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Everything posted by JavaJane

  1. Still got 'em last time I attended one... Can't remember what was at the top. But I can still remember that terrible red carpet and the distinct smell of the BRC. I imagine it would be hard to match those colors for a wedding... Was talking to some people at work about weddings today and they told me that the tradition here in the styx is to go home and change into "nice bar jeans, a blouse, and heels," and bring your own booze. Of course, these girls also told me that when they get married they just want hot wings and pizza ordered so the clean up would be easy. Since I am from the city, I was a bit taken aback. I've been to western and country themed weddings where people wore denim and it was very nice... ....but what the heck are "BAR JEANS?"
  2. JavaJane

    Jeff Mason

    That crazy darn squirrel is talking to himself again
  3. My husband doesn't seem to have that gene that makes him want to be accepted in a group... He missed that section of the genetic code - so he never gave a crap what anyone thought ever about his relationship with me. I think more than anything he was just sooper-dooper proud of himself that he caught me and liked showing me off to all the leaders who had told him to back off of pursuing me and focus on spritiual matters. Me, on the other hand, was a different story - I was always trying to get him to do things in the pre-approved twi method, which he didn't give a rat's butt about anyway, but did some of it just to keep people off my back. :wub: :wub: :wub: How very very true, Mr. B. Sorta like the blind leading the blind falling into a ditch...
  4. What an example of how what was preached was not practiced! The moment when I knew something was really wrong in this category was when I had done a very hot teaching about loving God - so hot that people after fellowship didn't get up for a while because we were all talking about the teaching with smiles (real ones) on their faces - I got pulled aside moments later and told that I needed to get some help on my teaching skills, because I really came across as being bossy. What response are you supposed to have for something like this? People were blessed, excited, and happy. I did my job. I did not teach something that was wrong doctrine (I did ask) - nope, my "tone" wasn't submissive enough. Well... There's how "women who, when single, were dynamic, bold, enthusiastic about life, etc. but after they married, they lost their fizz and became like Stepford wives or non persons" - they get beat down and conditioned to respond like Stepford wives. Don't get excited about God or His Word and show it - and God help you as a woman if you can get a spark out of a room full of people who have been bored out of their minds for weeks on end!
  5. I have to admit - I did try really really hard for a while to be a good obedient submissive wife who does everything her husband says, but my husband would not have it. He likes a good fight... probably one of the reasons I married him. We got into a long discussion one night about why my personality had changed since we got married - why did I seem like such a wimp? See, when we met, he pretty much decided almost immediately that I was going to be his wife... I told him he was full of it, and that basically, he didn't stand a chance in hell. He grew on me when I saw how he didn't allow people to push him around, but when he saw that he was wrong in a situation, he changed. He's a very good man... and he loved me even though I was a bitch to him at first. He liked that I didn't back down easily, either. Anyway, why was I such a wimp? I told him that I thought I was supposed to be submissive and obey him. He said - "OK. Then obey this - I WANT you to DISAGREE with me. I command it as you husband!" Ever since then we've been fine. We fight. We make up. We fight. We make up. It's all good... and as we get more and more used to each other, we fight less... He likes independant smart women... For you Tolkien folks, I knew he was the guy for me when he thought Eowyn was the woman he would want out of the Lord of the Rings - not Arwen. He wanted the woman who would fight!
  6. Nothing like eating your alcohol!!
  7. Get some cherry or grape tomatoes, and thread them on skewers... throw those on the barbeque - keeps them little buggers from falling down the cracks!
  8. You poor, poor, poor, thing! And if you were living on staff... Those poor, miserable, pitiful housekeepers!!!!
  9. Another way to know you're at a twi wedding: Bachelor parties with a 2 drink limit and your clergy's wife doing a strip tease (heard from a real good friend - he wanted a LOT more to drink when that one happened!) Bridal showers with cheap gifts because no one has the money to spend on anthing since they are busy living the ABUNDANT LIFE (not.) I could go on and on... But I have to go back to work. Love ya all! Jane
  10. Not in any class where I was in charge, buddy!! Best coffee around - strong stuff - with half and half and maybe some of those frilly creamers... and finger sandwiches, or homemade cookies, or cinnamon rolls... MMMMmmmmMMMMmmmm.... I ain't called "Java" Jane for nothin' I made sure that coffee was darn strong for those of us on the crew, 'cause Lord knows we were WIPED OUT and falling asleep in the back row most nights.
  11. Yuck. Probably with day old stretched coffee, too, huh?
  12. You have been on a group colon cleanse mandated by God Himself. (proving they were all full of sh!t and new it!)
  13. I'm just glad I never became the full-fledged Stepford Wife with perfect pre-approved haircut and makeup... Nope. Never did. And my husband cleans the house while I bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan... Anyone else find that their teachings suddenly needed to be critiqued immediately after they were married? I did. Before marriage, I was told I had a gift ministry in teaching... Guess that was conferred to my husband when we got married.
  14. Nametags? We don't need no stinking NAMETAGS!!
  15. It was about McMullen - I heard it as a direct quote from her own mouth.
  16. I thought the same thing when I saw Man in the Moon - there's a scene in there that shows the slight of hand stuff. Maybe the 5 star generals that were causing him to use people so badly were keeping him from seeing the slight of hand?
  17. that's ok. I gave myself heartburn I got so mad... How's that for irony?
  18. Agreed. I mainly appreciate Anime in a strictly entertainment sort of way, not really in the "art" aspect - although some of it is quite aesthetically pleasing. I think my hubby would rather hang a large anime poster in our living room than that poster.
  19. I got a recipe for Jezebal sauce! It's yummy... Made from real Jezebels, you know...
  20. I think I may have struck a nasty chord with this thread... begin rant I'm still mad. MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD!!! How dare someone try to come between a man and his wife - pollute the beauty of a sacrament of GOD that was set up AT THE VERY BEGINNING? AND THEN PROFESS TO BE DOING GOD'S WILL??? It must make God sick to be said to be the reason for so many marriages splitting up. Who was usurping the head? THEY WERE!! They broke down the man's courage. They put things in place to make the wives keep their mouths shut so that they couldn't give their husbands advice. And if that didn't work, they destroyed her reputation, marking her as a Jezebel... if they had managed to castrate the husband by then, they worked on removing the woman... If he wasn't castrated, they accused him of HAVING NO BALLS (what the heck?) and kicked them both out. And it would be better for a millstone to be tied around their neck and have them be tossed into the ocean than to do the things they did - God knows. He sees. It's a good thing vengeance belongs to God. I know he'll do it right. BASTARDS. end rant
  21. I would have said FARGING ICEHOLES myself, but devils works, too. Same thing happened to my parents in the WC - it was ok for Dad to take the kids, but my Mom had to go - she was to "willfull". BASTARDS!!! I think my hubby really got a clue about how bad it was when he tried to talk to our coordinator (you know who, B) and was called a "Bro" and told that he really understood why he was concerned since I was kicking up such a fuss about things... But then when I got pulled aside he said that he was really sick of all the fiances, fathers, and husbands who kept sticking their noses in his business when he felt their women needed confronting. When my man heard that one, he blew his top. How dare he call him a "brother" and then stab him in the back? EVIL EVIL EVIL.
  22. I know... I know... the is for Mrs. B, too. She's a kick foot woman, and you are a lucky lucky man!
  23. Free exchange of information? Maybe they've been reading Greasespot?
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