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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Good luck with this one. If you figure the second and last photos, the rest should make you chuckle...
  2. Too easy, but I must admit, I like it. I, Spy
  3. It's official. Katrina is a hurricane.
  4. So much for "hours." It's official: Katrina is a hurricane.
  5. The image only has to suggest the words in question. Is "Tequila" the same thing as "To Kill A"? Besides, in a few hours, it will be moot, because the answer will be yes, it is a hurricane. For now, it's a tropical storm.
  6. That's it! Thank you, Tom. Now I can get back to work.
  7. Not Storm of the Century. Come on guys, you're thinking too hard (or are you just playing with me?).
  8. So far, so good. Tonight's when it's supposed to really get bad (the storm is predicted to make landfall somewhere between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.). Joy joy joy...
  9. Not a bad guess. Not the one I was looking for, though. Come on, it's easy.
  10. Actually, the laws prohibit offenders from living within 2,500 feet of a school, park, school bus stop or other places where children gather. Most of these laws craft tiny segments of the city where convicted offenders can still live. In some cities, the effect is an outright ban from city limits. Many legal experts expect these laws to get struck down as unconstitutional (you can't just say "move out of my city"). It's going to be up to the state to clean up this constitutional mess.
  11. Well, this should be an easy one...
  12. We're okay at the moment. I thought the morning would be far worse than it's actually been.
  13. The rains at the moment are very, very light. By sunrise, we're expecting some serious rain.
  14. It's actually covered in Jesus Christ Our Passover. As for the popcorn... well, I'll explain later.
  15. Oh, correction: I thought that map showed precip: it shows cloud temps. So rain isn't here yet. I apologize for jumping the gun... George, looks like you'll get your wish...
  16. As you can see, we're starting to see a bit of rain from it. I'm about 10-15 miles inland, so we haven't gotten it yet, but it's a matter of minutes, not hours, for us. The rains are already on the shoreline (I live much closer to the shoreline than I work). It begins...
  17. I wasn't sure what kind of bird that was, so I took a stupid guess, which took me close enough to the answer to figure it out... Tequila Hummingbird? OH!!! To Kill A Mockingbird!
  18. BAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
  19. If he's eating out at one of those Texas restaurants, we may not hear from Tom for a while. God Bless Texas.
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