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Everything posted by socks

  1. Here's a solution - maybe some of the ex-Wayfers could form a "People's Library", that is, an actual library of people that could be checked out and used as temp members. Sort of a church temp agency for churches! Yeah! That's it. "Attendance down? Hearing clink instead of swish in your collection plates...? Don't steal...borrow! You need people, we got 'em! Call the People's Library and Temp Services Agency! We can provide you with trained qualified professionals, fully prepared to make your meetings swell! And all for a low monthly fee! And that ain't all...don't take our word for it! Try our October Special... Check out (2) members on our 99.95 special and get (1) member FREE, any gender, age or core belief structure! Good through 12/31/04 only! :)--> I think this is going to be a money maker. Anyone want to get on board, do it now. This could be BIG! "don't steal...borrow...TODAY!"
  2. Dunno. No idea, Excat. Haven't heard much about POG's lately. They're hard to find. I saw some POG's on EBay, but they were kind of rasty looking, and way over priced. A good POG in mint condition is pricing pretty high, believe it or not. And POGFODAT's? Through the roof.
  3. ...overheard at the last FCF (Fresh Christian Folks) meeting... "Nice people you've got here....real nice. Expensive, yes?" "Thanks. Naw, they were a real steal!"
  4. "Mah peopuhl..." Maybe trades-ies. Like a Fall/Winter Special? "When you buy two people, get a third, of same or lesser value!" (while supplies last!)
  5. Excie's got the hedge of protection going! She's whippin' it! :D--> Maybe it's the emotional and intellectual property the Way wants to control. When a person who has left the Way visits VPW's gravesite, it's to remember and pay respects to something that the Way clearly wants to forget, old wineskin stuff. They probably figure it's okay for active Wayfers to do so, because they see it from the perfect perspective of the Prevailing Truth and they have everyone brain-frozen like Prevailing Popsicles. But for those to have left to do so...bad. All those toxic vibes circulating around the apple trees...bad. It'll sully the duck poop in the pond. Bad.
  6. Yeah, Excie. We ain't in the Way Nash anymore, hey? John, yeah. You're probably right and I don't know any better than anyone else really, I just had to give this a lot of thought the few years before I left for personal reasons. You wrote - "It's not like they invited them into their living rooms but they just sort of let people alone and allowed them to drop in on a Sunday or the ROA or whatever as long as they didn't cause any trouble." That's the way I remember it, although if you took an active stance against the Way all bets were off. If you left and simply went about your business, there was less security 'in the old days' and if you didn't make a fuss you'd probably be left alone. People did leave and come back and they weren't thrown out at first sight. That's a different scenario but similar I guess. Loose ends - I think the Trustees of old wouldn't have wanted loose ends and ties to people and things that weren't in, of and for the Way. They likely would have wanted to clear the decks, get something set that wouldn't intrude on life at the Way and go from there. Dunno.
  7. I don't know John. The founders never intended this? I've given this a lot of thought over the years. On a level playing field, I'm not so sure that VPW's response to the same kind of situation wouldn't be similar. I don't think he ever intended to make a plan that would accomodate people who weren't 'standing' with the Way ministry. We were always 'welcome at the Way' but that was because we were part of the 'family'. But all the years I was there he never allowed people that weren't active members to come on the property without notice and go anywhere and do anything without permission and supervision. Imagine VPW's still alive, and the Way has gone along it's way over the years, growing, etc. A bunch of people have left over disagreements with the VPW and the Way's teachings. Some of those people have family and friends who's remains were buried or cremated and scattered in the Way Woods. Now they want to come back and visit, pay respects. What would he do, how would he handle it? It's hypothetical, but I think to understand the situation it has to be looked at like that. Because for some people they may be looking at it as if "were VPW alive, none of this would be happening". There's another side to it though. If in fact, VPW were alive and we had left the Way and were opposed to it and it's teachings and practices in whole or in part at that time, I think he'd have little tolerance for accomodating us. Yet, many of us remember a man who could be extremely warm and understanding too. Not so if you weren't on board with him though. It's a difficult and messy situation because of the Way's beliefs about 'the household' of God. They have no respect for those who don't believe as they do in every detail. (If you do believe and participate they assume you'll be cooperative to their wishes, whatever they legislate.) Less so those who have 'known the truth' they teach and who 'depart from the faith' of their church. That teaching wasn't invented by Rosalie or Craig. It was taught by VPW. His conduct towards those who left the Way over the years leads me to believe that if he were there today in the President's position he wouldn't be happy about someone trying to march on the property and demand their 'rights' after they'd forsaken the 'household' of the Way. That's just some thoughts I've had. But having said that, it doesn't change the fact that the current Way trustees could rise above their Way-genetic material and attempt to bring the involved parties together and work towards a dignified solution. Act with some diginity and leadership that would include embracing those whose lives and contributions helped to build the Way, reopen their hearts to the broader vision of God and Christ and the church. But they won't do that. They seem bent on keeping the non-members, people they know all too well, at a distance. Big surprise. I just don't expect much from them, ever.
  8. Don't expect it soon, CC. It's all about spin in the Way. They're soft peddling they're swill. Can't bring themselves to form a clear sentence, wouldn't be prudent, right? It's just hilarious that they'd get a highlight in a video series that features successful businesses in the U.S. Successful at what? Panty raids? Law suits? Ducking and hiding? Running a Museum of Bad Arts? After all these years not a one of them can get a decent head of steam up so's as to at least appear like they've got something relevant or important to offer that they're excited about. They look, speak and act dead. Rupp looks like a deer in the head lights and his next big move of the day will be a bowel movement. Don't get me started about Rosalie or Harve. They look like somebody propped them up and made them speak in to the camera. And I'm not being critical - I expected to see some flicker of the flames that burned so bright in their youth but apparently it's all fizzled out in the wax of the makeup they have plastered on for the camera. Which made me feel good in a depraved sort of way because it's good to know that they need that much. I mean honestly, my neighbor was more animated this week talking about his new fence than these guys are talking about what they believe is a new day in the Way. Gorton's fisherman. :D--> :D--> So true!! That picture is all about what the Way is all about. Busy work. Rows and rows of people keeping busy doing God doesn't know what. One guy planting while another guy throws dirt on it.
  9. Sorry, can't hear you. :)--> Maybe you can post some cool Big Sea music. I still get "It's a Smaaaaaalll World" everytime I open the thread. I'm outta here. Email me if it goes away if you hav' a min' to.
  10. BZZZZZT!!!! :)--> I don't move in the circles of 'power' these guys have created so the waves they create don't reach these shores. But the tide still comes in and goes out, everday anyway.
  11. Geezo friggin' pete. I guess if a joke's funny the first 100 times I hear it, I'll pee in my pants after 500 times. Can Sudo or somebody with a brain cell intact shut that music off this thread?
  12. Y'know Shaz, I did some searches for that whole thing and found some Chri$tian mini$try sites were actually selling cd's of it. Buy the cd, you know, to hear this powerful important message from Brother Roberts. Anything to create positive cash flow. These people should be taken out and shot. Not with actual bullets, that would be a waste. With squirt guns. While holding toasters. Plugged in.
  13. If this is their decade of prevailing, they're off to a bumpy start. At the rate they're going, they'll be marrying each other by 2008. Just noticed, they still have that Bradshaw video up. C'mon Wayfers, get some dignity, please! You got a new poster, lose the paid advertisements. Weird quote - from Child of the Corn #3, John Rupp, when he's describing Way fellowship activities...he said there's teaching, prayer, and "words of edification and comfort". He's obviously referring to the manifestations, speaking in tongues, interpretation and prophecy. Strange - given the opportunity to speak the biblical truth that they're all crowing about, he deliberately avoids referring to those terms, instead opting for a watered down version that won't raise anyone's hackles about their Wonder Bread ministry. Can you say....compromise??? I guess prevailing is kissing a$$ instead of kicking it these days at the Way.
  14. Oh my, has it been that long!?! Typo. Code for Uncle Noun. (..."unknown, you're cleared for landing...") A dish best served warm with a splash of clarity. I think I'm hearing out takes from The Rhythm Pigs first and only EP. Close those blinds and gawd, turn down that pixie crud sumbuddy! Can't even get a decent night's sleep or read the paper in piece since these psycho-cha-cha mooks moved in upstairs!!!
  15. socks

    The Game is On

    :)--> Das it! Danks!
  16. socks

    The Game is On

    After collecting, collating and counting all of the GS Karma messages everyday for the last 9 months and viewing them in every conceivable order, Mr. Mxyzptlk was finally satisfied. It was true, they followed no extraordinary sequence at all, ever. Then he noticed by chance that when he counted every other Tuesday's totals back in to the grand total...it changed everything.....
  17. Coolwaters, your window comparison is a good one I think, in that we do have that going all the time I think, and somewhat likea computer processor, although I think the computers-are-like-us comparison gets overdone in some circles. Example - breathing, temperature control of our bodies, hearing, seeing, touch, all of these things can happen at the same time and our brain is collecting it and processing it at the same time. So I can be sitting down, breathing, sweating, go to stand up, feel a crik in my back, rub it and recognize someone walking up to me and say HI!, all at the same time. In effect, "I'M" doing it all at once, it's my body, my brain, my back. Information is gathered from multiple sources, and recognized, all the time.
  18. Interesting question. I've kind of tossed the same ideas as you Jim, parallel vs/or task-switching. I've done some semi-measured tests musically where you listen and play what you're hearing as you hear it. What I tried was taking a spoken word piece of narration spoken at a moderate but not fast pace, and tried to play the tones of the spoken words as I heard them. I did it that way because although there's tonality to the voice, it's less variable than organized music and there's much less of an intuitive sense of what note may be coming next since it varies over and over again. What I found was, at first it was like learning to walk all over again. But there's sort of a "middle" point in the mind where the listening and playing met. It flowed smoothly after awhile. So I dunno. I like your example of a juggler, Jim. That's what it feels like, with long moments of cognizance of both things happening.
  19. Shinkage means to hurry, as in the morning, with coffee. I mean shrinkage, as in it's a small world and if it's get any smaller around here, I'll shrinking. Or shinking. Shnirking? :D--> See I can't type worth two hoots, one hoot at most.
  20. That's pretty much it, A la. First you'll be putting up your music and it'll be very innocent. Then it'll be selections from "Beloved Songs of the Nor' Country", then it'll be "French Polka's and Party Fav's". It'll just get out of hand. Okay, I will add these instructions on how to add music to your posts. It's pretty simple. Hold your radio up to the screen really close and turn it up REALLY loud. No, louder. Nope. I can't hear it. Louder, if you can. Okay, I will stop. To put music on the internet, you need to send me 5 dollars for an installation fee, and I'll send you the antennae to mount on your monitor. Okay, that's enough. Here's the instructions for making music on your internet post. Sing with me now, "Oh, Beayoooootiful Oh-h-eye yo, so soft and green, oooooohhhhhhh...." Okay, I'm sorry. You will need to move your music to an internet server, and then link to it, using the url button on your post window. Bluzemanster set me up, my host is changing, and I didn't have any server to use. So he helped me out with some space. I'd be happy to add it to mine, or maybe he'd set it up for you if he sees this. Other than that, you would need an internet host where you have space, that you can move files to and then you link to them with a regular url link, like "http://host.corn/music/you_polka_mein_the-eye!.mp3 Then it'll play when clicked. The Bluester's been a big help. I'm on his dime though. Other than that, if you sing the song directly in to the fan vent behind your PC tower...okay, I'll stop. Just kidding.
  21. I agree with Zix on the flat screen/no glare benefit. It's a biggie, and really simplifies lighting and viewing. The flat plasmas are dropping in price although I haven't bought one yet. When they first came out they were what, 30-40 grand. Now you can get a 27 inch for about 5 grand. Pricey for me right now still. I've got one for my pc monitor, and it's nice, I'm near a ceiling light, no glare whatsoever. Less space, it's nice. HDTV - worth it if your cable delivers, and if you're really in to DVD's. If you're pulling both, definitely good. I'm shopping too for a plasma flat screen, but not in the near future. Have one flat screen tv in the house, it's great.
  22. Click your X on your browser to stop the shinkage! We're being invaded by a cast of 1000's of Disney characters! Goofy, get your hands out of there!!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
  23. It's a smalllll world, it's a smallll world. Yuppers they were in the same band, Boz Scaggs is on the first two SM albums recorded on Capitol, "Children of the Future" and then "Sailor". Both albums were "concept" albums, especially Children. The entire first side is one piece. He threw a curve at a lot of listeners with his first few albums. But it made sense to me at the time, for some reason. It just hit home. A la you might enjoy the album Brother Strange is referring to, the first solo Boz did after leaving the Miller band. Great tunes, a very poignant sound. The cover photo and back covers are a hoot too. Bet you'd dig it. I'll try to find some and post later. But the all time greatest song of his I love is "Baby's Calling Me Home". Just takes me away..... The disco era Boz, I too enjoyed. Lido Shuffle, classic Stuff! Love that tune. Great guitar solo. 's all good!
  24. I'm on a Steve Miller jag here now Tom. I remember vividly when he came in to the San Francisco bay area. Saw him several times, once early on with a blues band he was fronting with Curly Cook, from Texas. Cook had his own band for awhile after he left Miller. Saw the full SMB lineup at the old Fillmore, and they did most of Children of the Future and several blues tunes. They were different, between Miller and Scaggs they really had a lot of tunes. I remember they all seemed really tall and filled up the front of the stage. Compared to a lot of the SF bands, they were long on attitude, no tie-dyes at that point in the wardrobe. Later, Steve Miller kept on with a 3 piece. He always seemed to balance between blues jam stuff and tunes. In tunes like Space Cowboy and Don't Let Nobody Turn You Round he nailed the Clapton sound he was chasing and he always had a few rock/pop things coming out. Boz - forget it. That first album of his with Duane Allman was killer stuff. Tunes of his like "Baby's Calling Me Home" and "Long Gone" are really personal for me. Great tunes, there's just something there that I always liked. He captured another side of that "mystical" sound Miller nurtured. Cool stuff. Aaaah....
  25. I know what you mean, Brother Tom! It's amazing! Shoulda known you'd be a Miller fan! Here y'are, Miller sings of life, love and fast food with Brother Scaggs - Livin' in the USA. (mebbe give it a sec to wind up) His followup album references Livin' - "Brave New World" picks up where Sailor leaves off, providing direction for the disenfranchised hippy-love-throngs. Suit up in your best socks and spurs for Space Cowboy. bluzecentral.net - "yeah sheriff, and that's your WIFE on the back o' my horse...."
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