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Everything posted by kimberly

  1. First of all, the Lord was speaking specifics that pertained only to those at that moment. Sometimes, folks confuse what Father God or the Lord said to a specific people means it is for all. There is numerous scripture where we are to follow the example of Godly men and women. For crying out loud Father God knows our heart and intent (duh, ya think just a teenie weenie bit) if we love a member of The Body of Christ, an imitator of Him, to love them like a Father or a leader. Well, whooptie doo if we call them our father, mother, sister or pain in the butt in the Word. Do ya think the Almighty and the Lord is big enough to know the heart and intent?
  2. Well, Paul and Timothy had a relationship like that. It is biblical. I know Simon in Kenya, a Kenyan, has a relationship with Bill, an American, like that. Too much to elaborate on. Simon calls Bill, his dad in the Word. Absolutely no history there with twi. I know many more relationships like that. And I gotta tell ya, my best and dearest friend of 33 years is a mother and big sister to me in the Word. I seek out her guidance and wisdom. Father, mother, brother, sister in the Word is not exclusive to twi.
  3. Nooooo..... Brambles first question. That is what the Pharisees did to the Lord Jesus Christ. He didn't measure up to their beliefs, religion, and/or practice. He didn't let them convince Him otherwise. I have no fear of hell, damnation, or fried okra. I knows.
  4. I take it a group hug is not in order at this time??? Are we having a koom...bah...yah...moment yet? Maybe a come to Jesus meeting?
  5. O. K. Jeff, after reading and re-reading the posts trying to figure it out, I now understand what you are asking. Folks who have never been in the military don't get what you are asking. Now that you are "out" of the military how do you "turn it off" obeying, respecting the commands of men? In the military you trusted the leadership of your commanding officer. You trusted the heart of the program. Give me our military over a religious organization any day. Biblically, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Man made religion, spiritual abuse in the name of said religion is cruel and abusive. The Lord Jesus Christ knew that very well. He fulfilled all the laws. He was obedient even unto death. He did it all. How did He do that? AAAHHH, there my brother is the answer. If He had let people, religion, etc. etc., sway Him or determine Him where would we be now? Look to the life of Jesus Christ for answers.
  6. kimberly

    Can I share?

    Even if you had not found her money or it had been another issue, the fact that you NOTICED she was sad and then you asked why...to me, that is the greatness of what you did. You go girl, being tuned in to other folks!!!
  7. Bramble, honey, my answer to question one and two in your topic thread is...no. I stand up and take notice of the Pharisees that spew that filthy religion. The love of God is so far removed from that.
  8. Well, ain't we so special. We beez duh judge, jury and hangman. You have got to be kidding me. You have nothing better to do than e-mail a reporter? Let us spend our time more wisely. There are folks out there that really need it. Did anybody e-mail Johnson to help and inform him? Somebody needs to e-mail Nike. If Johnson was affiliated with a porn group, or the Jihad, or a satanic cult would you have e-mailed the reporter? There is one sentence that struck me. Barnes said, I want to strengthen my relationship with God and learn more about Him. The boy wants to learn more about God. Yuh, think the Almighty Father can meet him where he is if he has that desire? Duh, yuh think Father Almighty supercedes twi and all other cults, organization and religions if someone has that desire? Well, He did with and for me even when I was in twi. Yes, they have access to a computer. They said they Googled the Hebrew translation on the Internet. They were able to get a better understanding of what the verse meant. I wonder if twi allows that. If they don't please e-mail them. Twi never gave us a choice or freedom of will? I could have walked anytime. And I eventually did. I do miss the commaraderie that I had with a lot of the brethren. We were young and really loved the Lord and each other and wanted to do what was right in His eyes. Even looking back now twi did not decide that for me. Then again, I have never put my trust in man. The One Body. It does hold and bind together. So, pray for this young man Johnson. No matter what cult or religion or denomination we are to love all.
  9. This is a joke, right? Am I suppose to believe that folks of formidable intelligence really "wonder" this stuff. Are you pondering, wondering or wandering? Surely there is greater and higher things to waste our thoughts on.
  10. TWI never taught me that Jesus Christ is not God. I knew that since a child. I questioned the Southern Baptist preacher about that and he told my mother she better shut me up or do something about me. We never went back to that church even though my mom believes that Jesus is God. Like my sister said when we were teenagers, "If Jesus is God then what Jesus Christ did is no big deal." Bingo! Are the dead alive now? Yep, when the last bell rings for school to be out. I do dismiss the error in teaching that Christians will spend eternity in heaven. I know now that we will be in Paradise here on earth. And just one teenie weenie itsy bitsy issue that I noticed, as I was skimming the gazillion posts, about being lied to. Well humpty dumpty welcome to life. I never had anybody lie to me before twi and I have not had anybody lie to me since. I don't lie. And Glory Praise be to God Almighty my children have never lied to me. Holy moly, if they ever did I would be devastated and disown them. It is fair to say that my life would be in shambles. Let me share this quick story. For one semester I studied under a world renowned chef. You all know him. He is mean, nasty and evil. He liked the ladies and I think a few of the boys. He tormented us every day because he knew he could. He was so full of himself, as most renowned chefs are. Yet, he is the master at what he does. I learned so much from him. I have applied his teachings and techniques. I teach them to my students. They are awed that I learned under him. So what do I do? Throw the baby out with the bath water? Although VP never told me he could heal me from sexual abuse by having sex with me my mog "husband" told me that. Lie. What was he thinking with? Thankfully, the Lord Christ Jesus was never lied to or abused. If He had been, how would He ever gotten over it!?!???
  11. Just a little story....... About 8 years ago a tall, slender, gentlemen zipped by me as I was running in the park. He was sweating profusely. He impressed me because he looked very aged and despite his energy he seemed to struggle. I passed him a couple of more times (we were going in opposite directions) and he did not let up. He pressed on. He seemed like he was on a mission. O. K. I have got to tell you that at one point I thought, "I am going to come up on this old fella and he is going to be laying dead on the side of the track." As I got back to my car he came to his car that was parked beside me. I just had to ask....how old are you and how often do you work out like this? By now his shirt is off exposing a six pack plus. Geez, you are making me look bad.....I told him my name and asked his. He said 20 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I started running 90 minutes, 3 times a week and I haven't had diabetes in 19 years. He told me he was 83 years old. I asked him what had he changed in his diet. He said nothing. "I eat what I always have but now I exercise more." He was vibrant and happy. So full of life. We chatted for a while. I saw in the obits today that he has passed. A spark from his life touched mine. He may not have realized it. But I have not forgotten.
  12. Hey Dot, I am sorry if I came across as invalidating how you felt. I read back now and I was referring to another post and not keeping with what you wanted to talk about. There are only 2 points that I defend as an ex-wafer. One is the life long friendships that I made in the way. I do have to say that I have a knitted commaraderie (sp?) that has not been broken for over 33 years. It is the true Love of God that has kept us together. It has nothing to do with TWI. We all just met there. Do I believe that the way was a cult? It was more than that. It did not teach the Love of God for all and it did not teach compassion for all mankind. It amazes me still to this day after being out of the way for 22 years ( One of my dearest friends are a married couple who are 70 and 71 years old that have been out of the way since 1977 for reasons that would astound people. It has nothing to do with doctrinal or sexual abuse!!! They have for a while headed up a prayer ministry. They did not let twi stop them.) that what I learned about Jesus Christ in the way denied Him His rightful significance and Headship. I learned Christ in you the hope of glory, if the princes of this world had known they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory, and that I am an heir of God and a joint-heir of Jesus Christ. I learned about the Body of Christ. Learning that has changed my life to this day. twi gave the Lord Jesus Christ less than a penny ante because THEIR egos were bigger and more important. Jesus Christ wasn't the MAN or Lord or Savior, they were. To me, the blindness at the time, (and believe you me, it took some time to be healed of it) even though I was taught all this new revelation about who I am in Christ, yet at the same time I was reminded every day, was how less than I am than my mog...my husband. Why, after learning this about who I am, did I not stand up and fight for myself? And, whoa, did I struggle with verses in Ephesians for a very long time. Now, I know that genetalia (sp?) does not automatically decide anything. Obedience does. That has set me free. Blessings to you Dot Matrix.
  13. For those with heart problems and circulation problems google cayenne pepper. I was plagued with my first vericose vein in highschool. I have been an athlete all my life. Track and field, swimming, softball, running. It was determined in my late 40's that the artery in my legs tapered off, i. e. they were not "normal" size. I had tests because even though I ran 5 miles 3 times a week and lifted weights 3 times a week my feet would go numb just minutes after sitting in the car. So I cut out all protein and dairy products. My blood type is A positive. That blood type is not compatible with proteins. Major relief until this past March. My legs started aching and throbbing to the point that I was crying in pain. How could this be? I am so active. Age perhaps....the malformation of the artery in my legs...? Sorry, I was not going on all the meds. The side affects scared me. I am not putting something in my body that is synthetic, i. e. man made. Now I take one tablespoon of cayenne pepper a day and Butchers Broom 3 times a day. In less than a week I was back to my new self and pain free. Father God made such for a purpose. So solly, I trust Him and what He made more than the fakies the pharmies make. If you have high blood pressure you can not take Butchers Broom. Take time released Niacin for high blood pressure. My blood pressure was a little high because of the size of the artery in my legs. In less than a week my numbers were low normal. I mix the cayenne pepper with 8 ounces of water or Gatorade or V-8 juice. You don't have to take the whole TBS. of cayenne at one time.
  14. I love Will Rogers...but...tomatoes make me laugh. Especially, the ones from my garden. We are not limited to double. That is Old Testament. I get where you are coming from, though.
  15. One thing I do have to say about being brought up in the Southern Baptist cult is that I was taught who Jesus Christ is and His significance. The Way cult never took that from me. I loved Him in both cults. I love Him to this day. He loved me in all my many cults. Am I allowed to post here?
  16. Hello, and we care what or why? How old are we? Are we mature desiring the meat of the Word? Who is VP? Who is LCM? Yippy skippy, they gave their life for me. Hibble scribble dibble dabby jooby! Who and what is my focus? Aaahh, but who do you say that I am, Peter? Who do you say is the Lord Jesus Christ? After how many years folks are still full of animosity and hurt? Then God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ obviously do not have their rightful place in folks life. Oh, you guys are hurt? Well, Jesus Christ was hurt. And maybe just a little bit more...duh ya think... He didn't go on and on and on and on and blame anybody and everybody else. Guess what...if we walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ we will be hurt. Ya think when Peter denied him and their eyes met He wasn't hurt? Well, what did the Lord Jesus Christ do? You guessed it. He cried and moaned and whined (for years and years) that the people he depended on and trusted disappointed Him. If you want to know how He healed from it just ask Him. Then again, if you do then this site would cease to exist. Puhhhhlllleeezzzz.............
  17. God Almighty feeds the birds but He does not throw the food in the nest.
  18. kimberly

    The Cone of Bertha

    Send some rain our way Big Bertha. It has been over 2 months since we have had any.
  19. kimberly

    ROA '76

    Elvis died when I was at my first ROA. We went to town to wash clothes and heard it on the t. v. in the laundry mat. Cuuuhhhraaazeee, how ya remember stuff. It seems just like yesterday to me. Yip, skip it was 31 years ago.
  20. kenwas, welcome precious girl. Remember your fellowship times. Not twi. My time in the way was mostly endearing because we were the local home fellowship that loved the Lord and wanted to do what was pleasing in His sight. My dearest, closest friends to this very day are the ones from my waydays. That has been over 30 years. Truly, hearts knit together in love supercedes an organization. The "organization" we are called to is the Body of Christ. Like you, I never experienced or even remotely knew some of the stuff that folks talk about on this group. But that does not diminish their experiences. Nor does it diminish mine or maybe yours.
  21. The definition of good.....not needing a second root canal. I remember those MickieD cheeseburgers from my college days. It was the most comforting food for a hangover. Now that was good. To me Proverbs 1 explains how life works. It is like the driver's handbook. I am a very simplistic person so bare with me. Father didn't do anything to anybody. They did it to themselves. He layed out the laws, statutes, words. He said if you obey the rules of the road you won't get to enjoy all the privileges of driving and you are free to roam around the country. But if you don't then you will lose your license. In other words, if you follow me (choose life!!) I can, will and am able to do this and this and this for you. If you don't then the evil one is going to eat you alive. He makes it so plain and clear. I liken it to my children. If you choose to rebel against the family values and standards then guess what? You don't get any dessert. As a matter of fact it may be bread and water for a few days. Not literally, that is just how they feel. Since the day they were born they were taught, by our words and example how life works. If they speed and get a ticket is it the DMV's fault? They pay the price with no access to an automobile and having to pay higher insurance rates. To me that is just how simple life works. Just a simple example. Now, as far as what the guy putting on the white gloves said........I too have pondered this. All I can say is I don't know everything but I know the One who does. And that suffices for me. I am none the worse off for not knowing everything.
  22. O. K. I received a notice that ..... added me to their friend list. What am I suppose to do with this? I don't want to be rude and not follow proper computer etiquette. Thanks for your help.
  23. The anti-christ is the child of Christine and Herbie the Love Bug.
  24. I have been so long reading I forget who said it sounded like I was involved in a ministry run by some dude named Bob. Never heard of him. I do not subscribe to anybody's "ministry." What I stated is attributed to the ministry of Jesus Christ. There is a well known man in our community who is a self proclaimed atheist. He, his wife and daughters are very good friends of mine. I asked one of his daughters, who lives across the street from me, why her dad believes as he does. Back in the early seventies he was very involved in his church. His mission was to help all teenagers. He told the church it was their responsibility to do whatever possible to help these children. He organized a teen night on the weekend with the blessings of the church. They had a cook out, played basketball, ping pong, etc. and just hung out. This got out in the community and kids were coming from everywhere. One weekend some black kids came. And as they were playing basketball the deacons arrived and told him that he had to make the black kids leave because it was not a black church. He argued his point about the purpose of Christianity. His daughter told me that he even quoted John 3:16 to them and he asked them if that did not include everybody...black, white, whomever. He was told that if he did not make them leave he would be asked to leave the church. And so he did. A while ago I mentioned to him that Father is not to blame and that he can declare he is an atheist all he wants but he still a member of the Body of Christ. That can not be undone. Even though we may speak a different "doctrine" we still be brethren. When I say that he does not argue. I have to say that I have learned an enourmous amount from this man concerning how to love and care about people. He will literally give the last shirt off his back if someone needs it with no questions asked. He is still actively involved in the community with helping people. As a matter of fact he is quite a fireball. He is inspiring. His example walks truer in the footsteps of the Lord than the majority of the religious churchy folks I know. A woman in the community wrote a book about him and how he helped a neighborhood. She went before the county council to have him recognized as a hero for all his work. Citizens were ravenous that a self proclaimed atheist would receive recognition. Heck a roonie, he has done more to help our county than the folks reviling him and the local government. Oooh, what a surprise, considering we live in the Bible belt. I was talking to him just a few weeks ago in a restaurant. Someone came up to me later and asked, "What were you doing talking to ....don't you know he is an atheist?" I gave him a piece of my mind. Reading some posts here made me think of the story of this man. We may differ in "doctrine" but if we be members of the Body of Christ we be brethren. He suffered abuse from an organization. I am not going to tell him because he was not in twi his is less. Yet, he has never allowed how he was abused to call him away from what he believes he is meant to do. He carries on and brilliantly so without belonging to an organization or adhering to any "ministry." He has an intense dislike for religion, organized or not. On that account, I think we are in the same footsteps with the Lord.
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