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Back To TWI?


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Anyone who is considering a return to twi, under ANY circumstances, should immediately check themselves into a rehab clinic for the perpetually stupid.

UncleHairy -- icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> Saw a bumper sticker just today that said ---

"Everyone has the right to be stupid,

but you are abusing the privilidge!"

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That two minute infomercial on MSNBC (in Imus's time slot) shows that TWI is still very interested in attracting new followers. They know that former "innies" know too much to be truly useful. I think they want a fresh infusion of ABS from the newly duped---but they don't want to deal with too much "mess". You know---people with geniune need. People in need of healing. They want June and Ward Cleaver. More Stepford Believers. Too bad for the BOD that those folks are few and far between and happy with their current church home---LOL!

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Just close your eyes and repeat after me:

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

"Religion is the opiate of the people"...

Now where have I heard that before?

It's deja-vu, all over again.

-Yogi Berra

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They want June and Ward Cleaver. More Stepford Believers. Too bad for the BOD that those folks are few and far between and happy with their current church home---LOL!

icon_biggrin.gif:D--> LOL indeed! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

If they want people to come back they have to establish some sort of trust and they are nowhere near being trustworthy.

Take rfr out of office (she should be ex-communicated)

Take dm out of office (she should be ex-communicated)

Tell everyone about every lawsuit, settlements and pending lawsuits and lawyer fees

Put a twi(t) elected board in place from all over the US mostly just plain wayfers and let them make the policy

Increase the pay of the staff (not the wc ministers) and allow them to live off grounds and buy houses

Rescind the no debt policy, teachings and requirements

Come clean about how vee pee pee died

Come clean about the prevalent abuse by vee pee pee, lcm, howard, don and other wc clergy

Come clean about rfr and dm and rb setting women up for lcm (and probably vee pee pee)

Come clean about

Come clean about people who have been m&a unjustly and apologize to them publicly and invite them back.

Come clean about vee pee pee's plagarism and how no one did anything about it

Come clean about doctrinal errors and change them.

Come clean about paying for the msnbc piece and other advertising and how much they cost

Make your books honest and mail a copy to all the followers so they don't have to ask for them.

Only a truly Godly organization would do something like that.....in twi(t)ville it'll never happen. Most people would not go back and the fact that new people don't stay speaks very loudly.

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I know several people who would return if certain conditions were met with the biggest one being a return to the VPW teachings.

Some of the people I know have been lost

in their lives since their association with

TWI ended and would love to return. Now

whether thats good or bad is for another thread

but there are definitely exWay folks who would

love to be back on board if it were more like

the 70s.

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There seems to be no shortage of credulous folks who will follow any religious/superstitious regimen if it's given a good presentation. Wayworld is certainly not beyond saving if there were anyone that wanted to. The fact that the BOD doesn't seem to be interested speaks volumes to me...

Aren't they already hanging out with Geer, Lynn, et al?

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A dear friend once asked me what I thought should happen to twi, I replied it should be shut down forever. Since then I have toyed with the idea of what twi could do to attract me back and sadly I still cannot come up with anything, except to place me in charge of the liquidation process which me thinks is highly unlikely icon_razz.gif:P-->

I think that there are a few vp die hards willing to overlook past mistakes and come back not to mention those that long for the *good old days*that cost so many so much. I suppose the truly needy/codependants would too seeings how we all wanted to go around blessing each other all the time...

But see I don't fall into any of those catagories, I guess I woke up n smelled the poopoopoo heyyyyaaa....

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This is the third page of responses to this poll, and I've read maybe 2 or 3 responses. I'll read the rest later.

For myself, 4 things would need to happen before I'd even start to consider going back to twi:

1: World peace, along with universal justice and compassion, would be acheived.

2: Microsoft would release a completely stable, "bullet-proof" operating system. It would be free of charge too.

3: Pigs would fly.

4: The Chicago Cubs win the World Series.

Daryl & his furry feline companion, Alex

Franklin Park, Illinois

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I guess I am dreaming about the Cubs, aren't I? (At the moment, though, the seem to be kicking a fair amount of butt. We'll see...)


Good point. If I "believe" hard enough, the Sun will rise tomorrow morning. Ha!


Yeah, add those too. I went to Brookfield Zoo with Steve! & Cindy & the kids, and I saw a rhinocerous. They are HUGE and MAGNIFICENT animals, totally scary to look at, and I'm told, they do not know fear. It's like looking at a huge, horned armor-plated boiler stomping around. And this one had a baby Rhino in the same cage!

Do you know why the cow jumped over the moon? The milking machine short-circuited.

Hugs from me, purrs & nuzzles from Alex

Franklin Park, Illinois

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