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George Aar

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Everything posted by George Aar

  1. Not that I think much of it now - or the whole freaking Bible for that matter - but I always thought the "father in the Word" monicker referred to I Cor. "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet [have ye] not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." I Cor. 4:15 Yes, no?
  2. I wonder if they'd be annointing V2P2 the MOGFODAT if they'd a named him something else? Do ya think they'd be pushing this KID into Mogdom if his name was Sidney or Herbert? or Alphonse? or Clarence? I gotta wonder. I honestly thought V.P.s kids had seen enough of WayWorld to completely understand how full of sheeit it all was. Surely by NOW they'd be getting a clue, huh? Apparently not...
  3. I dunno Lindy. Somehow that just doesn't have the same panache. You've got to use shorter words, maybe make 'em rhyme, and dumb it down considerably if you're ever gonna make it in the cult-leader biz. C'mon, perk up man! There's marks to be fleeced out there! Times a wastin'...
  4. Best to you Seth. And, I wouldn't spend much time looking for the "right" woman anyway. Helen Hunt may look good on the big screen, but in real life I'm sure she has as much baggage as the next. I'm becoming pretty sure relationships (at least with women) simply aren't worth the effort. A nice hobby probably makes a lot more sense...
  5. How many of yas knew there was an ACTUAL girl from Ipanema? I know I didn't, but here she is today: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8011801354.html And I'd STILL give my heart gladly (and I think she'd probably still look straight ahead, not at me)...
  6. I can't help you with what that particular building is all about. But I do find it remarkable that we continue to let businesses like this operate on a tax-free basis. Sheesh, sell soap like Amway, and you haveta pay taxes. Sell false hopes, like the church down the street, and you get a free pass. I don't get it...
  7. Well, today's the DAY! Boy, I couldn't find the story on the CNN feed just yet, but I'm sure the reporters are crawling all over the place trying to cover this earth-shattering event! Um, just a rambling sorta thought here. What with the adherance to Grampa Vic's basic spiritual guidelines and all, do you 'spose that all the cute young girls in SEWERS are gonna get the same sort of attention from V2P2 that Gramps himself would've given them? I mean, that would be in keeping with the best of WayWorld tradition, wouldn't it? And then sorta pass them around, so everybody can be just as spiritual as the original MOG was?
  8. Oh my! "REV." Mc***n is in his FIFTIES?(!) Oh lordy, that IS pathetic. I was sure he was 12 or 14, MAYBE 15. Can you say "arrested development"? Sure, I knew you could...
  9. Oh just one more to add to your collection DW (Steely Dan is just soo good):
  10. George Aar

    The WAG of Ike

    Oh geeze, isn't this just special. Maybe Orleansians can just stay evacuated for the foreseeable future? This has gotta be disheartening for the Gulf Coasters...
  11. A few other "firsts" of note: There is only one first bowel movement, only one first time for alienating all your friends and family by embracing some jerk-off cult, only one first time for puking your guts out after drinking cheap wine all night, AND only one first time for realizing that you've wasted a goodly portion of your existence chasing tinkerbells. I'm sure there's more, but it's morning and I haven't had my coffee yet...
  12. I think I know who put this site up, though it is kinda weird, what with no home page or identification or credits of any kind. Ya gotta wonder how much traffic there will be to it after a couple of days. Lordy, talk about old news...
  13. George Aar

    Work songs

    Ooooo, nice hat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMha41zLI5w
  14. Yeah, I remember that blather as well WS. Supposedly Lucifer and his minions fell to earth from the northern sky, which is why there are no stars in that part of the sky too! And on and on with more blather. Lots of "Oh Wow! That's HEAVY, BRo!" moments to be sure. But then you talk to someone who actually KNOWS something about planets and extraterrrestrial bodies and the like and you find that NONE of that "teaching" lines up with real life or what we know about space. So then you have to fall back to the basic Wayfer default position "It's the Word, the Word, and nothing but the WORD!" and just ignore what real science tells us. Somewhere along the line I finally tired of inventing my own reality. But, with some others, not so much...
  15. No, Mike, I guess you STILL don't get it. Positive is fine, it's the B.S. that gets wearisome. Imagine having an Amway salesman on your front porch, all "positive" and enthused and the like. Eventually you're gonna get tired of him, no? That's where the problem comes in...
  16. Yeah, isn't this Craig on Uncle Harry Day? http://fcit.usf.edu/HOLOCAUST/gallery/01622.htm
  17. Oh gawd, I'm getting almost drippy-nostalgic now. Tell me this one doesn't bring you right back to about 1975: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2oltUspwAY
  18. Well, I left before the Okie went super-anal and banned everything. But, before that, all sorts of stuff was frowned upon, and one soon learned what activities to avoid (or keep secret anyway). Reading the newspaper or news magazines was not favorably looked upon. T.V. was always suspect, so you had to be careful what shows you talked about. Movies were dicey too. You could watch just about any of them you wanted to, but you'd have to be sure to "rightly divide" the contents if you were to discuss them later. All sorts of words became verbotten. "Luck", "Chance", "create", even "happy" were seldom used by "good" believers. Anal-retentiveness about vocabulary became the norm very quickly. Anything one did that put demands on your time or resources (so that you may have less to dedicate to WayWorld) were always vigorously discouraged. So college, major hobbies, or - GOD FORBID! - getting insurance, were all well beyond the pale...
  19. OR, What if it's ALL bullsheet and you're all arguing over whose Tinkerbell is the REAL one? (which seems like the MOST likely scenario to me [but, then, for me it WOULD])
  20. How cool izzat! (OH, BTW, I lost about a quarter million dollars out in your neighborhood somewhere. I think I had it rolled up in my pocket and musta dropped it somewhere. I feel REALLY bad about it, so I'm wondering?)
  21. Hey, I bet on every one of those horses, and I STILL lost!
  22. Well, my highest score was a "3". There was 2 and a couple of 1s, the rest negative. Real definitive, huh? Anyway, turns out I'm a #10, azzhole with overbearing, obnoxious tendancies...
  23. George Aar

    The WAG of Gustav

    Boy, are there no depths those dammed Dimmycrats won't sink to? Honestly, now they're using the weather to disrupt the Republican Convention! I'm so thankful that Rush can keep us apprised of these disturbing details...
  24. I know the tendancy of these sorta videos is often, "Gee, isn't it a vast, wonderful universe" and such, but what I'm struck with, is just how remarkable mankind is to construct such things, and go such places. We really are amazing critters when we don't waste all of our energy starting, or continuing, some goddam war somewhere...
  25. Just keep perusing eBay and another one will turn up shortly. I mean, it's not like there's a huge demand for 'em, and there WERE plenty of 'em around at one time.
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