter. Same for the university or college. Same for businesses. What are you setting out to accomplish? Twi led people to think the goal was one thing and then took them somewhere else. I think of the organized christianity like I do the government. What is it's purpose? Who serves who for what reason? How much power does who get and why? People need to gather and communicate for the general welfare of all. but this gets out of bounds at times. I found it irritating that twi was not our ministry. It is leadership's. We couldn't defend it, change it, help it, or, well we couldn't do the things for it that we needed it to do for us. Perhaps these other churches I hear about work better because there is a two way street. The church belongs to all who are a part of it. So they work for it and it works for them. (Didn't vpw, when he was young, have to get voted in to be a minister at a church?)
  10. Bolshevik

    Mr. Hammeroni?

    My wife thought you might like this. . http://www.sugarbushsquirrel.com/
  11. Dear Baby Jesus, Dear sweet baby Jesus, Dear sweet christmas Jesus, dear sweet swaddled up tender juicy baby Jesus, thank you so much for milk duds, and beer, and racecars, and my sons, Walker . . And Texas Ranger. Oh, dear baby Jesus, and thank you for my SMOKIN' HOT WIFE, baby Jesus, yeah baby Jesus Thankyou, Thank you, Thank you. . . . . . Talledega Jesus
  12. Do I feel I understand the Bible? I know I don't. How do I know? A lifetime of ministry classes, fellowships and services. Then going Way Disciple and working on Staff, gearing up for Corps. Often I walk up to a complete stranger, bring up the Word, and they talk about Faith. Faith? Same as Believing right? I dunno. . .Maybe. . . Naw. . . Nope. I know a lot little details and such, but I've missed the big picture. F-U twi
  13. So is marriage really just for making and raising babies? Sounds like another thread. . . Yeah, but The Word moving from generation to generation would be more effective if focus was more on the family, and not the Outreach Services Center.
  14. What a great thread. I remember coming home from sunday service hook-ups and my father telling my brother and I how what was taught used to be Corps material. as a ministry we were growing strong and needed more meat. How thankful we should be! Dad told us this frequently and with enthusiasm. Well, my head was fully puffed. At one point I was defending LCM (whom I may have met once in my life) and the ministry with conviction and all to a relative of mine. I used all the phrases. I one point I said something like "We have the TRUTH!" "What truth?" they asked calmly. I didn't have an answer.
  15. Isn't it the imperfections that give something character and charm? I remember sitting at Founder's Hall reading about King Louis XIV of France and his Versailles. The description was of perfection everywhere you look. Perfectly trimmed gardens, elegantly dressed people, clean and artful buildings. At the same time though, the book described that there was a sense of. . .i dunno decay? (the decription was clear when I read it, something very sad) Anyway, I looked up and realized what I was reading about was all around me. and heck, I feel more love from a televangilist than at twi.
  16. The devil already knows the Word better than we anyway.
  17. Nobody said they don't like lesbians. I don't know that twi uses the word "dyke." Can an administrator change the name to something else?
  18. Is he allowed to go on the Internet? He wouldn't want to be tricked by the Adversary. You guys might convince him that he actually did allow those things.
  19. awesome topic Lone Wolf I always wondered why twi didn't move at the grass roots. Why they were so insistant on leaders and root locales and the way tree. Why do we need to gather some people, make them sign an agreement and send the off to bang on doors for months to find one or two people willing to hang around. If what twi had was so good, why didn't people just naturally share the Word? Why don't fellowships just "spring up" from nowhere? The lack of emphasis on family is probably a big reason for this. IMO, the man in twi is supposed to lord over his household so as to keep the adversary out. Families are not inspired to love each other but to control each other. Then again there is a lot of family "splitting" that happens in twi. It would be easier and more graceful for needs to be met locally, one-on-one, and personally than having every resource and need be filtered up to some almighty leader who has all the answers. Christians gathering out of a desire to be together and ministers be selected to simply meet needs that come up as a natural part of this would make more sense. Isn't that what happened in Acts when the seven were chosen? I can't really speak for other forms of organized christians, twi's all I know.
  20. dmiller, this reminds and you probably already know about twi's latest family class with the Coulter's. There Joe Coulter blames Joseph for the incident. Joseph didn't think far enough ahead and have another dude with him. He left an avenue for attack or something. Joseph's mistake. He should of known her habits. (maybe setting blame up for the female victims at twi, i dunno) As for me, I have all the respect in the world for Joseph.
  21. vpw is not a cheese doodle
  22. maybe this a dead thread and all but it reminded me of fasting. There's at least one dude at twi HQ who fasts occasionally. This of course gets the attention of the young people who start "going to the word' on fasting. They've started to believe that fasting is good for you because it's in the word. Jesus did it, they think they out to. I just thought it funny that young men wanted to start acting all Ghandi so they could build believing and be healthy. Maybe there is some health benefits, I don't know.
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