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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. Is that a yes or a no? I myself have seen evidence of threatened lawsuits, but I am interested to know of any that have been carried out.
  2. Hey, Nathan, it is true you havent been around here for a few days. Hope everything is all right; maybe all is OK and you are just plumb busy like some of us get sometimes. Busy? Good grief, anyone who has little ones and complains about being to busy ought to wait till they get big. Whew. Not that this has anything to do with you; in truth I really don't know why you havent posted or that it is any big deal. At least someone around here seems to know why, though I think I might decide to wait and hear it from you, and if I don't, I just wont know, that's all.
  3. Lifted Up


    Do you make exceptions for TWI related music? Joyful noise, Good seed,... The way C of E choir? :) (Unfortunately, we never did a recording!)
  4. Yea, but I bet you weren't married to Roger!!!
  5. Lifted Up


    Well then Evan, maybe our little C of E group wasnt that bad...though I dont think we had ideal sound equipment.
  6. Lifted Up


    I have heard (not live) the Mormon Tabernacle Choir do The Messiah, and I sure would pass on getting involved with the Mormon Church, but that choir does a world class job on the music. (A lot better than our poor little Way C. of E. choir did with the Hallelujah Chorus at ROA 1978 when we followed Ted Ferrel).
  7. And looking forward to hearing more from you in the near term!

  8. Presumably you won't get much argument against that statement. certainly not from me. Thou Must Pray With These Words blocks anything that comes from the heart IMO. In fact, the same would be true IMO if one would say that you CANNOT use this method of prayer. To reference ChasUFarley's post, the term certainly is not "religious crap", but this or anything...including the Lord's Prayer for example...can become as such to anyone who feels that it was shoved down their throats. I think there are some people around GS to whom even the Bible can seem as such for the above reason.
  9. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    By the way Tom, I think this has NEVER happened before...OVER TWO WEEKS without a post on the 9th corps thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Welcome former fellow 8th corps. I can vouch for TX as a nice place to get married.
  11. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    In fact, maybe I'll start.
  12. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Dum dum here. All I had to do was read your resurfacing thread in "About the Way"!
  13. Yea, you can tell how old we are by the commercials we remember.
  14. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Yes, maybe you could supply us with more info...and were you 8th corps? You can e-mail (it is on my profile) or PM me; I have few secrets in private conversation.
  15. Of course you aren't going to like the term. If there is one thing I'm sure sharks are afraid of, it's being "lifted up" out of the water!
  16. Who is "they", Sushi? Socks just got finished talking about the term's use in a church and study group which is (I assume) unrelated to TWI, and it has been pointed out on this thread that TWI hardly invented the term, justr as some other presumably "wayspeak" terms didnt start with TWI.
  17. Isnt that the same reasoning presumably used in TWI to label something as unholy if it is not found word for word in the scriptures?
  18. But did you ever catch the boogey man on those rounds? probably not. (I caught him the year before lol.)
  19. That is a good point, OAK. Even with personal experiences and witnessing, we may not always be able to give accurate testimony, even though we were there and are giving it first hand. However, one reason I place so much value on personal first hand testimony on the subject of abuse in my search to learn more, is that I don't think memories are likely to be very clouded on something so disgusting and so very personal as sexual abuse. If someone is willing to give that testimony, I hardly think he/she is going to have trouble remembering specifics. The problem is getting real first hand testimony. And a big problem with that if it is easy to recall the abuse for reasons I gave above, it also must be very difficult to describe such a personal thing to others. For this reason I have no argument with the point rascal has madt to me more than once, that no one owes me anything along that line. Unfortunately, neither do I owe anyone the acceptance of a testimony that isnt there. I also have a beef with anyone who, as has been done, refer vaguely to "all the first hand testimony given", testimony that is alread there publicly if they are right, but then refuse (or not be able) to point any of it out. The use of "well, there is a useful feature called the search engine, go find it yourself" really tells me it's not there, especially when I have tried the suggestion. But I will take issue with WD or anyone if they use the fuzzy memory argument as a reason not to accept someone's testimony, at least on the subject of personal abuse.
  20. Right on this point and right that it goes on on both (or more) sides. And the same people will immediately claim, "that's not a personal attack". I just saw this flash up again. Okay, so this is off topic...but I really hope you are doing well!!!
  21. You may have a point, but you mention something I think is one of the problems...people deciding on their own that someone is being stupid, presumably giving themselves license to make sure everyone knows that person is stupid. Judging whether someone is whining is subjective as well. If someone tells of themselves being hurt very deeply, and someone else calls them a liar, that is a very personal attack IMO. Not doing so doesnt mean we believe what was said. But if we think there is the slightest chance the person is being truthful, we risk hurting them more by saying that they are "whining" about being attacked.
  22. My opinion is go for it, Tom. I have one ready, but only for when I can get in the right way.
  23. I suppose to lower the validity of someone's assertion, we have to put our jaws on the floor. I'm not sure they had any doubt. They may have been just trying to tell King you know who that they wouldn't bow to his idol even if that meant death. Their seeming assertion that "He will deliver us" may have been an expression of their confidence that God would deliver them.
  24. Well, glad it got a lot better in later years. :)
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