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Everything posted by frank123lol

  1. They(waygb) is like the russian kgb a bunch of spies,in the ccold war kgb infiltrated into the west,looking for secrets. The way version,way gb,is the board member monitoring greasespotcafe,looking for possible unfaithful wayfers. Also,they(waygb) look for stuff on us,if we would ever go back to "the one true household". Screw them! !My life is my own,gasp it is better than it ever was in the way.
  2. Happy Birthday!!! May your days be prosperous,the air fresh,and your feet always on soild ground.
  3. AS low tech twi is,I doubt it.
  4. E-Bay,Is a good source for postcards.
  5. Brother,Great job!!All,I can really relate to you was my first night,at the chem plant, It was make or break,Yes I saw chemistry at work,my first reaction. The proof is in the pudding,Congrats,You proved,Now you got the bragging rights!!!
  6. Life is sure full of suprises!!
  7. My wow pin is around someplce,probably in a jewelry box of my wifes My wow pin is tacked up on my garage wall,on the bck of it was a misprint, your abs at work. Dm Miller,I was a wow in 78-79 too.
  8. Sneaking around with your 45 lately,Get a life buddy,I post here cause I want to not cause I care about twi,Get a job,I hear they are hiring at the mall,at minium wages of course.
  9. The real estate prices of the 1950s were as has been said low.In Mi you could buy 40 acres house barn out buildings,for less than 8 thousand dollars. So to vic,Having a product to sell,low overhead,no taxes for life!Set up a "christian church"where at best,was barley accepted,1950s remember? The growth of the 60s and 70s must have been a dream come true,why he went from a man,to a guy who took the place of the absent christ. Wealth?Why suddenly he can buy what he wants,motorhomes,motorcycles,ect....Some sacrifice,rip someones material,put your label on it, donate the farm you did not want to work,wala. I do not think he ever thought a wierwille would not have control,ego I guess,Once martin craig got control ,he thoght it was his,rosie convinced him other wise. Rosie in charge,She is a prophetess,dont ya know?
  10. Ham,I always knew there was an einstien in ya.For me it was at 35 almost 36,to learn somthing new,working at a chemical plant was awesome for me,I was always fascinated by plumbing,now almost 20 years later,and somewhat closer to retirement. I still have "fun"at what I do. The waY though,it was like playing in the sand,ya know like on tv,these people build these huge sand castles,in a contest,then someone trys to blow it up,you still only end up with a pile of sand.The "quote"leadership around these parts were college educated making in excess of 250000 a year,so its real easy to say believe god,he will meet your need,folks as you know most of the time money is what you need to meet a need,that involves a decent job,twi is sand smokescreen and a whole lotta bs.
  11. They still refer to New Knoxville as "Headquarters" hope that helps.
  12. I thought that martindale got mad at a roa because the corps,could not stop the rain,Same as living vic,most everbody got drenched cept me,I had a new tent and higher ground. Ole vic never went beyond a ccffee cup full of drambuie,and a cigarette.
  13. Mr.Ham,you said if you got any help at all it was like hitting the lottery,pure dumb luck.Well my own two bit world you did not even ask for help,as you would be considered 'weak'And bring down the almighty household.
  14. Ham,We should hold them to a higher standard,for the most part,"they"were lords over gods people,they could not eat what they fed us. Yes you can get improvment at higher learning colleges,maybe "they"would not pass,as they have never learned humility. I have seen people with less ability,but a whole lot more heart.
  15. Maybe it is a calling he answered,who knows,Adegree,just because you went to a university,does not mean you know anymore, It just means you put up with the regin for four years.He seems genuine,so God bless him. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
  16. Go back?You old corps?Why?Nothing has changed.Move on,Ah,theres the hook,sense of purpose, How many times,that was used on moi.Move the vord,Actually it is twis word,Wheres the freedom in that?
  17. Rosie ripped one... Donna doused it... Uncle howard well you know.....
  18. I like that Brush,When,many years ago,I was in alcohol rehab,I had to take a pill called antiabuse,if you drank any alcohol,it would make you ill. Twi is like that,thinking about it makes me ill.Loved alot of the people,the abuse,now,greasespot exposes that.As you know twi was opposed to the internet,greasespot in particular.
  19. I came on this site originally because I was still "in",Lcm said do not,so I had to. My point is,That greasespot took over for waydale,it exposed the underbelly of twi. It showed through personal stories of people of the nastiness of herr vic the bod, as well as lcm.The false doctrine of being spiritually mature of handling adularty. I have thought some here were out of control,but they had,have a story to tell. sometimes I went on the attack,only to learn,I was out of line. Please be nice here,respect people,after all the abuse I (we) suffered at the hands of twi, greasespotters deserve that much.Peace all.
  20. Sick,Hey Banard,get a life,your little cult and all,it is not worth squat. At least I did not get involved in a splinter,came close Kevin gig@2 told me I was disruptive,I replied you do not know me quit listening to other perceptions. jeff,it is all about perspective,as you now see for yourself.
  21. Selling the old stuff,Of course thrrough the present truth,a few changed examples,illustrate a point or two, I guess it is on making the minister the main point.It has been the better part of 2 years since I talked to anyone "in". Some 6th corps guy wrote a letter to the editor,about acts,and giving to who has a need. Growth is pretty much nil here,so it is a bunch of old geezers in thier 50s running the show. Final point it is still the same vindictive cult it always was.Free at last,thank God free at last. I would rather eat magot filled beans and take an enema than go to thier disgusting crap. "We thank you father for the bod,thier health,,that they may guide us"Yech!!!
  22. Ham,Way version statement? In real life,I agree,In twi all it meant was becoming more and more a mush brained,follower I too hope Jt did do something,I wish him well.
  23. Happy Birthday!!May it be bright and sunny(Maybe above frezzin too)!!!!
  24. It seemed,Right before I left twi,They the leaders,Liked you more the more you returned their scorn,maybe it was just standing up to them. The prevailing word,the promised land,it was more like a highway to hell.
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