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Everything posted by waterbuffalo

  1. woops!"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  2. THX!!!!!!! "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  3. Could someone tell me how to do those horizontal lines for the quotes things?????? THX! "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  4. Pappajohn said Thanks for the laugh! WB "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  5. Doug, you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. WB "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  6. Exxie! Is this a rhetorical question? "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  7. Ok. Thanks. Maybe I'll look on Dogpile. Google didn't have much. "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  8. Well, ok, I'll contribute my 2 cents worth on this thread again. The two reasons why I would not consider financially supporting Mrs. Wierwille is, drumroll: 1) She is not my mother, grandmother, or relative 2) She does not belong to my denomination or go to my church In Timothy, the instructions are layed out in a very simple manner. The widows are to be taken care of by their families. If they have no family living or if the family neglects to take care of them, then it says that the church should take care of them. Now, I know some people would say that "the church" means any Christian since there were no denominations back then, but I disagree. The reason is because in our culture churches take care of their own. When I was in the way, we took care of each other, not people in the roman catholic church. And, the catholics didn't take care of us. That's just the way it works in our society. So, since she is not a relative and does not go to or support my church (which is non-denominational, by the way), there really is no reason for me to feel obligated to provide for her, either Biblically or culturally. And, no, I would not like to contribute to a piano or anything IN the resthome where she is staying. There are plenty of starving people in the world who could use a good meal and I would be more inclined to give to a cause like that. WB "[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
  9. Steve, Well, I did it with a lot of help from you! How do you think it looks? WB
  10. Jardinero, My sentiments are with you 100%! WB
  11. Steve, I had a real picture of a waterbuffalo, but couldn't get it to paste in so I just decided to stop trying for now. Thanks, anyway! WB
  12. Steve, How do I post it in the pictures forum? Everytime I try, I can't get the paste command? WB
  13. Steve, Is that the "Every Picture Tells a Story?" forum? THANKS!!! WB
  14. How do you put a photo into your profile? Thanks, WB
  15. Thank you, Ginger, for the comforting words. My grandmother was within days of being 95. I loved her dearly, and she, me. I would like to get together with all the folks who want to seriously talk about doing something to help people who are leaving, but don't know how to setup a private chat session. I don't think I have the authority to invite people to a private session on this site. If anyone else knows how to do it, please let us know the email address, the password, and then time. Then, all who CAN attend can begin a dialogue. Thanks, WB
  16. So, Hay, what happens when one sleeps with their head facing South? Do they stay sick a lot? Maybe that's what has been happening to me this year. WB
  17. I know some people don't want to be found and Jane might be one of those. Who knows. Maybe we can send a msg. with The Evan that we don't want any money (LOL) because so many people used to hit her up for tuition! We LOVE YOU, Jane and just want to reconnect. :)-->
  18. Trefor, I believe that you're right! Doesn't the Bible call it SIN????????????????????????? WB
  19. Papajohn, Hi, I'm back! You said... as far as donations, I don't see that happening really. most people don't donate like they used to and the ones that still do don't care about the tax deduction. anyone who is going to commit the kind of maney it takes to do this is going to do it just 'cause. I disagree with your statement about donations 'cause we do give and it does matter if it is tax deductible, for us. Probably more around like us too who would contribute to the cause if something were setup. WB
  20. Once when I was a WOW in 1979, the four of us split up, two by two, and went out witnessing. It was my night to cook so I made soup and left if on to stew or marinate flavors or whatever happens when you cook it for a while. Well, my WOW brother and I got back first and the soup had burned. We weren't really experiencing "Christians Prosper" that year...more of hand to mouth would describe our financial situation. As we sat there wondering what we were going to eat that night, L & S came back with a $20 bill in their hands from someone who didn't want to be in the way, but wanted to help us out. So, instead of homemade soup that night, we all got to go out to eat ($20 would buy a lot more back then)! WB
  21. Could someone who knows how to do it setup the meeting for next wk. and let us know privately the password? WB
  22. Coolwaters and Zixar have some good points and pappajohn, great idea that we should setup a time and meet in the chatroom and discuss it further. Setting up a 501©3 sounds like the way to go...then all donations are tax-deductible and there would be a board of directors to administer it. Can we make it next week for the meeting as I will not be online for a few days due to a death in my family. WB
  23. Wow! PapaJohn! That's quite a commitment! Are you sure you're up for that (letting 'em stay there at your house 'till they get something else?)
  24. You know, Pirate, that was one of my favorite T.V. shows and now I find myself occasionally watching a rerun. It was such a light-hearted comedy, but I still find myself going back and forth on whether I SHOULD, mentally citing the pros and cons, and then sometimes end up giving myself permission to go ahead and indulge. LOL! WB
  25. Hi Suz, Yes, doctor w. let her go there for one year as special corps or something. She was actually from louisiana, I think, but without the accent. She was adorable and very wise. I will, indeed, let her know you were asking about her if I get in touch. WB
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