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Everything posted by ChasUFarley

  1. It really had nothing to do with politics or healthcare coverage - we have excellent healthcare coverage, as hubby is a public school teacher. It's more the pace of life, the people, the cleanliness of the area, etc. for us - we love the ocean and the quiet way of life - big cities and bright lights aren't are "thing"...
  2. Keep a pencil eraser (like the kind you put on the top of the pencil AFTER the eraser is gone) in the stack of paper filters and it's easy to scoop the next filter off the top by stuffing the eraser on your pinky...
  3. Notta - I remember meeting Claudette - I thought she's be warm and friendly... JUST the opposite. I was ushering for a supper-time sack-supper pickup and she breezed in, totally did the opposite of what we were all trying to direct people to do. She ignored people and "harrumphed" my "Hello! God bless!" - I was crushed. She was just a snot - I didn't want anything from her - just to say "Hi" and be friendly. She seemed so jaded and untouchable.... I guess if the highlight of my stage career was performing for a cult and being a celebrity among 3,000 people, then I'd probably be grumpy too... :unsure:
  4. wtf was that.... ???! that was so... dare i say it...??? WHITE! As the Brits would say, "mutton dressed as lamb!"
  5. Actually, we spent our honeymoon there eight years ago... I watch real estate sales in the area every now and then, just to watch for a potential rental property to come up. Incidentally, this past month, the B&B where we stayed is on the market now - I'd love to run that. But, we have our elderly mothers to look after and that will keep us here.
  6. Full moon.... ...that explains A LOT... Seriously... I noticed it was an especially nice moon last night - even the kids noticed. (I say "even the kids noticed" because Andreas pointed and said, "MOON!" which was just awesome!)
  7. Hubby and I are seriously looking into retiring in Nova Scotia - we love it there so much! It's not so much for political reasons as just quality of life....
  8. So, if you're overweight, can you be MORE stoned than skinny people? For cool chef...
  9. Are you saying that he's round, blue and horny?
  10. It's HOW you say "eh" that's important. It can be a statement: "It's hot today. Eh?" It can be a question: "Where's the cat gone, eh?" It can be a exclaimation, "You kids watch out! EH!" It's just how to let the other party know you're done communication. EH!
  11. chef - If you get to the seacoast area this summer, stop by Tully's Beer and Wine - they have a WONDERFUL blueberry wine that you'd swear was a light merlot. I just finished up a bottle the other night with my mom (gotta love being an adult - you can get buzzed with your mom!) The trick to harvesting dandelions is to pick them BEFORE the bud opens for the first time - get them when they first come up and just before they bloom. I love them - and beet greens (actally - any greens - but beet are my favs!)
  12. the correct term for this is an "anagram" (this isn't me correcting you but the word 'anagram' it's connected more with the point of my post...) Anagrams are very popular with the tattoo community - I'll post some later... But this is an especially fun site: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ For example, using the advanced feature... Loy Craig Martindale -letters rearranged - becomes -- A Romantically Dirge A Maladroitly Cringe A Radical Gremlin Toy A Dramatic Yelling Or A Maniac Trilled Orgy ...and so much more...
  13. Maybe you're thinking of the leach system out back?
  14. Hubby was telling me about a couple in his area who ran a fellowship, who often talked about how their extra-marrital affairs helped to strengthen their marriage... In one horrific example, he told me about a guy he had witnessed to that finally came to Twig. The guy went to UNH with him and was also raised Greek Orthodox. After fellowship, this couple decided to share and started talking about their affairs. The kid basically bolted from the house and they never saw him again - you just don't DO that (or at least get caught) in the Greek culture. Open marriage is not an option. I'm sure this couple was left of center, at best... but anyone else have an experience like this? Where someone tried to justify their .... poor choices in life with the "freedom" in the Word?
  15. Why does someone always have to be *right*? And especially when SO MANY are convined that they are RIGHT... ??? You forgot drunken plaigerists, dumb MOG jocks in rainbow trimmed warm up suits, and masculine-looking matrons who only vacation with women.
  16. (i have a really bad gag reflex... i can't look at stuff like that... watching milk being poured down a sink, mixing with water, makes me gag....) (in other words... some other mother would have to take over the party at that point...) (eeeeeewwwwww!)
  17. Lovely avatar! Congrats on your marriage! :)
  18. I just got sent free tix last night to - get this - Eddie Money Rick Springfield and Patty Smyth and Scandal We get goodies like this every now and then from a local venue we haunt several times a season - I can't wait! The concert is Sunday night. This should be good!
  19. I doubt many would "incriminate" themselves on this one...
  20. 4.5 Music 4 Spatial 3.86 Language - but tied with Nature 3.7 Social Last on the list was physical - no suprise... I trip over the print in the carpet...
  21. If you don't like reading her, then BLOCK her posts - that's an option for you. But please stop DERAILING this thread because you're being AR about this... THANK YOU!
  22. Never worked with Silly String before... Would Silly String tag be an option? "IT" gets the can of silly string and has to spray someone else with it. When they hit someone else, then the new "IT" gets the can? What do you think? Would it work?
  23. All sounds great - the weather is supposed to be 73 degrees that day and partly-sunny. The pool may still be a "go" but I want to be prepared, just in case. We've been lucky in the past in that we either had very hot weather, or one year - get this - I landed a tour of the fire station, complete with a short ride on one of the engines for the group. I think it was for Kristopher's 4th birthday. Anyhow - that was a great party and the fire department did it for free (well... we DO pay taxes... but anyhow... ) Great ideas!
  24. Millet? AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I gag thinking about it now... I remember Grace Bliss' cookbook - lots of millet...
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