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Everything posted by wrdsandwrks

  1. One of the most powerful and inspiring accounts I've read about someone being led into tongues by the Holy Spirit is in one of my favorite books: Appointment in Jerusalem by Lydia and Derek Prince It's an amazing autobiography of a Scandinavian schoolteacher who becomes a "real" Christian (as opposed to the state-sponsored lukewarm Lutheran Christianity that was acceptable for her job as a public school teacher in 1920s Denmark). She was miraculously led into tongues and then to Jerusalem where she started an orphanage for abandoned children, all by herself. It's an amazing story. Has anyone else here read this book? http://www.amazon.com/Appointment-Jerusale...r/dp/0883687941
  2. Some of my current favs are: Chuck Missler, Andrew Murray, C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Chuck Pierce. In the past I've learned much from: Derek Prince, C. Peter Wagner, Dale Sides, Kenneth Hagin, Roberts Liardon
  3. AD, I understand if you need to leave GS, but I have to say it will be a real loss to GS. You've brought a unique perspective that has blessed me quite a bit. You're kind, and thoughtful and thinking. I was looking forward to discussions with you in doctrinal. I get bothered sometimes by different perspectives here, but more and more I just tend to ignore those I don't agree with, unless I feel I need to respond or that I have something profitable to contribute. BTW, Happy Anniversary!
  4. I remember Grant, wasn't he in the 9th Corps?
  5. I was there. Well, not with Elvis when he died, but at the Shelby County Fairgrounds with thousands of other dear ones like you.
  6. Short answer to your question about Speaking in Tongues: YES. I like N.T. Wright too. I think I first heard about him when I heard a teaching at church, and the pastor read a quote from him. He compared the kingdom of heaven to the Roman empire and spreading the Roman culture, way of life just like we are to spread the culture of heaven. I'll have to try and find it. I like this article by him too, especially his ideas about narrative and story. I thought it was especially apropos to another thread where someone asked the question about whether we still believed it was "the word the word and nothing but the word." (So many threads, so little time.) How Can The Bible Be Authoritative?: http://www.ntwrightpage.com/Wright_Bible_Authoritative.htm
  7. QUOTE(Abigail @ Aug 13 2007, 09:51 PM) ROFLOL -When I was going to school I 4 pointed all my papers, in part because he corrected my grammer and spelling. I see what you mean!
  8. wrdsandwrks

    After TWI?

    Wow, AccurateIsrael, I don't want to put down where you're at spiritually, but is sounds to me like you've fallen in with a racist, drug-using, anti-Semitic group. IMHO, it doesn't sound real healthy. If whites-only are the chosen people, what about all the rest of those created in God's image?
  9. Thanks for sharing that. Best thing I've seen all day!
  10. Suda, Awesome post! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thought processes with us. It just confirms again to me that some of the greatest people (like you) were in TWI. I'm proud to be at the cafe with you.
  11. Abi, Great article! I have read some amazing insights at chabad.org and other similar sites. I'd love to have a discussion related to the relationship between Judaism and Christianity some time. I really appreciate your contributions from this perspective. Anyway that's not the topic at hand so on the renewed mind: I haven't been around long enough at GS to see the discussions about WHO it is that does the transforming, but I'd be interested in that discussion. I personally think that the renewed mind teaching by TWI was one of the most damaging and hard to shed teachings. Between the renewed mind and the law of believing I was a wreck trying to make "believing" come from my mind by thinking it, and when my mind wouldn't cooperate, fearing the consequences of fear.
  12. wrdsandwrks

    After TWI?

    Sometimes we just don't get it together to get out of the house on Sun. morn. or we decide to stay home. Sometimes we have family prayer time and/or we tune in to the webcast of the service from Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, CA. We used to go to church there, but it's 40 miles away and we decided to look for a more local church. But Harvest Rock is a great church and if anyone here wants to check it out, even in their pajamas, they webcast their 11am (Pacific Time) service to anyone who wants to tune in. (PS Their worship leader used to be in TWI, he doesn't lead every week but more often than not.When Danny G*lino leads worship with his two daughters, it rocks.) Here's the URL if you want to check it out. Just click on Live Webcast, at the bottom right. http://www.harvestrockchurch.org/
  13. wrdsandwrks

    After TWI?

    Great testimony, Dot. Sure is great to fellowship with people who are excited about the power of God! We go to a Foursquare Gospel church that just opened in March in our area. It's a new campus of a large established church called Church on the Way. We go to the new North Campus location. I was thinking this morning as we were worshipping God in church and crying out as a congregation for "more of you, Lord", about how VP taught how you can't pray the Holy Spirit in to a meeting. I beg to differ. When people cry out for the presence of God, He shows up. That's what's so great about finding a church where the presence of God is invited and welcome. I've had so much healing come just during the worship times that the preaching and teaching are icing on the cake. I like what ex70's said:
  14. Dan, What a beautiful family you have! Thanks for posting the great pics.
  15. Might be a real beatle, if he got reincarnated. Watch what you step on.
  16. My explanation is that VPW had no clue about living a holy life, therefore anything he says about it will be misleading and confusing. For some great reading on the subject of holiness, why not read some great Christian authors who try to exemplify holiness in their lives? This is a subject that most of us coming out of TWI have no clue on because we were exposed to leaders who rejected holiness. Here are some suggestions: The Believer's Secret of Holiness by Andrew Murray The Holiest of All by Andrew Murray Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God by Francis Frangipane
  17. Thanks Rhino! A few years back our family camped out in the backyard on the trampoline and watched one of these meteor showers. It was amazing. Better than the 4th of July fireworks. We'll have to check this one out.
  18. It reminds me of a quote from Shakespeare: What that means to me is that God is so much bigger, deeper, wider, far above, and every other comparative and superlative adjective that I can think of that we can't even imagine. My thought on the record about Elisha's bones is that the Holy Spirit annointing on Elisha was so powerful that power remained resident even in his bones.
  19. Dot, another great testimony! Please keep em coming. Kind of reminds me of how I used to be proud (not like the sinful proud but the admiring proud) and in awe of all the talented and gifted people I knew in der vay. I'm really proud to know you guys, all of you. And all the glory to God who still speaks to us by revelation so we can help others.
  20. Great point Dooj. For so many of us, I think especially the guys, the goal and recognition of success in TW corps was a full-time ministry position. (Jonny, since I don't know you, I'm not presuming to speak for you, but my own dear hubby, who was ordained by TWI.) We were pursuing that "dream" and made it to "part-time" area leaders who-hoo. Really just meant we were dirt poor. It's just another one of those layers of baggage to get rid of from TWI. So many genuine ministries that were derailed and and discouraged and are sitting idle while so many lost and sick and hurting are just waiting for us to reach out to them.
  21. Wow, that's awesome! Jesus is so amazing! Can I just wonder out loud if maybe He wants you to develop that kind of ministry of healing for others who've been through similar kinds of things?
  22. Dan, Sounds similar to some teachings I read from Dale Sides on "Mending Cracks in Your Soul". If I remember correctly, it involves going back to a painful memory and then asking God to show you how He was there when the painful event happened. Deliverance comes by realizing that He was there to help the whole time. It sounded very powerful when I read it, but it was years ago. I just googled it and found that it's been published as Chapter 13 in Doris Wagner's How to Minister Freedom. Actually the whole book sounds good. There's another chapter on Child Sexual Abuse. http://www.amazon.com/How-Minister-Freedom...s/dp/0830737359 I'll have to look into the Wilder book you mention.
  23. Happy Birthday Krys! You have a cool avatar. Hope you're having the best birthday ever!
  24. Well, maybe we could rent the Way C. of E. I heard it was on the market. Wonder if Priscilla and Aquilla are still around? (maybe their great-great-great grandchildren.
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