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Everything posted by vickles

  1. Could be George. One of my friends stated last weekend that her husband had gotten so needy of her that it was smothering her. With the last kid gone she just can't take it anymore. Maybe the marriages weren't that great but stayed because of the kids.
  2. I have several women friends that are in their fifties. Their last child leaves the home and all of a sudden the wife wants her freedom. So she leaves. Is it the empty nest syndrome? Is it that she has been caring for all these individuals for years and years and now deciding its time to take care of her? This is not an extwi problem. Its everywhere. Any ideas of why this is happening?
  3. You betcha!!!!! Its not because of his religous beliefs dear johniam. I don't think your quite getting it.....
  4. Stayed Too Long, I'm thinking the statements are being made about mothers. I think its more in mothers to fear and worry about the children more so that fathers. At least I know its the case here for my family. I know my mother has always worried and feared for me even in my adult life. My father was always there to reassure her that I was ok. And it happens here at my house too.
  5. eewwwww Lindy!!!!!!! :P-->
  6. I believe that a lot of people are still there for reasons stated but I also believe that some people have not left because of fear of not having the hedge of protection around them. Fear that something awful is going to happen. When I left years ago I knew that it was the right thing to do but deep inside I was terribly afraid that something terrible was going to happen to my family or me. Even though deep in my heart I knew that twi was wrong all that I believed that was taught still was ingrained in me.
  7. Krys, I totally agree with you!!! I am boycotting anything that tom does from now on. What he did was terrible for people that would believe him that are on meds. Hopefully, it doesn't do too much damage.
  8. Thanks mstar!! I have gone through lots of thoughts of this and really still don't know what to do. I've thought about the human services thing and realize though that it is really hard to get started. I am thinking about doing making christmas decorations made with wood that people can put on their doors and such. I can do this during my spare time. That would give me time to get it started and at christmas time see how it goes. I'm also thinking about either building furniture or buying old furniture and giving them a new look and selling it. Then the customer service would work in the selling part. We shall see. Thanks all for the advice..it really has been helpful!!!!
  9. aawwww thanks you all!!!! Ya put a smile on my face fer sure!!!! :o--> :)-->
  10. Wow, Raf, I didn't realize you were an ex jw!!!... Wow two cults...
  11. Thanks jim, I sent you an e-mail. One of the things I totally believe in is networking. This is how I believe that business's really do well in. I really appreciate all of your ideas which has been very helpful to me. If you have any more ideas it would be great!!!! I notice on this board that a lot of people are looking for something to do and would think its great if we could all network with all of our ideas. What do you think? Like maybe some kind of group on the internet or support each other from here? I don't know. A lot of us are getting older now and our future is very important. We spent most of our youth in twi with moving around and putting twi first in our lives that we didn't put much effort into our future. Retirement is coming close as we reach that age. Medical is a big thing to think about too. So if any of you have any ideas about how we can do this would be great.
  12. Hey reiklady, I was thinking the same thing...thanks!! Wish you were closer and we could do a venture together... -->
  13. Remember, this is the guy who states that when Jesus Christ returns he will be holding the Power For Abundant Living Book!!!! And yes folks he really believes this ****...
  14. Next week I have a week vacation and would like to get started in starting something. I know its going to take time but at least I can do some ground work. Has anyone done anything like this? I don't even know where to begin. It would be nice to put together brochures. I would have to check and see what kind of liscensing I would need. Hey if this thing works out I owe it all to you!!!!! Thanks!!!! :)-->
  15. I'm thinking more and more about like a rent-a-friend or friend-4-u. For people that need a friend to come over and visit...maybe they are elderly or mentally ill. They don't fit where human services would fit them. They want to be on there own and be self sufficient but just someone to talk to and make sure they are ok. And since Mayo clinic is in this area it might work for people that are not from here and need someone to be with them for appts and such. What do ya think? I really don't know how to get it started though. I know its a big need in this area.
  16. Welcome, Lavender. I was not sure how to respond remembering the last time we has some ex jw's here. It did not sit well with me at the time. But it appears that you are here as a person that is truly wanting to post with us in a good way. I find exjw's intriguing because we all have so much in common. We were in a cult that is very similar. So thanks for introducing yourself and hope that your experience here is a good one.
  17. wow thanks...got to see my house...didn't think it would show it since I live in a very very small town, but there it was!!
  18. Well, I have never been good at doing arts and crafts...just not crafty enough. I do have a good gift of gab and a good listener. I mostly am a people person. I guess I'm a dreamer.
  19. Yes, Happy Father's Day to the dad's that have been there for children and have raised them. It doesn't matter if they are biological it matters of their heart and what they put into these children's lives. So thankyou dad's for all you have done for our children!!!
  20. LOLOL In fact I did do window washing around here years ago....when it would get 20 below...yuck and double yuck!!!!
  21. One of the characteristics of a sociopath is to lay blame on others. This believing equals receiving came from someone that had sociopathic tendencies or was a total sociopath. Hey it was your believing and fear that killed that child. Lets the person who teaches this keep their control over you.
  22. ok Jim I did a private message again.
  23. thanks kit I will take a look at it
  24. LOL Cracking up here...Remember we were young and naive....Or just naive...but can you laugh about it now? I can. ...and hope you can too... ;)-->
  25. Jim I sent you a pt but you never answered so I erased it. I apologize if you just weren't able to get online. Wacky, I sent you a pt. Thanks
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