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Don't mistake it for a cheesy stupid 1990s movie with the same title. This one is in theaters now, and deserves every dime it can make. It's directed by the guy who wrote Million Dollar Baby.

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All God's children...

It will make your head spin.

We are good. We are bad. Always with a good reason, quite often the wrong reason.

And that little girl...

And did the shopkeeper's daughter read the red box?

When you recognize the scene on the poster, you will understand.

If YOU'VE seen it, for God's sake (you people), don't spoil it for anyone by saying more. Nothing in this post reveals the plot. Some of you can't discuss a movie without giving it away. You know who you are, hopefully.

I second the recommend. Raf is right.

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What I loved is, everytime a storyline was resolved, I never felt cheated. The story is so gently laid out that when something happens, you kick yourself for not seeing it coming (except one major plot twist that is pretty obvious about halfway through the movie).

Brilliant film. And about the box... I don't think so.

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Gee, thanks, Raf, for mentioning a plot twist. Now I'll be looking for it when(if) I go see this movie.

Like in the 6th Sense, everyone was mentioning the plot twist, so 2 minutes into the movie you realize what it's going to be!

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There wasn't any plot twist. I don't think we watched the same movie. If there was a plot twist, I didn't see it. I can spot those a mile away. Trust me. Raf must have walked into the wrong theater.

Oh, wait a minute. You mean where the kid says he sees dead people and the guy thinks he's talking about other dead people?

That was more of a curve ball than a twist. I wouldn't call it a twist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw it last night and LOVED it. One of the best movies I've seen in a long while. Deep, thought provoking, sad, thought provoking, heart warming....

Amazing that a directoral debut would succeed with such an ambitious story or series of vignettes.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't expect to like this. It got lukewarm reviews where I live; in fact, it was in and out of the theaters in a week. But it was playing down here, so we saw it. I really liked it, if I didn't say that already.

Funny, but I live in a very homogenous area, and the reviewers thought this movie was superficial, and offensively stereotypical. "Real" people aren't like that, they said. I wonder if you have to live in a more "diverse" area to understand how true (and false) the stereotypes are.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the plot twist is. It was over my head. Now that it's practically out of the theaters, anyone care to elaborate on the plot? Nothing shocked me, although each story was as triumphant as it was tragic.

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Saw it it tonight. Very good. editing of it was fantastic. The story was very real and true to humanity.

Nothing is so black and white. Everything is more complicated than our superficial generalizaations and characterizations. I don't know what movie that reviewer laleo refered to was watching or what world they live in, but I though it was very real depiction of many people. Perhaps you do need to live in a diverse area to know the validity of the stereotypes, but IMO the movie showed how they can be either true or false. That is why they are stereotypes. It is true for some, just not all, and IMO not the majority.

I don't think the daughter had read the box. For some reason that is the one thing I didn't see coming. It seemed obvious at the end though. But inspite of the fact that I saw most things coming I was still throroghly entertained and strung along with the tenseness and tragedy. It was painful to watch at certain moments. Very thought-provoking and a reality check. Racism is alive and kicking on many different levels. Perhaps you need to live in a diverse area to realise that. Even in the rather liberal and relatively monochromatic town I now live in has seen 3 violent events in the past 2 weeks involving racism.

I hightly recommend it. Geez just seeing the pic Raf posted still gives me goose bumps.

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I don't think the daughter had read the box. For some reason that is the one thing I didn't see coming.

Yeah, and that's exactly the point. But you realize it without them having to tell you (and they do tell you eventually, just in case you didn't pick it up). And you don't feel cheated because the director/writer dropped a BIG FAT CLUE for you when the box was being purchased. It was simply brilliant.

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But I thought the daughter DID know what was in the box.

By the time the movie was done, the thing I wanted to reconstruct was the car accident that opened the movie. Who was in it? Everybody? I almost want to see the movie again just for the first ten minutes.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I FINALLY saw this today.

Yeah, it was kinda thought provoking. I loved the juxtapostion of stereotypes and the like, but the thought struck me about halfway through that this is a peculiarly Yuppified vision of the world.

Yeah, there's down-and-outers and gutter folk, but it seems as if they are the concoctions of a decidely upper-middle-class vision. It tried real hard to be down and dirty, reality-based, in-your-face kinda film noirish commentary, but it still betrayed it's Belle Aire roots.

So, see it for sure, but I'm not entirely satisfied with where it goes or how it handles things. It's odd...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Okay, not only did it get a Best Picture nomination (hooray!) but it's got a good shot at dislodging Brokeback Mountain for the prize. I hope so. It's a much better movie.

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Thanks for the info.

I just put this at the top of my netflix queue.

From netflix:

A 36-hour period in the diverse metropolis of post-Sept. 11 Los Angeles is the theme of this unflinching drama that challenges audiences to confront their prejudices. Lives combust when a Brentwood housewife and her district attorney husband, a Persian shopkeeper, two cops, a pair of carjackers and a Korean couple all converge. Director Paul Haggis's gritty film stars Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon and Jennifer Esposito.
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Yeah, Raf. I was also glad to see it got an Oscar nomination for best pic and I heard on the news this a.m. that it has a campaign building among the academy and has a shot at winning it.

I saw it a second time, Laleo, just so I could see the opening 10 minutes - - and I haven't seen very many movies of late worth seeing twice, but this one is.


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The Oscar was just announced a few mintues ago. I am SO FRIGGIN HAPPY right now.

Earlier on this thread, I said it probably wouldn't win, but it deserved a nomination. At the time I did not know what the competition would be. Once I knew the competition, I was with Crash all the way.

This was such an upset, I actually feel as if I won the award.

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Here's your little statue Raf... (somehow I knew you'd beat me to the thread)...

I'm very glad it won as well... best picture and original screenplay... a quality movie.

In case you didn't know... our boy Mark Cuban's Lions Gate Films helped this thing get made. They also did the documentary about Enron and helped Clooney do "Good Night and Good Luck". I'm glad to see they're doing some quality films...

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw the movie and it was one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time. From the way it was described, I thought it was a guy movie, then my daughter said that she just saw it and went on and on about it. Well I had to see it and I'm glad I did. It so deserved the award it got. The only thing that had gone over my head (until I read about it, then understood the character better) was that the "bad" cop was also the guy with the dad who had to hastle with the HMO.

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