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Everything posted by ChasUFarley

  1. I knew a Jim Carroll - his wife's name is Vicky... they were in TN in the mid-90's...
  2. I miss Orange Cat... Where -o- where can our irreverant Cat be?
  3. First time I went out WOW - it was the 2nd wave, from the 1989 Anniverary at HQ - there were maybe about 20-25 people going out... Anyhow, I remember learning that we wouldn't be told where we were going until the ceremony... I asked someone how did they know where to send us... (We were in the WOW Auditorium at the time, on the second floor, looking at the large relief map on the wall...) I remember he said, "See that map there? Well, they take darts and throw them at that wall. When the dart sticks - THAT's where you're goin'!" (I believed him for 'bout 30 seconds - wide-eyed (hey, I was only 18, okay?!) then he started laughing his fanny off....) ha ha
  4. ChasUFarley


    :unsure: Did you need help using it?
  5. ChasUFarley


    Uh, no - two different things. ShoutOut! is at the TOP of your screen - sroll the window up, look just BELOW the banner ads and you'll see the white letters "ShoutOUt!" with a list of what people have shouted out. Then, there's a two buttons "Smiles" and "BBCode", then a white rectangle (that's where you type your ShoutOut!) and then there's a third button "Shout", and a "-" (minus sign) and a "+" (plus sign.) This works very similar to the bullitins at MySpace - I know you're familiar with that.
  6. ChasUFarley


    It doesn't seem to have the same "flavor" as the chat room - i.e. no sounds, etc. can be there and you can't see who else is in the "room" unless they're typing a shout out, too. Cool feature - not bad - might be a cool way to invite others into chat or something of the sorts.... Hope it stays a fixture!
  7. I don't know if they still make it... And I couldn't make this up if I wanted to... But Ben & Jerry's ice cream used to make a flavor called "Black & Tan" - stout & ale. It sounds very strange translated into ice cream but tasted very good (as all things Ben & Jerry's!)
  8. Anyone gonna be in line for the new book on 07/21/07 at 12AM? :)
  9. ChasUFarley

    Guitar Talk

    ...And now a word from our sponsor... Ladies and Gentlemen! You may have wondered HOW to list a guitar on eBay... You may have stayed awake at night wondering how to shoot your axe so that it would sell at a great price and get lots of looks. Well... Look no further.... PRESENTING... THE ONE.... THE ONLY.... CHEESIEST LISTING! Model not included - unless you're ready to pay hourly rates! p.s. Hubby is bidding on something very cool - bas case of GAS this summer - pray he gets it! (Cuz then I won't have to get him an anniversary gift for a while!!!)
  10. Graphic artist. Along came computers in the 1990's and some awesome friends in TWI, who took me under their wing and taught me a lot. Today I moonlight designing forms, databases, presentations, and a few websites. I hope to go back to school once the boys are older and get some classes and maybe a degree under my belt. But where I work now - with over 2,000 employees - no one beats me when it comes to software skills - and I'm proud of that. I'm also considering getting into gaming and animation - my dream job - working for Pixar!
  11. And that's probably why we were so prime for TWI... Add in the teachings about leaving and you're outside the walls of Zion, outside of the Household and outside of God's will! We thought we were pleasing God but stepping back on it now and looking at things, it was pleasing people - ungodly people, most of the time. Pleasing people isn't a crime or even a bad thing. As a mom, there's nothing more satisfying that pleasing my kids - like getting them that "OH YES!" birthday present or taking them to Chuck E. Cheese's just to watch them have a blast. But they also hear me say "NO!" a lot, too. What I'm trying to say is that maybe looking at WHY we are people pleasers - in the negative sense - and how that can change....
  12. Finding another job isn't a problem - I have a business, work out of the home, and do quite well with it. I've almost totally replaced my income from the hospital. The problem is more of the "people pleasing" sorta thing - part of my hates hates hates going in to that job but part of me doesn't want to let Boss down, so I go back and put up with the crap. Once in a while, true to my smart-a$$ed nature, I get some snide remarks in when she's being especially nasty about something - it's sorta like having to work with a toddler with RN and BS degrees. Very intelligent and very good at what she does but the worst people skills you can imagine. (She's been in her position over 20 years - I've lasted the longest of any assistant she's ever hired - most last two years, at best. One lasted three weeks!) Sure, talking about quitting is EASY... it's actually getting the chutpaz to do it that's tough...
  13. Tilda-rooney! So great to cybersee you and all you have to say... hoping you'll drop in again, write more. No Hallmark cards needed.
  14. I still have this problem. Example: I've worked for the boss from hell for five years now. Employees from other departments have overheard some of the stupid stupid b.s. this woman has said to me and offered to go to HR for us because it was so bad. But this boss knows I'll do anything to make her look good. Yesterday, she expected me to produce a report - over 100 pages - for one of our hospitals (it's all healthcare stats, physician performance, payer stats - you get the idea) - in just a couple of hours. Oh, and it's due by Friday morning. Considering I'm off on Wednesdays and go in late on Thursdays... I've got less than 12 hours to pull it off and make it look good. But she knows I'll make it happen or kill myself trying. (And I've been 2 years now without a raise - how's that for being a s-u-c-k-e-r ??) I need to quit that job - but I honestly don't know how.
  15. I thought that back when I read the book - if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you read it - it's dead-on!
  16. There are 2,209 registered members; 3.0% (68) of the registered members have identified themselves as being female and 4.1% (92) members have identified themselves as being male. Approximately 93% of the registered members have not identified themselves as male or female. There are now over 33,000 posts on this forum. To get an accurate count of your male/female perspective, you'd have to total the number of posts from males and the total number of posts from females but since we have 97% registered as "its" that would be nearly impossible. Speculation about what the outcomes would be if VPW and leadership were female is... how do I say this... fruitless. If immoral acts were still done, greed still ruled, and there were still victims, then I don't believe it would be any more different. There still would have been males and females effected by the poor choices or decisions made by leadership with bad-intent. There would still be victims and hurt and emotions - male or female. For further conversation: What difference would it make if there was a majority of posts by male or female? Would this add credibility to the forum or take it away?
  17. From the perspective of someone who was in TWI II.... I thought you had to be an LCM clone to WANT to go in the WC to begin with... the WC was just finishing school for teaching you how to be a complete @$$hole.* *I am not saying all WC were @$$holes - I am saying that they were taught how to potentially be ones.... k?
  18. Someone may call me biased here, or whatever... but here it goes.... It much easier for women to surrender to the ministry and leadership because of the teachings (i.e. husband is the head, leadership is the MOG, etc.) than it is for men to surrender. Giving up free will choice is easy and happens slowly over time. Example: Please let leadership know when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. Please let leadership know one week ahead of time, when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. Please let leadership know one week ahead of time, by filling out this form, when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. Please let leadership know one week ahead of time, by filling out this form, and putting in on the weekly schedule you submit, when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. Please let leadership know two weeks ahead of time, by filling out this form, and putting in on the weekly schedule you submit, when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. Please let leadership know two weeks ahead of time, by filling out this form for us to review and sign, and putting in on the weekly schedule you submit, when you're going to be out of town, in case we need to call you. (Oh, and don't do this too often - or we'll think you're placing family/friends above the ministry.)
  19. I second what Rocky and TempleLady have both said - good advice!
  20. sorry but part of me wonders if this isn't being done so that he can regain control of the ministry - in other words, to show that he can be a leader in his own home, etc. -
  21. Chas enters the confessional... I never smoked pot in school or came near the stuff until I was in my late 20's. I think I was about 27 (about 1997) - still in TWI - and freshly divorced. I was renting a house from another believer - she lived in AZ during the summers... Anyhow, my bud smoking buddy came over and said, "You have to try this!" Me: "Uh.... I dunno.... I've never tried it before... what do I do?" (I felt so geeky about it - like I was the last person on earth to try it when everyone else already had.) So we sparked one up.... it was very good... and VERY strong. I remember time flew by - it got very late. He decided to drive home but couldn't remember how he got there... So... I tried to draw him a MAP! Oh, yeah... it was as bad as you could imagine. I couldn't make two straight lines intersect! WAIT! No - I couldn't make two stright lines - PERIOD! And it was a scream - we laughed about my map until we thought our ribs would come out thru our sides. OMG - it was the funniest damn thing in the world. We could hardlyl talk - but we could laugh. The best part - the next day... I was laying out in the sun, on the back deck of the house with that warm brown feeling you have the next day. Totally relaxed. Very cool. Very crispy. Like autumn leaves.
  22. ChasUFarley

    SNL: Harry Potter

    WOW - he was a dead ringer for Coltrane! Thanks for the note!
  23. mstar - you're welcome to come late or early, if you wish - or anytime - we'd love to have you!
  24. I think the comparison is more about the cult of personality that one had - not the metaphore that other's make it out to be.
  25. The intent of the thread was to talk about the "fire" that the early TWI music had - which was (imho) hand-in-hand with the "fire" of the early ministry, pre-LCM, pre-lawsuits, pre-nasty discoveries about the thing and it's founder... "What it was"... could have been "What it still COULD be".... but it's not.
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