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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Everything posted by ChasUFarley

  1. Grrr - I hate those kinds of problems with a video upload... Try this link and let me know if this works for you: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v6229877dehKGJbB?c=testkaa
  2. This is a snipped of video I'm working on - I need help identifying this song... (I just uploaded the video a minute before started this thread. If it's slow loading, try again in a moment.)THANKS! Online Videos by Veoh.com
  3. I heard somewhere (can't verify it right now) that every three times a $1.00 changes hands, the gov't owns $1.00. On the flip side, if paying taxes are the fee for living in this great country, then I'm glad to pay my bill. We benefit from the protection our military provides, the education our children receive in public schools, the safe roads we drive down, and the laws enforced by our police. Say what you want about the USA but try finding a better country... (and if you don't like it here or the taxes, then move THERE.) :)
  4. I could only listen to about 15 seconds of that... what a mess.
  5. It was still around in the late 90's and is a total load of toss.
  6. Yes, he was in WA - Everett, I think. Nice, nice guy...
  7. Making anything special tomorrow? Got a party going on? Do tell!
  8. ChasUFarley

    wake up

    I think the truth is better found with the tequila, and if that's the case... I've been ordained!
  9. At the local Highland Games there's a haggis throwing competition.... Which is probably the nicest thing you can do with haggis...
  10. We got a 1987 Porsche 924S for $600 on eBay. Yes - it runs. (I should say "ran" because we sold it this last fall.) It was a good deal and a fun car. We were going to restore it but just didn't have time or money to do it - especially after storm damage to the house, so we sold it. You can find some great deals - use wisdom, tho. If it's too good to be true - IT IS!
  11. ChasUFarley

    Guitar Talk

    Just checking out the Iowa results - and on Drudge Report, there's a pic of Huckabee playing bass! Well, guess I know where my vote is going! (Very cute ferret - or is that a new humidifier?)
  12. With all due respect, David... You're assuming this is a Christian forum. It's not. You're placing forgiveness on the same level with silence. You can forgive someone and still remember or speak of the offense - or show me the scripture that says I have to forget. This place is here as tool to communicate able TWI - past and present. Ever wish you could've known what you MIGHT have been getting yourself into when you joined? Well, this is it. I wish I'd had the internet and a forum like this in 1988. Wouda probably saved me a career, a marriage, and a lot of other things. But oh, I'm not supposed to talk about that because it's a personal attack, right? How can you equate the discussion threads on this forum as being equal to what TWI has done? To the best of my knowledge, Greasespot Cafe hasn't kicked out hundreds of people under the spiritual suspicion of them being homosexuals, hasn't condoned extra-martial affairs and even rape, hasn't broken up hundreds of marriages and families, and hasn't kicked people out for being in debt, communicating with "innies", or other such nonsense that isn't biblically based. Hardly on the same level...
  13. WOW - sounds awesome... Can't imagine what my cholesterol count will be after that, tho... cut me and I won't bleed!
  14. Over 45" of snow here to-date... ANY WAY TO SPEED THIS DAMN THING UP????
  15. exie... I hear ya and feel that way sometimes, too. The place wears on me sometimes. Then there's the people who've grown on me - and that's why I come back. I've learned that breaks in the action - whether days, weeks or months, are beneficial. And I know it's my problem - I just let it get to me. So, I chill. Peace.
  16. I use veoh.com for my video stuff - much more user friendly, imho, than youtube.
  17. Hubby's family (Greek) has a cheese and egg pita with a chicken and rice lemon soup - pita & ovolemno soupa. The pita has a coin in it - usually a quarter or silver dollar - and whoever gets the coin has good luck all year.
  18. Knights of Columbus is a Roman Catholic fraternity. Not sure how you'd connect this to TWI, considering VPW's POV of the RC Church...
  19. The house was abundantly aromatic as we entered. The kids ran in to their grandmother's house in full anticipation of opening gifts, oogling the tree, and eating the feast we knew she had been preparing for days. But Grandmother was upset. No, make that p i s s e d - at best. No Yorkshire pudding this year. No rich gravy, even. Nope. None of those wonderfully fattening things with our dinner this year because the butcher had TRIMMED the roast. There was almost no fat on it. My mother was not easily consoled on that one. NEVER - I repeat - NEVER!! EVER! deprive a Brit of her bad cholesterol!
  20. Here's the link to an HTML Code generator: http://www.quackit.com/html/html_generator...e_generator.cfm
  21. TWI's practice of Christmas, in itself, is proof the organization is a cult. They expected you to SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE for the name of the holiday. "Christmas" was replaced by "HoHo". They expected you NOT TO QUESTION what you were taught about the birth of Christ or their practice (or lack of) of the holiday. They taught it was BETTER TO BE WITH THEM than your family during the holiday - so you don't return to your "old man ways", etc. And finally, they PUT DOWN DEMONIATIONS' TEACHINGS about the holiday.
  22. We have FIVE seasons here in NH and most of New England (coolchef can attest to this, also...) SUMMER FALL WINTER *MUD* SPRING
  23. Oh, it was a huge controversy back in 2002! You mean to tell me you didn't hear about it? It was all over the news for a couple of weeks in late November that year. You couldn't go anywhere and not hear someone griping about the lyrics to that song. I believe it was the Parents' Music Resource Center (PMRC), headed by Tipper Gore, who asked for them to be changed to the version that you heard. Of course, some radio stations are very rebellious and play the old "pedophile" version that we all grew up with just to boost their ratings and even Howard Stern has featured the song on his show, claiming that it applies to adults, midgets, and women with eleven fingers who charge money for hand jobs. Kudos to your local stations for playing the cleaned up version.
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