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Horse Called War

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coolchef - yes, dana was the LC in Maine for sometime - mid-late 80's, I believe... He was the LC when I got involved in '88 with the Sanford WOWs. Dana was replaced by W@lter R*wen in the spring of '89.



In all the years that y'all were in TWI, and all the people and/or things you were told were "possessed", did you ever see leadership cast out a devil spirit?

I remember seeing a lot of fingers pointed at people but not hearing the words, "in the name of Jesus Christ..." spoken...

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There I was, doing my business in the restroom at BJ's bar and grill...it was almost closing time and the crowd was thinning out. I was thinking about how I was going to drive home in this condition when suddenly, I saw it! On the floor, next to the comode, the swirled "residues" left on the floor, had formed the face of the Virgin Mary. This paranormal act was astounding in and of itself...but when I noticed her mouth formed in a perfect "O", and each hand holding up three fingers each (like "W's")...on either side of her face...I knew for a certainty that the word was over the world...and I knew that it was my waycorps training that had given me this in depth spiritual awareness...they called me a cab.

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Originally posted by George Aar:

It's amazing how little you have to give to desparate people to earn their enthusiastic support. Mention that Uncle John had a favorite pet dog, and that he liked to eat Bar-be-que, and they'll walk away convinced that they contacted the "other side".

I was once at the annual conference for the National Wellness [something or other]. It's a conference every year with hundreds of speakers and thousands of participants all having something to do with wellness - doctors, nurses, social workers and many in the non-western tradition too.

At night they have entertainment - concerts etc. One night was a guy who apparently is there all the time (I think he's on the board or something) and entertains as a magician. He was pretty good. But part of his act is to pretend to be psychic and do exactly what you're talking about as he walks around and interacts with audience members. If you don't know his tricks (and I only know a couple) it's pretty convincing. But he's telling the audience all the time that he's not reading anyone's mind. He's just using tricks - though he doesn't tell what the tricks are.

Then he told the story that almost every time he performs this people come up to him after and want advice about their biggest decisions. "Should I marry this person? quit my job? have kids?" and he reiterates in unbelief - Hey, I'm just a night club act!!!

Yes, it amazing how many people are so desparate. But look at all of us.

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Dear 3Cents and Geo,

But I think we often got a dose of that when we were being "ministered to" for healing. How many Advanced Class grads just went to vague references about the circulatory system or the intestines, in an effort to hit on something?

I recall one Rock where I stood up to be ministered to, because my marriage was going to heck in a handbasket, and I was upset. The believer prayed for my hip. My HIP! Why? Because I was standing with my weight over my other leg!

And I was thinking, "Well, maybe God is healing something I don't even know is wrong with me yet." !!!



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And I was thinking, "Well, maybe God is healing something I don't even know is wrong with me yet." !!!

Yeah, that was always the default position.

Gawd, how many times did we hear some MOG wannabe talking about how he was ministering to somebody and then offered to pray for their cancer or lambago or whatever, "But I don't have - whatever-!" they would contend. "Oh, you don't think so, huh?" the all knowing mini-mog would reply, with a smug self-confidence that he knew things that they couldn't hope to grasp.

To anyone who still hangs onto the notion that there are "genuine" mind readers, healers, psychics, and whatnot around, take a few minutes to watch a mentalist perform (ala 3-cents) and listen to their explanations of how they do what they do. Now there's some really worthwhile "advanced class" information...

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Yeah...What George said...

There were always stories circulating about some supernatural event that occurred...cars passing through each other, Veepee being teleported, Veepee being whisked away to the third heaven and earth, limbs growing back, terminal diseases vanishing...

People WANTED to believe in these stories. It validated twi for many people...of course, none of these things ever happened. Twi "leadership" wanted so badly for paranormal activities to occur, that they allowed false rumors to circulate. The fact that there were no real occurrances, seemed to elude them.

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Still seems to, even to this day..

Makes me wonder why if it did not work the first time around, or sixtieth, somebody would still want to go back and try it all over again.

I heard the same stupid stories too. I asked for verification- "well, we don't advertise that stuff because then people wouldn't come to get da verd, they'd just want healing" or some such nonsense.

I remember the "black arts" exhibit at my first advanced class though. Most of that stuff was just such a scam- and obviously, at that. It made me wonder how anybody could even consider that it was due to the work of debils or some such nonsense. After a while, anything that they couldn't figure out was labelled as possessed or something..

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There's a good ectoplasm scene in the 1973 movie 'Legend of Hell House' with Roddy Mc Dowell. They tried to get a little too cute IMO when somebody asked the ectoplasm to leave a sample in the glass and then the medium went ballistic.

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BTW, I second the notion that the Amazing Randi is an excellent source of rational explanations for all those fantastic events going on around us (actually the careful reader will realize that I've been touting Randi for quite some time now).

KEWL! I'm a careful reader!!! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

I do believe in the spiritual realm, I just don't know exactly what I believe about it at this point.

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