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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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"I think we've learned something here today. Batter is a main course all its own, and if you shape anything like a rib people will come."

"If some Birkenstock-wearing knucklehead driving around in a SUV and wearing sneakers that someone was sold into slavery to make-is sniffling about the poor animals, that person is clearly never going to experience the world.”

"That's the problem. If you're slower than me, stupider than me and you taste good...tough sh**! Then, pass the salt!"

“Oh my God, that was a religious experience, ... In the words of Homer Simpson, the pig is a magical animal.”

“I think (Travel Channel) knows it's not getting Jamie Oliver or Rachel Ray when they throw their lot in with me.”

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“What can I say, I happen to be an aficionado of the dive bar.”

 "Red meat, cheese, tobacco, and liquor...it works for me"

" I have exactly the same work ethic. I don`t see writing as anything more important than cooking. In fact, I`m a little queasier on the writing. There`s an element of shame, because it`s so easy. I can`t believe that people give me money for this dang. The TV, too. It`s not work. At the end of the day, the TV show is the best job in the world. I get to go anywhere I want, eat and drink whatever I want. As long as I just babble at the camera, other people will pay for it. It`s a gift. A few months ago, I was sitting cross-legged in the mountains of Vietnam with a bunch of Thai tribesman as a guest of honor drinking rice whiskey. Three years ago I never, ever in a million years thought that I would ever live to see any of that. So I know that I`m a lucky man."

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Is it Murphy Brown? :unsure: :blink: :rolleyes:

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Either Anthony Boudain(?) or Andrew Zimmerman. If correct, do I win $1 million dollars? :biglaugh:

Edited by Thomas Loy Bumgarner
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I will let someone else come up with the title of the show. Besides I am busy through Thursday. ps check out the hymn thread.

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OMG! I watch too much TV with cable from Charter Communications. Need to get a social life, or just regular life :biglaugh: .

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  • 2 weeks later...

TLB often does "drive-by" posts.

Try this:

"Friends just keep you away from TV."

"Hasn't anyone said you look like someone?"

"Oh, you mean like every famous fat guy in every movie ever?"

"Darling, I need to borrow the iron."

"Dad, I told you. If you want a grilled cheese sandwich, I will make you one."


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:offtopic: George, that is not completely true. But when clues start stacking up and are real simple, and no one else is answering, then I reply, sometimes with a correct answer, sometimes with a silly reply. btw, I am typing a new name the hymn for Epiphany. Doctor Who rules.
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If a clue doesn't get answered fast, I often get impatient, and keep giving more clues, sometimes I'm glad when someone takes a stab at it, anything to end the misery :dance: ....Also, GeorgeSG, keeps my feet to the fire when I get too loose with da rules, in a mentorish good way! :asdf:

GSG, Is it King of Queens?

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''A war is like when it rains in New York and everybody crowds into doorways, ya know? And they all get chummy together. Perfect strangers. The only difference, of course, is in a war it's also raining on the other side of the street and the people who are chummy over there are trying to kill the people who are over here who are chums.''

"I want foxholes there, there, there and there -- each one smartly dug. The kind of hole a man can throw himself into with pride. ''

''You've been pushing your stethoscope too far in your ears. I think it scratched your brain.''

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"Woah, competition number one."

"I'm just one of the guys."

"Right, hair like silk, body like Monroe and a heart probably as big as all America. Check. Double check."

"I'm just one of the guys."

"What else do you need?"

"How about too eggs easy over… a couple of Bloody Mary's."

"That's affirm..."

"How about a bath with bubbles?"

"Ahh, that's affirm!"

"And a king size water bed with sheets... real sheets."

"Real cotton. How about... how about just a little cease fire?"

"First three requests will take twenty minutes. The last will take a little longer."


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"I have some good news and bad news.

This time tell me the good news first.

You are going to be executed in the morning. 

Then what's the bad news?

They aren't giving you a blindfold."


" if you ever escape... 


Be a good fellow and take me with you."


"Steal a tank?

We'll give it back... after we take it apart and make blueprints of it.

Well, how do we get ahold of it?

How do we get it in here?

Where are we going to hide a tank?

Where do we take it apart?

Look, I got the idea of stealing it, right? The rest is detail."

Edited by now I see
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Bet it is a 1960's military comedy, and that's all I am going to say. bye.

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"I have some good news and bad news.

This time tell me the good news first.

You are going to be executed in the morning. 

Then what's the bad news?

They aren't giving you a blindfold."


" if you ever escape... 


Be a good fellow and take me with you."


"Steal a tank?

We'll give it back... after we take it apart and make blueprints of it.

Well, how do we get ahold of it?

How do we get it in here?

Where are we going to hide a tank?

Where do we take it apart?

Look, I got the idea of stealing it, right? The rest is detail."




into the cooler they go. Throw away the key. 

Don't we get a trial or anything? 

This is Germany. Although I do appreciate your sense of humor.


I am well aware, Colonel, there is nothing you and your men would not do to try to undermine my position, even to have me replaced.

Replace you, are you kidding? We'd do anything to keep you here.

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Folks, if you don't know this one, then shame on you. Won't post it but it's intials are HH :rolleyes:

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  • modcat5 changed the title to Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]

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