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Everything posted by socks

  1. Don't be! Snack! Snack like the wind! and smile! :)--> You're ready for this! If we live in a country where meat snacks and cheese products can be purchased and enjoyed freely, we can do anything! anything I tell ya!!!
  2. Cheezus, Mary and Joseph!!!! :D--> Sorry. "I walked to the back of the kitchen and knelt down that day. I hardly ever kneel when I eat, but that day I did..."
  3. You may also want to visit the LinkSnacks website for additional refreshments, Excadethra. They manufacture meat snacks, beef jerky, and cheese products. Packaged in a variety of pleasing ways, they're always satisfying! Good snack food! Mighty fine and filling to boot! :)--> I really like the little smiley face guy. Is he paid for? I hope so, he certainly has that "debt free" air about him. He's happy, snappy. He's walkin' tall and he's lookin' good. He's got it going on. He looks ready. I bet he's had some Link Snacks!!! :)--> See?
  4. "In their eyes, you may be nothin', to no one. But in His eyes, you reign like a king. You'll find that you're worth, all the treasure on earth, To Him you mean everything. Oh, the price He paid for me" :)-->
  5. Do you mean the rubbees or the rubbers? :P-->
  6. Me too mj. Like I say, I really don't do Retail Shopping very well, but even I've noticed over the years that Sears has gone downhill. We had a local K Mart but they closed couple years after WallySmart moved in. For certain things that kind of retail shopper place building is good. And I could use a valet service. Maybe there'll be some kind of massage services incorporated in. That might get me to go shopping. Spend a buck, get a rub. Sounds like a winner. :D-->
  7. I can't remember the word either Excat, but if I could I'd tell you. What was it you wanted to...never mind... :D--> huwah huwah huwah!!! I dunno. I always figured Sam to be a good guy, the all American Dream come true. Then I read his stores are all whacked. Either way, you gotta figure he's got some get up and go in his giddyup. Not a bad thing. Greed - it's the American Way. What's not to like?
  8. isn't it part of the legend of wal mart that the whole reason sam w. started his first store was because he bought a lawn mower or something at k mart and couldn't return it or get it replaced after it tanked on him? so he vowed to put the k mart out of business, opened his first store across the street and eventually the k mart did indeed close from the competition...sumpin' like that? musta been a wingdinger of a lawnmower. i can't go into a wal mart, altho my wife shops for certain things there. it freaks me out, it's like guerilla warfare or some insane version of a death-sport going in there, like soccer combined with paper-scissors-rock, but played with bowling balls and real scissors. it's way too weird, dangerous even. at least for me. sears-forget it. i like the tools, but the stores are run like secret-nazi-societies staffed by jack booted management czars and czarinas who rule with iron hand and run the stores like personal empires. i worked for a store vendor housed in a local sears at one time for a year or so and it was medieval. but fun if you're in to that kind of thing. :D--> so maybe this will be the big payback for sams lawn mower. :D--> please note: i'm not a "shopper". :o--> unless it's cool stuff, like guitars, tools, etc.
  9. I think this answers that thread about identifying "the beast". It's been written - before the release of Martha Stewart, there shall be a falling away. Maybe she'll be jailed with The Stew. They can fight it out!
  10. It's so very far away. Takes about a half a day to get there. (If we travel by my dragonly)) "First entry for 'Best Unnecessary Use of a Buzz Phrase That Is Already Out of Date'...from 'What Is Interpretation of Tongues'... 'corporate setting' --- "Single Entry for Most Pschyzoid Statement in an Internet Sermon - INSTANT WINNER!" While you are speaking in tongues before you interpret, your mind is not involved in that, so tell yourself as often as you need to, “DO NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ -------- 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ pant pant pant pant, whew.... 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ ----------------- "My children, I.....DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ----------------- 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ 'I will NOT begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’
  11. -answers will vary I'm sure. Of the songs I wrote that were recorded, they were copywritten, and given to the Way Nash to use. There's a few others that weren't recorded and copyw.-I don't remember what I did with them. The Way didn't "steal" them because they were written for the Way, for the performances and recordings. In essence, for the peeps. C. laws for nearly all the songs I gave the Way occured when they extended for 28 years. That turned over already for most of them. For most of them though the c. was in my name, and I gave the Way full rights to use them. (this set up in Way Prod. may have changed over the years, I have no idea.) This was to simplify the legal aspects of recording them and selling the recordings through the bookstore. Performance of the songs wouldn't be an issue for me. I've done a few of them over the years, gave the music to one of mine to a local group (no ex-Way connection) to use. I wouldn't consider asking them for "permission". Frankly I doubt seriously that the Way would be interested one way or the other in who performed them. I know of a few instances where some of the "older" songs have been re-recorded or the original music redistributed. Many of those songs were very closely identified with the writers and the stories on them are well known. The Way has no interest in them. -You'd have to ask him, can't say.
  12. socks

    The Garden Weasels

    Cool! GBS, I'm going to check out that Sympatico site. I worded that badly, I meant, the other band named The Garden Weasels is a bluegrass band. Sorry. I are tarking funnily when I written that. These Garden Weasels are from Colorado (I think), are rock, kind of different. Kinda funky sometimes, sort of moody. Interesting lyrics. Hard to describe. The "Filler" cd is ska/punk, but the one named The Garden Weasels CD is a different sound. But I like 'em. Thanks!
  13. socks

    The Garden Weasels

    Anyone know anything about this band - The Garden Weasels? They have a cd, self-titled, on Rhapsody, has the song "When She Comes Around" on it. They have another titled "Filler", sounds earlier, kind of rough. All I can find out is that they're from Colorado, Denver I think. There's another bluegrass band by the same name. Anybody know anything about these Weasels? I like them a lot, just stumbled on their stuff. Thanks.
  14. "Zepplinza, Danzilla and the dreaded steam inflated Sockzitra...just seen...swimming...in the direction of.... MONSTER ISLAND!!!
  15. Uh oh. Quick Danny. I'm right behind you. We've been discovered. (tail swirshing up the remaining shards of Tokyo's beachside hotel industry)
  16. CFF? No, not that I know of. Let me check...nope. To the point I support CFF? No. Lemme check again...nope. Should I be?
  17. The Year: 2024 The Occasion: new Hypernet website goes live, "The InvisibleSpot Cafe". Purpose: To provide a place of information and sharing for those once traumatized by "Danny", AKA "TheInvisibleDan". Let the healing begin.
  18. "Bingo! Jimmy, ring the bell, we got us our first celebrity endorsement!" It's fun to play god. God can do anything, pretty much for all intents and purposes. If I subscribe to the "God calls, we respond" scenario of redemption, the one thing He won't do though is make up my mind for me. We're on the free will program. Given the range of choices I have in life, I choose. Where that puts me in the food chain, I have to leave to Him. One of the things that tells me about the nature of God is the extent of His forgiveness. The whole of redemption, whether metaphorical or otherwise, paints the picture of a resevoir of resources so vast it's a paradox to consider. IE> I'm lost, how can I get out? Answer (God) - you can't. Response - that sucks. Answer - I know. Me: So, now what? Answer - I fixed it. Response: Why'd you do that? Answer - it's a long story. Response - cool. Uh, I guess thanks are in order Answer - Great. I don't always get any. :D-->
  19. The answer's simple, Rascal. Forgiveness is a givt. I mean, a gift. God forgave, through Christ while we were/are all sinners. Here I am, by nature I'm told, separated from God. A child of relatives who long ago set the path for all of our lives but who probably can't be blamed too much, given the way we act today I'd say chances are at least 50/50 any of us would have done the same thing sooner or later. God made a promise in Genesis to work it out, and fulfilled it. But He didn't have to make the promise to begin with. He simply could have said "I told you guys, now you blew it. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya." But He didn't. Forgiveness was extended, in blanket form. Com'n get it, soup's on. On God's part, the forgiveness was extended, the promise fulfilled, and a path to restoration laid out. Add me in to the picture now. Deee-der deee-der doooo.... I don't know an apple from a mango, obedience from disobedience. But I have a sense inside, deep if you will, that pops it's head up every now and then. I know something's up. Most of the time I'm fine but as life goes through it's seasons, I see stuff. And wonder. Put yourself in God's shoes. :D--> You're God. Pop quiz....Waddya gonna do?
  20. Rasc, you may be right. There probably are people who would like anyone who wants to beef about the Way's history to pipe down so as to allow for the continuation of what they consider to be it's good side, the teaching stuff that they want to continue in, the traditions they like and think are right. The less emphasis put on the bad stuff the easier it is to go about rebuilding what was lost for them, the basic lifestyle and teachings they want to keep. And some people just want to move on from whatever happened to or around them and deal with their lives as they are now. That's a choice a person has every right to make. Plus I have to remember not everyone experienced the same things. I think it says something about the people who came through the Way that some of them, who never really had a bad thing happen to them, seek to understand what may have been going on in a broader perspective than their own. That's pretty stand up if you ask me. But overall I don't see that "pipe down, you're scaring the new people at fellowship" attitude here on GS. Geek? I doubt it, he just doesn't come off to me that way. Nor Catcup, who periodically rips the Way a new one if she deems it appropriate to the topic at hand. :D--> People have something to offer so they offer it. This is a place where you can do that. So people do that. I have no doubt there are situations that would benefit from this idea of forgiveness. How's that go..."your mileage may vary". :)--> I'll go another step here, at the expense of sounding like I'm defending people, which I am I guess, but remember I'm an equal opportunity defender. :P--> People like yourself, Geek, Catcup, mj, everyone - you've earned the right for your voice to be heard. You've been dere, done dat. If you're sensitive to a particular topic, there's a reason, right? Of course there's a personal side to it - it's personal, it's you, it's your life. Geeks' original post said "Consider what forgiveness may bring to you." That's all. "Wanna talk about it?" I guess we are. Without the possibility of resolution, one on one, with whatever people are involved in a conflict, it becomes a very individual matter IMO. If there's no chance that someone's ever going to be able to face off with another person to resolve a conflict, it's up to you or me to resolve it on our end. How to do that is the question being posed I guess. That's all, or at least that's my take. I suspect you already have and what we're dealing with is the finer points of execution. If so, so be it.
  21. I was going to name our 3rd child Alyean, ex but fortunately we stopped at two. Plus I needed a "j" name, and Jalean was out of the question for obvious reasons. :D--> Well, I'm glad I don't get paid for my stow-reez, Abi. :D--> Although if anyone was edified, exhorted or comforted please don't forget who brought you back from the edges of despair, come payday. ;)--> I'm just stumped on the forgiveness thing. I don't think we have to be geniuses, theologians or even serious hobbyists of the bible to understand Jesus's teachings on forgiveness. He taught forgive and I would use the word "magnanimous" to desribe the level of forgiveness He presented. I don't care if it's my brother, mother or my right hand, if someone messes with me enough times I am simply not going to want to forgive them. IE - I screw somebody over, they forgive me. I do it again. I say I'm sorry, they forgive me. I do it again, this time something different. I'm sorry this time, for real. They forgive me. I do the same thing again. When's it end? 7 X 7 X infinity? That sounds bizarre. Then we have situations where there is no resolution possible. The other person's out of touch and out of hand. Gone, dead, no longer part of my life. It's over. Forgive? Why? Plus all these situations where the other person/people are still around and if not getting away with the same thing, getting away with whatever it was that hurt me. In fact, they've already gotten away with it. Why forgive that? They've done nothing to deserve a clean start or for that matter not getting what's rightly coming to them. It doesn't make sense. But no matter how I turn it forgiveness is what He taught. He also taught working it out with the offender. He also taught restitution. Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. Overall, example after example of people forgiving those who would come forward and seek that forgiveness of one kind or another. So what about those who don't seek it? Ultimately He lived it when he died and prayed for His killers- "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing". Whether they got it or not, Jesus asked for it on their behalf. Didn't He? My gut twists thinking about that because I have immense respect for Jesus and I know I'm not 1/2 the man who could do that. It's a very personal affair, this forgiveness business. It can be simple, complex. There can be consequences to our behavior even when forgiveness is extended. If anything, it's a worthy goal to aspire to, IMO. But whether anyone ever does regarding anything, it's their business. It doesn't erase an offense, far from it. It memorializes it, clarifies it, draws a line in the sand and says "this was wrong. I know it whether you do or not. And whether you recognize it or correct it, I know this was wrong. Even if you don't make it right, I'm not going to stop here, I'm going to act as if you did because I know that making it right would be the correct thing to do and I will proceed accordingly from this point on". Doessn't mean I have to ask for the same treatment again. But it clearly states my perspective on the matter.
  22. And you're liked! :)--> A Christian and a Chrystian are arguing, think it was a Wednesday, although it doesn't matter really, they'll argue on any day. But I'm pretty sure this was on a Wednesday. Chris wants Chrys to drop the "y" and go to the "i". She says it's more accurate, more in line with the teachings of Christ. Hey, it's Christ right, not "Chryst"? Chrys says it doesn't matter to him either way, Christ is Christ no matter what. It gets hot, always does on important matters like this. Finally Chrys takes his bible, slams it shut and whacks Chris on the head with it. Big whack, leaves a mark. Chris is in shock. Atheist walks up and see the Chreestians are at it again and takes a poke too, two pokes actually if I remember right. Chris grabs the bible out of Chrys's hand and starts wailing on the Atheist with it, just whippin' him good. Chrys grabs it and does likewise until finally the Atheist runs away. Chrys and Chris shake hands and head out for coffee. "What were we arguing about?" says Chrys. Chris can't remember but they both agree to invite the atheist to church next Sunday. Chrys says "A little Chrystian love would do him good". Chris suddenly remembers what they were arguing about, says "We'll make it my church". Chrys says no, his. Turns into a major argument, which is normal for a Wednesday.
  23. I've been pondering the Frying Pan, Song. Is it a big pan? What time of day is it? An Atheist and a Christian are arguing about something, don't remember what, doesn't matter really. They're always arguing about something. It gets hot, always does. And all of a sudden the Atheist just hauls off and col'cox the Christian right in the chin. WHAM! Knocks him back good. The Atheist starts to turn and walk away and suddenly feels the Christian's hand on his shoulder yanking him around and the guy lays a roundhouse punch right to the Atheist's face, square on the shnozz. Knocks him flat. The Atheist rubs his nose and looks up angrily. "Hey!!! You're a Christian!!! You're supposed to turn the other cheek! You're not supposed to do that!!!" The Christian reaches down and grabs him by the shirt and sets to lay another one right where the first one went and says "I'm not that kind of Christian". ------------------ Prologue: Next day the Christian extends his hand to the Atheist and says he's sorry. Atheist looks to see what's in his hand. Christian says "Really. I was wrong. But you made me mad. I'm human just like you. I'm sorry". Atheist shakes his hand and says "Deal, friends?". Christian smiles. "Friends". They both feel better for awhile, till next week they start arguing again. It gets hot, always does. Forget about what, doesn't matter really. They're always arguing about something.
  24. A couple things come to mind in reference to the manifestations of the spirit, as we call them here, that have always been part of my guide on the matter. I've posted before, that years ago, after the time I first took PFAL, some of the people in the fellowship around the SF Bay Area decided to start making it a practice of praying when they got together. Any group of two or more, just an effort to bring a "spiritual" element into the normal course of a day's events. And if there were 3 or more, we'd have "manifestations". So this went on for several months. There was no leadership function established, just whoever and whenever. Or not. It was a very simple idea. Within a short time the manifestations began to change. They left the strict form we used initially which had often mimicked the sounds and messages we had heard before. They weren't always in the same voice, first person, third, etc. And they varied, sometimes words of praise to, for, about, etc. Sometimes a person would sing their manifestations. Sometimes they were simple, sometimes not. There were times when we'd talk about them, attempt to understand them better. If something didn't sound "right" I remember talking about it with those that were there. It wasn't automatically assumed that something wasn't right just because it didn't "sound" right or seemed unfamiliar. Basically it was an honest effort to learn and enjoy. Over the years I've thought several things about what happened at that time and in other situations where similar freedom was exercised- 1-Leadership within the body of Christ is a fluid and changing environment. When a structure is imposed on people they learn to behave in a certain way and become less prone to think and act for themselves. If their lives require something new they're not prepared to think or act in a potentially new way if required to, they're only prepared to do what they've always done before. Essential to leadership is the pastoral function - Christ brings us along with a protecting, guiding hand into new terrain. Growth occurs when we allow for it. Without such an environment, we become like human bonsai trees, unless the structure is such that it encourages, expects and learns to incorporate regular change. Over time the structure itself changes to reflect this growth. 2-That kind of freedom produces fear in many people. People like consistency, ritual, tradition. But if the traditions don't allow for dynamic activity, they become stale and confining regardless of what they are. Again, Christ shephered His people with care, understanding and guidance. 3-Dynamic change will come as a natural expression of the spirit of God. Left to expand on it's own, it will. The new nature of a Christian will develop as an infused part of their own souls, hearts, thoughts. "We" don't become something patterned after other people, we become "a new creation" that is uniquely us, ourselves. Likemindedness happens on a spritual level where agreement is a bond of the spirit more than any bond of agreement in thought we have. Collectively we form a body of thought and action that's diverse and given to "the mind of the spirit", acting towards objectives and goals that are likely going to be greater than what any individual part can clearly see. The resulting peace any one part experiences is as a result of living in concert with this greater vision, as our individual accomplishments contribute to it. Every person has pride in their own life, and pride in the life of the body of Christ. 4-The power of love is the most powerful thing we can know. Love is the natural expression of the spirit. Giving of all kinds at all times. Everyone can take a life, but love will give life to sustain another's. Everyone can do harm to another but love will forgive and restore hurt. Everyone can do what they're told, but love will design it's own actions when their are no instructions. Everyone can try, but love will persist to the end and beyond. Life is a love thing. :)-->
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