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Everything posted by ChasUFarley

  1. ChasUFarley


    Is this set up to work yet? Let me know when it is - I'm in the market for some things for the house, as we're still recovering from the tornado last fall...
  2. ChasUFarley


    I can't relate with anyone who finds this forum boring.... there's way too many interesting posters here, and too many interesting threads!
  3. My mom used to make this delicious chocolate cake - it was super moist and a very dark chocolate... It had mayonnaises in it! Anyhow, she's lost the recipe. Anyone got a recipe for this, please? I'm sure it's super-sinful, but aren't all the good things sinful???
  4. You're such a GEORGE AAR!
  5. That must have been such a downer for her - I can't imagine. She was a gift to the music world - what a voice!
  6. Since there's a lot of pet owners here, I'd like you ask your opinion on something.... We have a couch & loveseat set that we bought brand new about 6 years ago. The cats love it and we have to keep it under slipcovers. It's made of a somewhat-rough, woven material - guess it's perfect if you're a cat. We have two cats - ages 6 and 10 years old. Both are indoor cats and both have their claws. Anyhow, we also now have a dog and he gets on the furniture. He's not one to get slobber on the furniture and is rather clean but is long haired. We also have two kids - ages 3 and 6. They're not allowed to eat on the furniture, other than on special occasions (i.e. movie night). We're considering getting leather furniture but we're concerned about the cats ripping into it... What's your recommendations or experience with this?? THANKS!!!
  7. ChasUFarley


    How interesting you'd start a thread on "interesting".... Might I ask what prompted this "interesting" subject?
  8. ChasUFarley


    Hi Jen-O - I don't believe we've met via this board yet. A belated welcome to you. Let me clarify my useage of the term "haters" I used in my post: I have NO problem (and nothing but sympathy) for those who hate VPW, LCM, etc. for what they had to deal with while subjected to them. I believe the woman who repeatedly defend themselves about their experiences in the motor coach or elsewhere. Same for those who suffered any other abuse at the hands of "men of God". I also have NO problem with those who don't wish to participate in organized religion of any sort - they've been burned - I respect that. I have my war stories, let me tell you, but I also have some very positive things that came out of my involvement with TWI. I DO have problem with those who tear down others and are disrespectful of their experiences and beliefs only because they had a bad experience (or have heard bad things about a class or organization.) If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check out any Momentus thread. People love spewing their opinion on that subject even though they haven't had any firsthand experience AND they're willing to really dog those who actually had a positive experience from it. I can tell you, firsthand, of threats my husband received from a poster at Waydale because he posted he had a positive experience with Momentus and felt he was a better believer from it - he also said he didn't subscribe to everything they taught but that he filtered it though the Word. He was treated horribly by others because of his comments and received emails threatening his job as a public school teacher because of his involvement with Momentus and because he didn't denounce it! (That's a hater, my Dear.) The "haters" are those who give no consideration to where others are at in their spiritual life and look down their nose, into their computer monitors, as they tell others how to live their lives and how weak they are for being believers. There's some of that on this board, in case you haven't seen it. Personally, I'm of the point of view that "if it works for you - do it." I'm very tolerant of those who are into other avenues of spirituality and don't pretend to have a stranglehold on the truth like I used to. I don't care if you're Muslim, Wiccian, Baptist, or with CFF - or even still with TWI. I may not understand *why* something works for you - but I'll respect your decision. My apologies to you if you had a bad experience with CFF. I didn't have a bad experience but was good friends with one of the founders. They were there for me when I left TWI and very helpful - even though I never gave them a dime or really asked for any help. They gave emotional and spiritual support to me at a time when I needed it. I never "joined" but can see how their teachings are attractive to those who, like me, aren't trinitarian, don't believe the dead are alive, etc. Peace, -Krista
  9. Oh, you had me so worried there - I checked out that web site and at least the Pancake Puff pan I bought for the kids (yes - the 3 and 6 year olds!) wasn't on the list of scams! Infomercials should NOT be allowed to run on the Nick JR channel!!!
  10. ChasUFarley


    Something more I'd like to add - There are other - non-TWI-associated - groups that also do a good job teaching the Word and the principals in it. I've not found any local who I can really sign-on with because they're all trinitarian but they do a decent job in all other areas... What I'm trying to say is check things out for yourself - figure out what fits best for you - but also don't limit God.
  11. Psychotherapists, social workers, clinical chaplains, etc., need to learn to be more EMPATHETIC with those who have the guts to disclose they've left a cult (albeit, a recent departure or one that took place 30 years ago) and not just shrug their shoulders, in a "So?" attitude because they've never heard of the cult. It doesn't matter that they (the counselor) have never heard of the cult - it matters greatly to the former member of the cult that they're accepted in main stream culture. The best thing the counselor can do (even if they've never heard of the cult) is act like it MATTERS that this person was involved and that they left AND that they're admitting they were a part of it. It takes balls to disclose that kind of personal information - never mind any of the crap that came into their lives because they were in the cult - and the counselors need to treat it as such. I've encountered about five different professionals in a counseling situation and ALL of them acted like it was NOTHING. No big whoop. Oh, so what. And that told me that the 13 years I spent in the cult - something that very much shaped who I am today - did not matter at all.
  12. ChasUFarley


    I checked out CFF when I was first leaving TWI. I knew some of the ministers who were heading the thing and felt they were really trying to do the right thing with the Word they'd been taught. They were some of the most genuine men of God I've ever known (two have passed away since CFF started.) I am also one of the few posters here who will openly admit I'm glad I took PFAL. I think it changed my life for the better and really don't give a rat's anus if there was plagiary or other issues. The message worked for me - and yes, the messenger was flawed. But I digress... If it works for you and your family, then go for it. I wouldn't ask this board in a million years for their input on my spiritual life. There's way too many haters, to put it bluntly and as I see it, if you're considering it then you must have checked it out (somewhat) already. Best of luck to you in your search!
  13. ChasUFarley


    I use Amazon for my Christmas and b-day shopping - and other holidays. I'd be glad to use it thru a GSC portal, especially if it would help you out more! Thanks for all you do to keep this site running!
  14. Thanks Bowtwi - I'm glad you like it! The kids have really gotten into Pandora, too. Kristopher has a "High School Musical" station that he set up and has geared towards his tastes. The funny thing is that he's also in the Bee Gees - gotta love that from six year old boy!
  15. If Aaron will come and hold my other arm, I will part this sea of Hanging Chads!
  16. Please do check it out - I think you'll like it. You set up a "station" based on a song or artist you like. Then you put seed songs or artists in that station to craft it the way you'd like it to be. It doesn't play those songs in order and will pick songs from a database of millions of songs with qualities that you approve of in the artists or songs you've identified as seed songs for your station. For example, I set up a Los Lonely Boys station, but some of the seed artists are Derek Trucks Band, Eric Clapton, Rory Gallagher, Johnny Lang, SRV, Santana, and Kenny Wayne Shepard. It ROCKS! It's a great blues/tex-mex flavor station.
  17. Maybe there's been posts and threads about this before... There's a very interesting website that's sorta like a radio station, in that you don't know what song will play next, but you design the radio station yourself. It's free and I've discovered some wonderful new music because of it.... PANDORA It's also very user-friendly - no real learning curve. Check it out - you might like what you hear. DMiller - there's some great bluegrass to be found there!!
  18. On the subject of the autonomy of The Way of Canada... I had a roommate in the late-1990's who had been dating and getting very serious with a very eligible WC man who was in the upper leadership ranks in Canada. When they approached the subject of marriage with their WC leadership they were told to forget and drop the relationship. They were advised that because they were from two different countries/cultures that it wasn't "best" and they should be looking in their own area for a mate. (As someone who grew up just a few hours from Canada and has spent time in that foreign land, I don't get how it was such a big difference. The "council" they received about their relationship was just another mind&uck, designed to keep them under TWI's thumb.)
  19. The sad thing as that it won't even pay for one heating oil delivery here - it will help, but we're paying $3.40/gal for home heating oil this year and hubby is year 2 with no teaching contract (pay frozen). I'm with Rocky - I'd rather see more jobs kept in the USA.
  20. This is what angels in heaven must sound like...
  21. 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01000010 01101001 01110010 01110100 01101000 01100100 01100001 01111001 48 61 70 70 79 20 42 69 72 74 68 64 61 79 10 PRINT "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" 20 GOTO 10 { /* * I so wanted do to learn C#, * And all I can make do is this lousy crap. * Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF * All I want to say: Happy Birthday to You! */ }
  22. I didn't know John Hartford wrote that! That's been covered so many times but I like his version best!
  23. Okay - The exact title of this is: Water Music: Allegro Maestoso PHEW! Many thanks to all of you who helped (and tried to help) me find this! There's a cool story behind this: My niece was adopted into the family when she was just three years old by my brother and his wife. They faced a lot of challenges in raising her, as she was developmentally disabled, as her mother had been a very heavy drug user when she was born. Long story short - she's blossomed into a wonderful, loving young lady and landed herself quite a gentleman. The young couple couldn't afford to hire someone to shoot video for their wedding so "Aunt Kris" volunteered to do it. I'm trying to get this to look and sound as professional as possible - just because I want to bless them. They deserve it - and I'm so proud of my niece. Anyhow - thanks for listening to this sentimental broad. And Dooj - I LOVE Pachelbel Canon in D - I can't listen to it without getting misty-eyed. It's so beautiful!
  24. Hubby just bought the extra memory for my iMac. I've been doing so much with video that my little iMac was really having trouble with it all. Problem is that I would be importing video and typing transcription and listening to music and.... you get the picture. I also use Windows a lot now on my iMac because some of my clients are totally Window based and I work with some software that isn't made for Mac. Anyhow, he bought 3 gigs of RAM for both of our iMacs for $140 (that's for BOTH of our computers) at Crucial. The upgrade took maybe ten minutes to do and WOW - great performance. Money well spent! I highly recommend doing the upgrade - it's well worth it!
  25. Dooj - That's EXACTLY how I feel with this one... I know it but I can't name it.
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