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Posts posted by JayDee

  1. 19 hours ago, Mike said:


    Not so. I was trying to do that, up to about ten days ago. Then I stopped, although it may have leaked out a tiny bit.


    You stopped writing about it, but you haven't stopped believing it. The despicable human being who's been your hero for decades continues to cloud your judgement. Time after time you've been asked direct questions only to give vague responses. You're a coward Mike. Cowards are at the mercy of their fear. Your fear is that you've been wrong about veepee your entire adult life. You can't admit you're wrong. 

    I accepted your apology several days ago. Now I'm apologizing for having done so. People have bent over backwards here to help you see the error of your ways. You've rejected them all. How can they all be wrong and you're the only one that's right? Ever ask yourself that question? Probably not. 

    And I know you'll cherry pick your resonse to me (if you do at all). And that's ok. I get it. Cause you're a coward. :wave:

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  2. 34 minutes ago, waysider said:

    One can get a better feel for what the Bible refers to as the abundant life by reading John 10:10 in its full context. Hint: it's not what Wierwille said it is. Wierwille clearly sucked this verse out of context in order to give the impression the abundant life is a material entity. " I looked all around me and saw the the unbelievers were living a more abundant life than the believers". So, if it's spiritual, what was it that the unbelievers had? (rhetorical question)

    What’s your thoughts on the context of John 10:10 waysider? It’s a subject I’ve been looking at for quite a while now. And I agree with you about that verse being lifted out of context and a doctrine built on it. Thanks for your insights. :rolleyes:

  3. On 1/14/2018 at 9:54 AM, DontWorryBeHappy said:

    "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."........Thomas Paine.

    Sound advice DWBH. I’m adhering to it, and will spend my time in other areas of GSC. This thread is going nowhere but in a 0. :wave::anim-smile:

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  4. 9 hours ago, Mike said:


    I'm definitely not a worshiper of "all things"  VPW.


    Yes you are Mike. 

    You’re putting lipstick on a pig by legitimizing his writings with the caveat “He had a competent team of Way grads who assisted him”. They did exactly what he wanted them to do, or they got bounced. Nobody dared to cross him. 

    I’m sincerely sorry that you’ve spent decades believing that VeePee was a legitimate scholar and teacher. He was an unrepentant, unconvicted felon. That’s YOUR HERO. I’m thankful he wasn’t mine. 

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  5. If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going. 

    When your IQ rises to 28, sell. 

    Professor Irwin Cory. The "World's Foremost Authority". 

    I'm waiting patiently for Mike to make a point. Any point. Besides the obvious that he's a devoted worshiper of all things VeePee. 

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  6. 47 minutes ago, WordWolf said:

    "The moderators" didn't change it. There's an option in forum software that can be set for any messageboard for what words are allowed.  The GSC has a few words that are translated into non-curse words.   So, talking about the Aramaic, you might end up with the "Pedangta text"  (you know what I typed in all caps.)  Similarly, a word associated with a cat or a willow is translated into "wimp"   So, we end up with "upset" and "dang" and "wimp".   Also, someone once told lcm to kiss their posterior, which renders as "I told him to kiss my foot."

    It could be a LOT worse. I've seen boards where you can't type "slut" and  not have it rendered as "VERY friendly person". My favorite: "Meanwhile, back at stately Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne and his faithful young ward thingy Grayson..."

    But moderators aren't going over all the threads and making changes, the software's doing that when you post.

    And here’s me thinking autocorrect was the culprit!:rolleyes:

  7. 1 hour ago, Mike said:

    I believe that like the Word in the stars, God abandoned the originals’ format and had VPW compile what was needed from the ancient scriptures, and the format evolved into what looks like a set of conventional commentaries. God-breathed English commentaries might be a very loose translation of what I believe the collaterals are, but I fully know that VPW would not like my use of the word “commentary” here.

    The 1st two words in this paragraph and then what follows tell us all that we need to know about Mike’s theology. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, Rocky said:

    While it might not be possible to prove it (kinda like proving the existence of God), it's entirely reasonable to demand that Mike at least make an argument to support his claim thereof.

    I’m not holding my breath. It takes at the very least some honesty and some courage to stand by what you say. I don’t think Mike exhibits either virtue. 

    On another note, what an insult to God, IMO for Mike to say that p£al is God-breathed. You oughta be ashamed of yourself man. 

    DWBH commented earlier somewhere about Mike’s “circular illogic”. He’s really good at it.  There’s no end to a circle and I don’t foresee an end to Mike’s bs. I’d like to be proven wrong. 

    So_Crates called you out Mike. Back your play. 

  9. 1 hour ago, WordWolf said:


    The supposition that pfal was of significant long-term benefit hangs primarily on the alleged "1942 promise." That promise, as stated by vpw, was that God spoke audibly to vpw, and promised that God Almighty would teach vpw God's Word ;like it hadn't been known since the first century (AD)  if vpw would teach it to others.  vpw supposedly asked God to confirm this by a miraculous snowstorm.


    The question I had with his statement (which may have been discussed in a previous thread) is “What was Jesus Christ doing for his body the church, since the first century”? Sitting idly by waiting for VeePee to show up? What delusional arrogance. What a crock of caca. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, skyrider said:

    And, studying wierwille's works will not bring one any closer to "the Word in the flesh".....the Lord Jesus Christ.

    There is the crux of the whole matter skyrider. And your comment can be applied to anyone who writes anything about Jesus Christ. If what’s written brings me closer to him it’s worth my time and effort. If it doesn’t, it gets trashed.

    VeePee’s works were stolen, poorly rewritten, without any scholarship.  Mike’s dedicated allegiance to the memory and works of the cult master would be commendable if he wasn’t  so terribly misguided. 

    I pray he’s not teaching what he spews here at GSC to some desperate seeker of the Lord. Yeah, that’s my concern. 

  11. As I continue to read Mike’s post on this topic, I’m stunned at his level of dedication and commitment to an alcoholic, misogynist, delusional, serial rapist. 

    Mike, you can’t seperate the man’s actions, legacy, and words from the man. Sorry. The convicting, eyewitness evidence is overwhelming. He was a false prophet. He was an unconvicted felon.

    I’m glad when I read something from an legitimately educated theologian, or for that matter scripture itself, that I no longer ask myself “What did VeePee or twi teach me about this 40 years ago”? Took me a while to get over it, but I did. Yeah. Really glad. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Raf said:

    Jesus Christ is Not God did indeed have a bibliography. However, oddly, it was published separately and only available upon request. I used to have it. Some interesting resources there.

    As a work of scholarship, it was exceedingly weak.

    Had no idea there was ever a bibliography for JCING Raf. Thanks for the info. And yes, I’m sure “it was exceedingly weak”. 

  13. In all of Mike’s posts over the years, where is honor and glory given to Jesus Christ, the head of the church? Where? I see honor and glory given to the cult leader he heaps praise and adulation upon. But, what about Jesus Christ? Where does he fit in your “Way Box”. 

    What I see like so many others who were mesmerized by the cult leader(s) is there is no room at all for the active presence of Jesus Christ. 

    Right? Wrong? What?

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  14. 41 minutes ago, Taxidev said:

    I understand, they did some pretty crappy things, many that are difficult to forget.  I didn't experience that crap, but  I am still at arm's length.  I don't easily entrench myself, and I am in no rush to be committed to an organization.  But so far, I like what they are doing.  I'm sure it is BECAUSE I didn't experience what you did that I am able to approach them without judgement.  I believe everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, and by their fruits they will be known.

    “Pretty crappy” doesn’t come close to the evil these folks were/are a part of. And because you “didn’t experience” what they did makes it no less evil. These folks have been known “by their fruits”. For decades. That’s why you’re being warned. Could they change and repent? I honestly don’t know. Their video that’s been viewed here at GSC didn’t indicate any change of heart IMO. 

    You mentioned Vince Finnegan in another comment. My suggestion is to search him here at GSC and you’ll find out all you want to know about him. I trust you’ll take the time. 

    Again, thanks for taking your time to post here. Your insights into both groups are appreciated. 

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