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100% Free

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Everything posted by 100% Free

  1. It's pretty bad when they're not even accredited in the eyes of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Where do they shop for linens and things?
  2. Good topic Word Wolf. 1) Probably jealous of their numbers. 2) Women. I knew of one woman who asked for permission from her husband to wait and make his lunch in the morning. She was tired and wanted to go to bed after a very long waymeetingtwg at their house. In front of everyone he told her she needed to renew her mind and make it that night before going to bed. She did and thought she was being a good example to the rest of the women. Some men love to lord over their wives, and unfortunately some women want to be lorded over. They don't want to be responsible for their choices. They want to put it on someone else. They are afraid to live life. I have to admit sometimes I've been tempted to make decisions my husbands responsibility because I don't want to deal with it. But he always encourages me to think when I get like this and I appreciate it. So twi provides the perfect environment for the bullies and the fearful. Any strong woman that can be a positive example to a fearful woman is perceived as a threat and are demeaned and removed as quickly as possible. I remember we were supposed to hate Hilary Clinton. Why? We didn't even know anything about at the time her but she was immediately called evil. Men bullies are fearful of women who think. 3) Jealous of their numbers. 4) Jealous of anyone with a true education. Then they lose control, so they try to black ball experts so they can look like the smart ones. People with education scare them because they may give the people they are lording over honest answers. Just like when they tried to get believers to stay away from the internet. They were afraid people would get information and start thinking for themselves. They said the internet made people get posessed. They target anyone they are jealous of or who is a threat to the control they have over other people.
  3. This person was not given the boot,but after fufilling all the requirements to go to the advanced class and being accepted- the limbcwordz (wimpy man, viscious wife) decided he should not be allowed to go because he had not believed to be healed from his stuttering problem. He left shortly after that.
  4. There was someone who got the boot for not renewing a Way mag subscription.
  5. Certainly, and thanks. Hope you have a nice rest of the weekend. :)
  6. I have to say it was a bit disapointing. When I saw there were 46 responses, I thought I was in for a lively and intelligent discussion about the topic. I think when a thread gets inundated with a lot of confusing posts that seem to be inside jokes only two understand, everyone else gives up on it. The thread stops being interesting. Too much to weed through.
  7. Waysider and Ham, your posts are tough for me to follow.
  8. That used to get me, because I'd had it pounded into me that to disagree with leadership (no matter how psycho they were being) meant you were not being meek. All they had to do was throw that at me and I'd end up apologizing or acknowledging their point of view. (No matter how psycho it was). It's why I understand how some people confess to crimes they didn't commit.
  9. My husband is very helpful too, and I really appreciate it. If it was a female busy body that reported you she was probably jealous.
  10. That happened where we lived. At the time I was in a good sized twig. There was another twig about an hour away with two families and a single guy in it. They were told to move closer to where we were. The twig coords of that area owned a thriving prosperous business and a home. If they had given up the business, it would have put people out of work. There also really were not jobs open where I lived in a tourist town. They decided not to move and the entire twig in that area was M&A because of it. That was dumb.
  11. One of the reasons I got booted was for not taking seriously LCM's rant about "The only reason for a space program is military defense." (I preferred Ps. 19:1.) Ironically, my Twig Leader, who was complicit in my ouster, was a mathematician for NASA. George This post by Geoerge St. George got me thinking. When somebody got the boot, (AKA mark and avoid) it was usually unfounded and handled with a great amount of visciousness by leadership. In the class it was taught no sin is bigger than another, with all the X's. Yet loyster and many other leaders acted like the greatest sin of all was to ever disagree or not cater to the ego of an unstable twi leader. They practically had daily nervous breakdowns if someone wasn't constantly stroking them. I saw wonderful believers being ripped to shreads over an imaginary slight, myself included. But what were the dumbest excuses they used to give someone the boot? "not taking seriously LCM's rant about-The only reason for a space program is military defense." is definately at the top of the list for one of the dumbest reasons ever. What were some dumb reasons you or someone you knew were given for getting the boot?
  12. That's good to hear, and really nice he made it right. Sounds like a good guy.
  13. Makes me wonder how that attitude affected his employment at Nasa and if he still works there. Or did he move on from twi.....
  14. Is he out of prison? Any updates on what he is doing now?
  15. I don't think it ever made sense. Especially some of the choices. After only being a limbcwod for a year, a certain young man was ordained. He was a big baby and his wife was verbally abusive. She was worse than him, threw viscious temper tantrums. Neither of them was educated and it showed. But they were favored by west nile virus and he recommended them. He had once checked himself into a homeless shelter and she had mostly waitressed. Not putting down waitresses, I worked in some sort of food service a big part of my life and appreciate how hard they work and how they can really help people have a nice time. I'm not putting down people who have spent time in homeless shelters either. I don't judge, we've all hit rough spots. But point being, they were put in charge without having much knowledge or experience. And they were mean. If they had at least been nice and had compassion, the lack of education could be over looked. Some of the most wonderful people I know are not educated, yet they are kind and do many great things for other people. So I'm not putting down the uneducated either. To do so would be putting down myself as well. I hold no degrees. But most religious organizations require some education before they mindlessly ordain somebody, don't they? These two had no clue about how to counsel anyone. Their solution was to yell at and condemn people with problems. Ordaining unkind, mean and uneducated people who lack compassion only gives them authority to abuse good people.
  16. I don't think it ever made sense. Especially some of the choices. After only being a limbcwod for a year, a certain young man was ordained. He was a big baby and his wife was verbally abusive. She was worse than him, threw viscious temper tantrums. Neither of them was educated and it showed. But they were favored by west nile virus and he recommended them. He had once checked himself into a homeless shelter and she had mostly waitressed. Not putting down waitresses, I worked in some sort of food service a big part of my life and appreciate how hard they work and how they can really help people have a nice time. I'm not putting down people who have spent time in homeless shelters either. I don't judge, we've all hit rough spots. But point being, they were put in charge without having much knowledge or experience. And they were mean. If they had at least been nice and had compassion, the lack of education could be over looked. Some of the most wonderful people I know are not educated, yet they are kind and do many great things for other people. So I'm not putting down the uneducated either. To do so would be putting down myself as well. I hold no degrees. But most religious organizations require some education before they mindlessly ordain somebody, don't they? These two had no clue about how to counsel anyone. Their solution was to yell at and condemn people with problems. Ordaining unkind, mean and uneducated people who lack compassion only gives them authority to abuse good people.
  17. Interesting when you think about it. I don't believe he was ever known for self control. Threw constant temper tantrums, and encouraged by example for leaders under him to do the same. While most leaders in twi had no self control, the believers they were leading were expected to live at a higher standard. One night, he had the entire inres corpse woken up to have an emergency meeting. Someone had written a nasty letter to him and he couldn't sleep. So he ranted and raved about it. His idea of an emergency was his feelings being hurt. High maintenance prima dona. Somebody should have called him a waaaahmbulance.
  18. Thanks, good to hear. I've noticed a lot of the longtime posters haven't been around in a while. I wonder if they know it's not going to shut down.
  19. Just wondering. What's the current status of GSC?
  20. They were never as important as they led my young mind to believe. I think occupy twi in any form would only foster the fantasy twi has that what they do is important. I bet the St. Mary newspaper wouldn't even show up. twi would love it if people tried to occupy. Then they could go on and on aboout how they backed down the advesary in the face of this attack....blah blah blah It would be the most excitement they've had in years. A way to justify living off of ABS, while avoiding any practical attempt to develop any job skills to get them employed in this century if they were to leave HQ. So in other words, I think ignoring them is the best solution for them and us.
  21. How mean. What an awful thing to say. She had no right to say that to others. Shame on her.
  22. Freedom and true friendships. No more being verbally abused and used by Rev. J and K. Freedom from the childish temper tantrums they threw. I hope K is not so incredibly verbally abusive these days. I hope for her sake and the sake of others she rules over that she has finally grown up and gotten an education. (Although I wouldn't be surprised if she were to read this that all she would get out of these comments was I used the word 'hope' twice and wasn't referring to the return of JC).
  23. Some people are mean. They sit in their office and watch soap operas. They are fat and weird, with a husband that did not truly love. He is flirtatious about other women. Who is she to judge everyone else? She worked over time beacuse she was just not efficient. If she said anything outrageous it's because she was mean. Shame on her. Someone who needed her car painted orange so she could find it in a parking lot should not say bad things about others.
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