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Why teaching ministries everywhere?


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Why teaching ministries everywhere?

Where are the Billy Graham evangelists? Where are the Oral Roberts healing ministries? Where are the apostles and prophets of old? The Old Testament highlights the prophets who walked before God. These men foretold of famines to come and prophecies to be unveiled. Countless lives were spared by adhering to a true prophet of God.

Today......pastors and teachers, seemingly, "carry the torch" of God's light. Or, do they? Pastors have cornered the market of church denominations; teachers have cornered the business market of the prosperity gospel. Books, classes, CDs, seminars, advanced teachings, downloads, uploads, crossroads.......and everyone who is anyone is a teacher. How convenient is that? You can lead from behind a desk. Your spiritual credentials......er, academia credentials trump all else.

Is the demonstrating of God's power even a consideration anymore?

Apparently not....wierwille got away with it from 1967-1985.

The deceptive bureaucracy of twi's projected a level of activity.

Teaching ministries are NOT held accountable like, say, prophets. The teacher goes about his merry way and the student is "blamed" for not specifically

applying the teaching, not having the believing to accomplish the task. See.....its an easy gig.

"Teachers" are everywhere. And, with each passing year, the list of teaching avenues only grows.

Splinter teachers pick up and take their ball to another court.....and simply tweak their teachings ever-so-slightly.

In today's rapid technological advances, teaching preparation and delivery has never been easier.

Like in the movie, Ratatouille......"Anyone Can Cook"

So, it is with a "teaching ministry"......."Anyone Can Teach"



Edited by skyrider
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Why teaching ministries everywhere? I think mainly because the overhead is so low. There is such a low, low cost of doing "business".

Rehash pfal, or parts of it.. it's CHEAP. With a computer and printer, it is quite CHEAP to produce another knockoff of a knockoff. At least an "original(?)" work to mass produce. Then it's off to the local printing service! They make it cheaper to mass produce. What are the typical costs? Two, or three cents per page? A seventy page syllabus would cost say.. $2.10. add a folder, cheaply manufactured in China for $1.85 and per participant, per class, the overhead totals about.. $4.05. Maybe I'm underestimating.. the cost could be closer to $9.50, depending on how "illustrious" one wants it to look. I mean, all the printer guy has to do is collate. The seller could punch the holes and assemble the folders. Or have volunteers do it..

Minimum "donations" of about $95.00 accepted. Or even $125.00. Plus whatever gets tossed in the cornucopia as it passes by one during class..

No real cost for "research".. no real overhead in that regard.

Ah yes.. low overhead. If one can keep one's weenie in one's own pants.. might be difficult for a little-itty-bitty-manogawd.

Don't make TOO MANY outrageous claims. Listen to what the lawyer told you on "free legal advise night"..


Low overhead.. no cost for supplies to feed the needy..

No cost to actually DO SOMETHING..

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Today......pastors and teachers, seemingly, "carry the torch" of God's light. Or do they?

If you don't mind me adding.. if one actually sees God's light, for a fraction of a second and manages to live through the experience.. one just MIGHT come to the conclusion that they can't exactly carry it..

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"Teaching" and "ministry" in context of TWI spin-offs is a real contradiction in terms. Fits like a hand in a boxing glove .... when doing the laundry.

Jesus taught by example - was right there with people, showing how life was to be lived. With all its joys and hardships.

Peter taught by example - was right there with people, showing how life was to be lived. When he fell short, there was a public confrontation and Peter changed his ways.

Only later did the early apostles separate themselves. And then, their mantle passed, to Philip, to Paul, to others.

Paul taught by example - was right there with people, showing how life was to be lived. Supported himself but made collections to give away to help those in need. No record he hoarded any money from his work, or from collections.

Timothy taught by example - was right there with people, showing how life was to be lived. Paul was there, and wrote to him, showing how the example was to be set.

Teaching ministries...

...Mother Teresa? David Wilkerson? Nicky Cruz?

...Ordinary people in your community?

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