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Grace Valerie Claire

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Everything posted by Grace Valerie Claire

  1. DWBH, I usually agree with you on most of your posts. However, IMO, I think Vince F does a great job with "his" people in the Latham, Albany area. Yes, I think many of the off-shoots may be cults; I don't know because I have never been involved with them. But years ago, I used to attend Vince's, and really enjoyed it. I haven't attended his fellowship in over 20 years, so perhaps it has changed since I left. But, I loved being in his fellowship because no one pressured me into doing things, I didn't want to do. Nor did anyone pressure me into giving money that I didn't want to give. I know that Vince has admitted that he made mistakes years ago, but I did too. I think if people want to attend his meetings, fellowships, or advances, that's great. If they don't, they don't. I didn't feel any pressure at all about anything concerning Vince. To this day, I have very fond memories of Vince. Thanks for letting me share.
  2. Seriously Modcat5, I have no idea either of what they teach, or who they are. I think it is something related to JAL.
  3. Please would someone tell me what TLTF is? Is that a John Lynn thing? Also, DWBH please forgive me; I couldn't remember if you were a man or woman. Thank you Modcat 5 for clearing that up for me! Also, all of these posts were very educational, and interesting to me. I love coming to the GSC because there is so much I learn it!! Good job everyone!!!
  4. So very true!! I can tell that DWBH, knows what he/she is talking about. No way could DWBH have that much knowledge about Cancer, and not know what he/she is talking about. Yes, a lot of Con-Men like VPW speak about things they know nothing about. It was obvious to me during the AC that he didn't know what he was talking about. Such a complex issue, and he rattled off all sorts of garbage about it. That was a red flag to me!!
  5. Wow DWBH, I never realized that JC didn't have perfect blood. What was I thinking??? Of course, he didn't, he was born of Mary. I never thought about that before. The things I learn from the GSC are fantastically!!
  6. In my opinion, DWBH seems like he knows what he is/was talking about. VPW didn't.
  7. Or perhaps there were other factors involved. I know Don smoked for years, and years. Perhaps that was a factor. VPW smoked, and drank excessively, for years. Personally, I think VPW'S claims about Cancer being DS was a lot of Bullsheet!!. Perhaps if he hadn't smoked, or been an alcoholic, he might not have died of Cancer. I have no idea if Harry, smoked or drank in excess. I know people who don't drink, or smoke, can still die of cancer. Cancer is a horrible disease, and there is still much that is unknown about it. Leave it to VPW to claim that it was a DS. That was an easy answer to a very complex medical problem.
  8. Why would they refuse medical advice?? That seems really stupid to me; God expects us to use our common sense. If I need medical advice, I use it. I have never been to Medical or Nursing School, but I know that it would be stupid of me not to use the advice that is given to me by medical personal. I never understood why TWI didn't have medical personal on call for when people got sick.
  9. Excuse me, that should read, I love spending my time, and money on things that are important to me.
  10. For sure, T-Bone. Also, I live spending my time, and money on things that are important to me.
  11. Twinky, that is true. But, I prayed about my Breast Cancer, and then had it taken care of at the DCVAMC, in DC. I did exactly what I was told to do, and when I was told to do it. I know a lot of people look down at VA Hospitals, but my Medical Team was great. One of my Doctors told me, I was the talk of the VA, but I had no idea what he was meant. When I first learned I had Breast Cancer, I cried, and cried. Then I took action. My Chemo sessions weren't fun, but hell, neither was Boot Camp. Then I had Radiation Treatments, and they weren't fun either. But, I am a female Veteran, so I am tougher than a Brillo Pad. The Breast Surgery wasn't fun either, but having my sister with me after the surgery was!! Thank the good Lord, that I am a Veteran, and the VA paid for almost everything. Now, I understand why God wanted me to join the Navy.
  12. Rocky, I think it is wonderful that DWBH, debunked VPW's garbage from a Medical, and Christian POV. Again, thanks DWBH!!
  13. DWBH, excellent post!!! Thanks, and God bless you!!!
  14. SF, you are so right!! Sometimes, no matter how healthy a lifestyle you live, you can still get cancer. I know VPW was an alcoholic, and he smoked a lot. I on the other hand, don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, and I got Breast Cancer.
  15. DL, I know a bit about cancer. I had Breast Cancer 13 years ago. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Yet, I still ended up with it. I don't think my Cancer was caused by DS; I think Craig, and VPW were DS themselves. How I got Cancer, is a mystery to me. However, once I got it, I got it taken care of immediately!! So far, I haven't had it since, thank God!!
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