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100% Free

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Everything posted by 100% Free

  1. Thanks everyone for this site. I believe it's been very therapeutic for people. A place to talk and heal without being shut down.
  2. Still in the assylum. I wonder if her kids will act that when she dies. I hope not. How tragic.
  3. IMHO- I've seen more leaders in der vey throw too many temper tantrums to count. Yet despite being around many many children over many many years, I can only count on less than one hand how many temper tantrums I've seen toddlers have. The loysters temper tantrums are legendary. But I personally thought the mini mogs were worse because they were in my life more. This one couple who were 17ers were probaly the worst. They were close to Rev. West Nile Virus and his wife, and the stresspricks. I think that's the only way they were promoted because they were not very well educated and they were lazy. The wife threw weekly tantrums. God forbid someone didn't kiss her foot or they were toast. She would just rip people to shreds over nothing. Example: A woman left this leaders house one night and after putting her baby into the car seat, she accidently locked herself out of the car. The other believers tried to help her, but to no avail. They went back to the house to see if they could use the phone to call a locksmith. This leader threw a fit and said they should have immediately come to use the phone because they had put the baby in danger by trying to figure it out themselves. She then went outside and ripped the mother to shreds. But the thing is, the baby was asleep, they were in a safe neighborhood in front of the house surrounded by people, the temperature was mild and the mother never left the car even for a second. But after being verbally assaulted, the Mother was crushed and then questioned her ability to be a good parent. Later this leader issued a mandate that if this were to ever happen again, the police should be called immediately. I'm all for keeping children safe and not putting them in danger, who wouldn't be? But this woman was not a bad parent and she had immediately asked for help. I eventually found out that the reasons the believers tried to figure it out before asking to use the phone was because they were not comfortable going back to the house to ask. They thought they would be reproved for not believing to get the door open. So they kept trying. This leader woman was not a welcoming figure and often behaved like people were putting her out. Yet she and her husband were the MOGS. HMMM...you might be a sucky leader if-the people you're supposed to be leading think you're going to flip out when they ask to use your phone.
  4. The whole "suggestion" thing was a way for a leader to control others yet not be accountable for "suggesting" it. If someone didn't follow a "suggestion" and something bad happened, it was because they didn't follow the "suggestion". If someone followed the "suggestion" and something bad happened, well it had only been a "suggestion" and that person followed it by their own free will, the leader didn't make them do it. Either way, you got yelled at and treated to a temper tantrum from a leader.
  5. Wow. Her behavior only confirmed what her family had already figured out. I wonder if she has reconciled with them or if she is still crazy.
  6. Hi Everyone, I have a follow up to share that you may find amusing. Like I posted, the people involved were very kind and supportive. It really did help and my daughter has been able to put most of it behind her. However, there was one exception, sort of. After my daughter got into trouble, one of the consequences was she wasn't allowed to be in the final big tournaments. She lost her spot on the team. She was devastated and I didn't want to say anything at work, I was feeling protective of her. The day the tournaments started, a few of my coworkers were wondering what teams were playing. I was asked if my daughter was playing that day and I said no, which was true. I did not elaborate. No one persued it any further with me. But this one woman over heard someone asking me so she came over and said "are you sure your daughter isn't playing today?" I relplied, yes I was sure. But she wouldn't drop it. She then said "Well what teams are playing today?" I said I didn't know (which I really didn't because I no longer kept the schedule). She kept staring at me with this skeptical look on her face. I just kept working. Several times that day, she would come over and ask someone near me if they had heard how "our Tiger girls were doing." She would also say things like "I can't wait to find out the scores, I'm so proud of our Tiger girls." She would glance at me to see if I was reacting. The thing is, this woman does not have children in school and has never been interested before as far as I know. But, she's always been a busy body. It was killing her, not knowing what was going on. It was like she was stalking me and I kept ignoring her. As it went on, i couldn't stop cracking up. It was just so ridiculous, it started to seem really funny to me. The next day she tried a new approach "We just don't talk anymore. Let's catch up. What's new?" I got out of that conversation. ASAP. So anyway, overall things are getting better for my daughter and I think she will come back stronger and wiser. Thanks for all the posts, your kind words and encouragement were much appreciated.
  7. It doesn't really sit right with me when someone says "God is in control" "God has a plan for your life" "Things happen for a reason". Usually because the people saying it to me don't seem to be trying very hard. Like this one woman I know-the first thing she says when people want to pray about something or someone is: "Now remember, God has a plan. His plan may be for this person not to live." I'm of the opinion that it aint over til it's over. I'll keep praying, asking and looking for things that will help. I believe what III John 2 says. God wants us to prosper and be in health above all things. Sometimes people won't get healed and they will die. But I don't believe it's God's plan for them. I think it's because people are human and there are a lot of variables that cause bad things to happen. I don't blame God when they do, and I don't blame people for weakness etc... I think we are just supposed to love God and love each other. We should do whatever we can to help each other and keep praying to God to help us. Then if the bad things happen anyway, we support each other, keep loving and don't blame God.
  8. No, you are not wrong. Prayers should not be mandated.
  9. Does anyone know what happened to the man who spoke up and was verbally assaulted by Craig? After he tore off his wrist band-where did he go?
  10. He remembers. He's too much of a coward to admit it. A person wouldn't forget what they did to you. He's full of crap.
  11. WOW. They had the arrogance to tell you to get rid of your child. WOW. They should have been the people who knew about healing and Gods love. They were the ones who were weak and inept.
  12. The jokes were always dumb. Your horse has diabetes, a texan on a pork chop, cantelope-corps cant elope-texans need a passort...it went on and on. The Loyster repeated the same jokes over and over................
  13. For me, there wasn't a specific point. It was a gradual dawning.
  14. It is a sad thing really, to make people believe they are something they're not. I've known some former paid staff leadership that were shell shocked to find out "the world" didn't want to hire them to be in charge. They did not want or need them to tell everyone what to do. They found themselves working harder than they had in a long time at menial jobs at minimum wage. It was a rude awakening and very stressful for them to find out they really didn't have anything to offer, and they had families to support. No one was going to pay them to lord over them. They were out of touch with technology and society.
  15. I find myself intrigued and touched when I hear of people who have forgiven others for the unimagineable. The other day I was watching a show where a man caused an accident that killed three children, leaving the parents childless. In court the parents gave the man a hug and told him they knew it was an accident. They were able to do this even with the insurmountable pain they were in. (They have since had more children-triplets)
  16. LOL! I've been there. :unsure: I wonder if there is a word with a definition of "Fear of Microphones and people who use them."
  17. Excellent post brainfixed. They stole so much joy from people by over spiritualizing simple things like TV shows. He would have probably really been freaked out by me. When my Mom died, the only thing that would bring me comfort was The Golden Girls. Sophia reminded me of my Mother and Blanche, Dorothy and Rose reminded me of her friends. I was able to laugh. The believers tried to bring me some comfort but there was so much intensity in twi-they were not able to cheer me up like that show did.
  18. I see what you're saying, it must have been worrisome for the Loyster and other top "leaders" to realize they may actually have to do some real work themselves.
  19. After said schedule was turned in, we were supposed to call ahead of time if we wanted to change something on it to make sure it qualified as an "exception". So ridiculous. So tedious. Made normal life unbelievably and unnecesarily stressful.
  20. Thanks Broken Arrow, I appreciate your kind words. You're right. There are things out there that help, it has dawned on me slowly.
  21. Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragment. It really helps.
  22. After I was dropped kicked-I moved to a new area. I was called and an offer was made to let me live with a coprps couple. I would pay rent, keep the homne clean and help with events. I would have all the same work involved and responsibilities with being corpse but I would not be allowed to have the title and I was to be treated like someone who was not living God's primary will. i said no thank you.
  23. Thanks Exie, Your words are encouraging. I know what you mean by being hurt almost beyond repair. I'm glad you are ok and your posts have probably helped a lot of people.
  24. This week was very difficult for our family. Our teenage daughter got into some pretty bad trouble at school. It brought heart breaking consequences to a good girl who made some bad choices, costing her things she had worked very hard for. My main emotion has been sorrow for my daughter. It's a tough life lesson I know she will learn and bounce back from-but it's hard for us to see the pain she's in. She is deeply remorseful and wishes she could "rewind" to a week ago. I had to go to the school to drop off something the other day. I ran into the main teacher involved in the situation. My stomach clenched into knots as I awaited the thrashing I thought was comming. He walked me outside to my car and was so matter of fact about what had happened. He even related how he had done something similar when he was a teenager. He said how everyone involved wants her back in her activities next year and cares for her. They hope she can put it behind her. I actually felt healed after talking to him. (I know that expression might make some of you gag, but none the less- I really did feel healed) Friends at school have made sure to have lunch with my daughter and everyone seems to be rooting for her. I realized later that I had been expecting us to be treated as if we had been labeled MARK AND AVOID. Anyone else find themselves surprised when there isn't an over reaction to something you or your kids have done? When people actually empathize with you?
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