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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. The former remark ("they don't promote abortion") of course doesnt say anything about whether they believe abortion is right or wroing. Neither does the latter part, because all they would be saying is that foring someone to get an abortion is wrong, and that is something most people on both sides of the abortion issue can probably agree on. Nothing wrong with these positions IMHO. Why should we make someone, or some group, declare their stance in black and white on abortion being right or wrong so we can judge their worth by their position? Unless we want to run a demolition derby using people instead of cars. (That means tearing each other apart for those who dont get my analogy). My problem, as I noted earlier, is when I see abortion condemmed as killing babies if TWI forces someone to have an abortion, but somehow acceptable or too controversial to judge if someone has one voluntarily.
  2. Hey, now there's one thing I cant take from you...you have your own post number 2000 coming up.
  3. Well get my best friends (mentioned not too far back on this thread) back in touch with me and I will do your bidding.
  4. THERE you are!!! I was wondering where you've been. I don't remember the stun gun, unless THAT's what you used as the evil one. Or else, you never had to use it on me. Actually, I am still interested in hearing more details about your time in after I took your spot in that apartment. Our experiences were of course different. I have always been interested in hearing more from those who went through some of the things I didnt, ever since I came on the Waydale scene back in early 2000, and I havent always met with success in my searches. Getting it from someone I knew gives me a valuable perspective. Slight non relevence here. But as I hinted earlier, I am just trying to avoid getting smacked by both sides. details always available via e-mail.
  5. I guess I missed Oldies' comments just a few posts ago...about it "going both ways".
  6. How about I give you post number 100 on the 8th corps thread?
  7. I don't think that one game will be that big a deal. Typical for the indians, no consistency. Problem is the Yanks may have the same problem in a way. Anyone can bounce back against the Tribe. Let's see what will happen when they get to the red Sox again.
  8. Sounds in line to me. Interference doesnt necessarily have to mean contact. That phrase of great power becomes involved...in the umpire's judgement. Typical Indians games for this season. Highest scoring team in the majors; win by 22, lose by two, wind up at .500.
  9. just long enought to steal...
  10. One interesting aspect of this, though, is to bring up the other side of the coin. Perhaps the Trinity is something we can discuss, even personally believing the issue is important, without being a judge of how someone else who doesnt believe as we do stands with God. But, can we go into any church where the trinity is accepted doctrine and have such a discussion without being judged? Or can we have such a discussion at all?
  11. I wouldnt mind rocking the boat some. But it seemed like a good idea to count to ten (or more) after reading some of the recent posts and attacks. Otherwise I am sure I would do a real good job of riling both sides because Ive rarely had so many widely mixed feelings. So, I did what I thought might be a smart thing by trying to comment as close to the title topic as I could.
  12. I think that many of us who believe that Jesus Christ is not God accept the hearts of those who believe otherwise. First of all, VPW and The Way didnt invent the JC is not God doctrine. Neither did I, but to the extent I began to believe anything, I have always believed that way. Honestly, despite being "raised" in the mainline Methodist Church, my reaction upon learning of the book and the doctrine in TWI was, "so what?" Like, was that supposed to be news? So, it just may be that a lot of us are not thinking disparagingly of anyone. The issue of whether or not Jesus Christ is God may be important; it may be very important. But I can think of some very important and clearer things those of us who are Christians need to work on before we knock someone's heart because they do, or because they do not believe that Jesus Christ is God.
  13. Well then you must know what Luciano mentioned about one thing he really respected Weaver for...and it wasnt his manner on the field. It was that Weaver would never allow his pitchers to throw at a batter. I love Luciano's books too, more so as a certified umpire. He seemed like a real fun loving guy.
  14. IMHO the people that post on this thread must not include any who spent their interim year at HQ. That groups was pretty tame.
  15. Sounds like my retemorizing feats.
  16. By the way, that bit about Dark was an answer to an interview question on who was his favorite manager. When asked next who his least favorite manager was, Luciano brought his well known feud with Earl Weaver to new heights.
  17. I know I spent a lot of my wintessing time on lightbearers in Durant at the college.
  18. Yes, I saw your earlier post. But has the front burner been turned off?
  19. Gotta get off the Indians for a bit and back to umpiring. The late Ron Luciano once described Alvin Dark as his favorite manager. Seems once Luciano called out one of Dark's players on a close play at second base, and the player burst into a heated argument. Out came Dark at running speed, and Luciano braced for a new confrontation. Instead, Dark yelled at his player, "I don't know what you're arguing about because you looked out from where I was, so get back to the dugout." Luciano mentioned other players who never argued, including Rod Carew and Richie Allen. Umpire heaven would be where no one ever argued a call.
  20. I think the eights corps had a lot of those enthusiastic voluntary witnessing folks. That's why we were the ones to get pushed hard with "motivational techniques" and selling the class.
  21. Hope, you got kicked off the WOW field and they still let you in the corps? Oh, that's right, it was the SIXTH, wasn't it? :D-->
  22. This is only my feeling, and could be wrong, but I think it may just be too hot an issue to touch among ex-Way people (as among others) for CES and others to make it a front burner issue. This was illustrated to me some time ago, when a poster was quick to describe abortion as murder when telling of TWI forcing someone to have an abortion, but then backing off when that idea clashed with the ideas of other ex-Way people. True, forced abortion ( a la China) is something that the "pro-choice" and "pro-life" camps often agree as wrong, but it was that description of abortion as murder that brought the heat. (If someone forces you to murder someone else, it doesnt suddenly shrink from being murder if you decide to do it on your own).
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