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Kit Sober

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Everything posted by Kit Sober

  1. Cr@i!g M@rtin$ale kicked me out. So I am really grateful. I probably woulda stayed on and on.
  2. As Bible and Jesus Christ person: -- My works will not amount to a hill of beans, ever, no matter what. (Even Jesus said, "without the Father I am nothing." John 5:19). -- Jesus Christ was never startled or marveled at wickedness. The only marvel he did was at the Centurion's faith. Faith is a marvelous thing. And everything in the world conspires against it. -- Wickedness is a given in the world. Marvel not that the world hates you. I believe that hatred includes what is within the natural man, and is what psychologists try to pin down as self-destruction or self-hatred. Because Jesus specifically identified that the world, which is temporarily controlled by the adversary, hates us. That hatred is within us, and the only freedom from that hatred is by the renewal of the Lord Jesus and being born again. -- Met Steve Hill, the evangelist who preached the Brownsville Revival (1990s, Pensacola Florida), through watching videos and reading his books. He wrote in White Cane Religion: The twi version of "once a goat always a goat" was a prison to me because I knew that if Jesus couldn't make me new, I was consigned to the hell of being a pig and going to hell. I knew that without the Lord I was hopeless. and it was only outside of twi that I found safety and the hope that Jesus Christ was a wonderful savior to me, too.-- We indeed are wicked beyond imagination without the Lord replacing our heart of stone for a heart of flesh. He did it for me. I know He can do it for anyone.
  3. How precious is that. Reminds me of Proverbs 27:2, "Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips."
  4. I really didn't know anything about the filth at the top when I was in there. I thought it was a ministry from the Lord and I was doing my best to live up to the Word's direction in the context of that bunch. But the delightfulness of enjoying living, living without fear, was not there. I felt that freedom from fear and freedom from recrimination by watching Duck Dynasty and was able to freely laugh. It was just so delightful.
  5. Duck Dynasty seems so clean and truly funny. I only recently watched "I'm dreaming of a redneck Christmas" because it was at Redbox. Laughed so hard. I just found that I could watch them on the AE website. It was just so nice to watch. Laughed, too. And it was funny not making fun of anyone. Just funny. (like, "Have you caught anything?" Not an iota of mean.) Was so different from the pervasive mean ness of twi's constant insulting others, demeaning others, etc. etc. I could enjoy Duck Dynasty like I couldn't enjoy twi meetings.
  6. In the light of the "short on compassion" it becomes more clear why Holy Spirit kept bringing true charity to my thinking (over and over, different versions, different highlights, but hardly a day went by when I Corinthians 13 wasn't in the forefront of "what do I need to do today" (And Charity still is a lovely girl and I still think about her and try to line up my thoughts with hers always.) This Christmas has brought a precious light to the holidays: How precious it is to come to the Lord as little children. Little children are able to comprehend the wonder, the majesty, the glorious impossibilities of the Christmas story. I know I am running the risk of presenile dementia, but am trying to focus on the unbelievable awesomeness of God's giving His only begotten Son. And those Christmas carols of the wonder of that silent night are more and more precious.
  7. I have the 1828 Webster's dictionary to remind me of the life-before-twi definitions. Even for such a simple thing as The Way (Jesus Christ) I need to replay what the Bible says and ignore the rants from that farm in Ohio. It gets easier every day, every year. Thanks also for the support of this place!!!
  8. Cheese Straws Serve these clever little appetizers instead of bread at lunchtime or for supper. MAKES ABOUT 24 14" STRAWS INGREDIENTS ¾ cup grated parmigiano-reggiano 1 package frozen puff pastry, thawed INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 375°. Dust work surface with ¼ cup of the parmigiano-reggiano. Lay unfolded sheet of puff pastry on top of cheese, then sprinkle with ¼ cup more grated cheese. Gently roll dough out with a rolling pin, pressing cheese into dough, to a thickness of about ⅛". Dust with more cheese as needed. 2. Cut pastry into long ½"-wide strips. Give each strip several twists, then lay ½" apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake until golden, about 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, then remove from paper and serve.
  9. Thanks. How cool is that. Thanks so much. (Wondered where the master plagerist got it from). Thanks, again.
  10. I used to think that the ones who left were missing out. Now I know the ones who left were the most fortunate.
  11. Holy Spirit never talks like that. When I was similarly analyzed, Holy Spirit simply confirmed what I knew , "not true." Same for you. Not True. Does not compute.
  12. Ha. Thanks. A holdover from my thinking that pfal was more important than it actually was in the world, because it was my everything. Thanks. I remember someone who said pfal was immaterial in Christian history. Thanks again.
  13. Glad you (and me and countless others) got out. :)/> It's terrible to still be bound to that place, whether in allegiance or in hatred and unforgiveness. Some have gotten out and cleaned off the garbage, retaining any godliness and truth they could, and God has been able to give them successful world-changing ministries (I think that K$nneth Co$eland, J@yce M$y$r, and $teve $chultz are among those who at one time took PFAL, and saw the danger signs and obeyed the Lord and left). I have been reading Steve Hill's stuff, and he shares how he attended a ministry soon after he got born again that turned him off because of their hypocrisy of doing dope in the kitchen after "fellowship." (walks like the twi duck) Steve Hill quit that place and God had him mentored by real (not hypocrite) Christians such as David Wilkerson, Leonard Ravenhill, and the Bill Bright Campus Crusade for Christ people. And Sid Roth ("It's Supernatural") had a gentleman on his show recently that spent time in "a cult" that quacks like the twi duck. This poor guy was driven into schizophrenia, but the Lord was able to save him after he got out of the cult and went to a nice Christian place with real Christians in leadership. Of course none of the people who "got out" want to talk about or name that place. It is shameful before the Lord to have been so stupid as to condone and accept the hypocrisy and wrong doctrines. I am so very thankful for this Greasespot Café (and WayDale and TrashNet), which has provided a place for people to talk about (and shed) the garbage laid on us by twi. I have read stuff by l<arl l<ahler, !arry Panare!!o, &risten $kedgell, and others, and it appears that once someone leaves they are able to move forward with their life with the Lord, which grinds to a halt to the degree one is shackled by that twi place, either in allegiance or in hatred. I am reading now, "A century of wisdom..." by Alice Herz-Sommer, who is the oldest Holocaust survivor, and her story is bound up in forgiveness and living in the grace of God in the present. Amazing stuff. Of course, I also wish I got out sooner, but glad I got out and am able to move forward with the Lord.
  14. From Kenneth Copeland (who I love) this morning 12/2/13:
  15. How amoozing. ------------------- Seriously, Costco and Walmart both have drying apparatuses inexpensive. As long as you have electricity. I like them because I don't need to add all the chemicals and sugar in commercially dried products.
  16. In my opinion, vp really was worse than that, much worse. A cloud without rain doesn't hurt anyone and in fact provides some shade on a hot day; however, the hurt to God's precious little ones that vp initiated, not only personally but also from the doctrine of deadly hypocricy that he bred into the children who had no other view of Jesus Christ than the one he presented. I for one am happy to know vp receives his just reward.
  17. There are some wonderful folks who are holding forth the life of the Lord Jesus. There are wonderful folks with the integrity of holiness which is vital to a true ministry with the Holy Spirit. The Azusa Street Revival (1906-1910) included a prophecy that there would be a revival in 100 years (2010 and following) that would be greater than the Azusa Street Revival and would not be limited to any one place (such as Brownsville, Wales, and Azusa Street) and would continue until the Lord returns. I think we will be part of that. I don't know why, but this video starts in the middle for me. The whole thing is nice (in my opinion) If this link doesn't come/connect, you can also find this interview with Tommy Welchel, who interviewed and tells the stories of many of the participants of the Azusa Street Revival on Sid Roth (www.sidroth.org) in one of his "It's Supernatural" archives. In my opinion, the way those kids talked about their experiences at Azusa Street, it sure sounded like us in the late when we were "hot stuff," when we were looking to see God come into the earth for us at every hand. My favorite was watching $el $uncan contort his face like a demon possessed person so we could see what it looked like. After that I was never afraid of a demon again. I knew by experience that Christ in you in $el was bigger, and therefore I was stronger, too. <IFRAME height=315 src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VRcxcv7TWBc" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME> Sid Roth's stuff is found on Lightsource, utube, and his own www.sidroth.org website. I guess all in all, I don't think God is through with us yet. Many people (and their families) were waylaid by the nefarious vp and his twi cult, but God still wills all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:4), and He still works all things to His purpose for His people (Romans 8:28). I think the best is yet to come, for those who continue to cast off the filthy rags of the old man and press forward towards our high calling (Ephesians is written to us, the faithful in Christ Jesus).
  18. Too bad he ignored her advice about getting his own life in alignment and harmony with the BIbie. How precious that is. Thanks, WordWolf. (I don't have these books any more.)
  19. SPIRITUAL HITCHHIKER Thanks, Skyrider, for highlighting "spiritual hitchhiker." That helps me put into perspective how the twi place grew and flourished -- I know I came to events and took classes to hear and see family, friends, and other loved ones. Some famous ones and other not so famous, but all so very precious: D0nnie Fug!t, %el and Nanc! Dun*an, #arl Burt0n, B!ian Bli$$, B0 and $xanley Rea!ard, the Ne$$le's, etc. etc. etc. etc. Oh so many wonderful people who made "hearts knit together" and the other plagiarized catch phrases real to me and to others. Some of these folks I can find here at Greasespot Café, on Facebook, and email communications. (So very thankful for this internet business.) And the concept of spiritual hitchhiker also can be used to show that vp continued to be a spiritual hitchhiker on the backs of the folks who walked with the Holy Spirit and in His loving kindness. I had one person tell me (spiritually confessed) that he had a leech spirit. (It was very subtle but very creepy, but eventually he got delivered of that after he got out of twi.) I think the "spiritual hitchhiker" conveys the free will decisions to ride on the back of others' faith, and that the "leech" is the spirit which thrives on such decisions. Further, the cult mentality of blind obedience to one person or thought further hinders developing one's own relationship with the Holy Spirit. Thanks, again, Skyrider, for helping me put "leech" and vp together. And this also helps me see the difference between "leech" and "spiritual hitchhiker" and the circulation of the life-blood of the Body of Christ, the giving and receiving flow of the spirit, of ideas and understanding and "stuff," all of which is so vital to the health of the "one new man" of which we are part. Many thanks.
  20. this is one of my all time favorites.
  21. I think you may have misunderstood. What I am speaking of is the stance of being willing to fight -- the mental attitude. The adversary does have people in chains of wickedness. And when I was in my prayer closet this morning I had a warrior mindset, and then later on, from one of the people I was praying for came a "praise report." I know many people are praying on the prayer lists I belong to, but I felt in my spirit that I had helped in this precious persons struggle. When I looked using google for pictures of "lions fighting" I did not get pictures of lion slaughtering animals, but two lions fighting. There were sea lions fighting and some football team, but no lion slaughtering a deer or other unsuspecting victim. Therefore, it appears to me that a "fight" assumes an equal/formidable opponent. There may be lions about seeking who they may devour, but we have The Lion of Judah within us, and He is not just hiding under his bed, "watching" the fight, but is a powerful opponent, Who is able to save us to the uttermost. All the portrayals I have seen of Daniel in the Lions den show a man calm, cool, and collected. I have long been working to understand Daniel's mindset, actually, so that I could see the lions' mouth shut when attacks are leveled. I know that if I don't keep up my homework for the class I am currently taking in Accounting Management, I fail the exam. If I don't do the work I need to do to in my job, I lose the job. When I get lackadaisical with my diet and exercise, I lose vitality. (And as age creeps on, I must retain vigilance in the physical to keep mentally alert and physically strong.) If I don't water the garden, the vegetables die. So many things we need to do in our partnership with the Holy Spirit to enable Him to shut the various lions' mouths who seek to devour us. But when I do my job, then I have more confidence to see the victory. And even though I have lost way too many loved ones to cancer and other diseases, I think I am improving with age in the battle business. I only thought it was wonderful to see that the watchman's stance must include fighting off the enemy and that it was a fight of equal opponents not a slaughter of a deer or another unsuspecting victim.
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