Another day my wife comes home from the store with a brand new set of curtains for every single window in the home. She spends so much money that it exceeds our budgeted amount for the year. I am responsible for the finances and so I don’t ignore this situation just because “I don’t want to have a fight”. I speak up.
“Honey, you have the best decorating taste and these are beautiful. However, you did forget one thing. You are supposed to check with me, your financial adviser, before making a purchase to make sure I have placed the money in the budget for these things.”
Yeah, right! Anyone who knows Bob KNOWS this isn’t how this conversation would go.
She responds by saying, “Yes, I forgot that. Can we afford these things?” Then we come to a resolution.
Whenever situations are confronted within the household, whether in a couple’s home or in the household of believers, we must work together in order to see the harmonious functioning of the one Body. Some confrontations are handled simply on a day-by-day basis, like the examples cited above. Other matters are deep-rooted old-man habits which require intense, passionate attention and radical change.
Like the way Dootie confronted craiggers and vee pee instead of continuing to counsel the poor women raped by them?
It is these more difficult situations that require the believer who needs to change and the individual(s) confronting him to have a standard used to measure that change has taken place.
The purpose of TWI is to present every man – every believer in the household – perfect, mature and complete in Christ.
Whom (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
In order to do this, we preach Christ; we warn and we teach – giving instruction on a continual basis. Part of the process of maturing in the household of believers is “warning ever man.” The word “warning” is translated from a Greek word, noutheteo, meaning “to admonish”, “to remind”, “to correct” or “confront”.
Confrontation is a vital part of presenting every believer perfect in Christ. When confronted, how does this person know whether he or she is making progress and properly responding to the confrontation? After confronting a situation, what signposts should the confronting believer look for when following up with the confronted individual?
2 Cor 7 has a section on “godly sorryow” which gives us the characteristics and attitudes that should be evident in people’s lives if they are committed to change. The Apostle Paul confronted the Corinthians on several matters, and wanted to know how they were going along in correcting themselves. He sent Titus, a man with an energized ministry, to the Corinthians to see their progress and to report back to him.
2 Cor 7:7
And not by his (Titus’s) coming only, but by the consolation (paraklesis)[also] wherewith he was comforted (parakaleo) in [by] you, when he told us your earnest desire, your mourning [lamenting], your fervent mind [zeal, fervor] toward me [to “us” in Aramaic]; so that I rejoiced the more.
The use of the two Greek words paraklesis and parakaleo is the repitition of words from the same root. This can be classified under the polyptoton figure of speech. With the use of polyptoton, God emphasizes the comfort or strength that came to Titus’s heart when those who were confronted responded to the reproof they’d been given and line their lives back up with the word and will of God.
The heart and manner of response of the one confronted is vital. Titus had gone to Corinth on Paul’s behalf to see how the Corinthians were responding to the reproof that they had received as recorded in 1 Cor. When Titus reported back to Paul, he relayed their earnest desire, their mourning and their fervent mind toward Paul and the other apostles. These were the elements of response Paul and Titus were looking for so Paul rejoiced at seeing this response.
“Earnest desire” indicates the Corinthian believers’ desire to have full sharing fellowship with Paul. Throughout the church epistles there are forms of this word used thereby indicating the desire of a person or people to be with on another. The Corinthian believers were not purposefully avoiding Paul and his leadership, oversight and direction. On the contrary, they were greatly longing to be with him physically and desired that their thinking, speech and actions would show their association with him.
“Mourning” indicates the Corinthians were lamenting their wrongs and errors or their mistakes. They expressed a genuine remorse and grief regarding those things Paul confronted them on.
“Fervent mind” is from the Greek word zealos. The Corinthian believers demonstrated a zeal, a fervor, a passion toward Paul and the other apostles. Rather than holding on to their hurt feelings, justifying their error, and complaining about how they were confronted. These Corinthians had a passion for the truth that Paul represented and spoke.
Seems to me this whole section is like they were worshipping Paul and not God. It’s also very subtle how he is laying the groundwork for TWIts to fear pointing out where leadership might be wrong in their confrontation, too harsh and harmful in the way they confront….”I yell because I care!” became a battle cry among leadership who learned it from craiggers all the way down to the spittle flying.
I never realized when I was "in" how bizarre these "teachings" are. I'm sure there's more to this! Thanks for your hard work, and keep it coming, okay?
Something about this that sort of flashes "ALERT: TWISTED TEACHING! DANGER!" is this little line:
"The heart and manner of response of the one confronted is vital."
Isn't God the judge of hearts? Not according to the MOG - nope. If you weren't bawling your eyes out and licking their boots, you were scum. No matter your heart or intent.
The other alert that this is twisted is that...
What MAN gives a rip what his wife spends on drapes as long as she makes it up to him once those drapes have been pulled?
I thought the glimpse into their marriage was interesting. I never spend hundreds of dollars that we haven't discussed first. Can't even imagine doing that.
Plus, in the nineties, in TWI, we had all these budgets n stuff. Guess they didn't have to do all that.
The interaction between the couple in this is so disfunctional as to make me queasy. Sort of a semi-professional business relationship where two people that live together don't know what the other one's doing, not much of a marriage really but may in fact be a good example of the state of matrimony in the Way.
It also has a vaguely "Ozzie and Harriet" kind of tone, where the big issue is the drapes, or the new dress the Mrs. bought, or the new golf clubs Dad bought and has hidden in the closet cuz he doesn't want Mom to find out.
Someone has to say it-
When Bob comes home, does he say "Howdy, Dootie!"...?
The Corinthian believers were not purposefully avoiding Paul and his leadership, oversight and direction.
Maybe that's because Paul and Titus weren't greedy, money grubbing blood-sucking tics, looking to make them sell their homes and use the money to support "their ministries".
This is so funny, who is Bob and who is Dooty? I think I'll go buy some drapes. hahaha
On another note, I can't even get my husband to talk about decorating or if I want to buy drapes. He doesn't care and the money is always there. I think if the wife wants drapes and it's her job, then God can provide what she wants.
They are so friggin legalistic and they squeek when they walk. Can't stand how gooey good the leadership thinks they are.
If anyone thinks that the ministry has changed, I received a letter that I will post on a new thread as soon as I can. Bizarre, unscriptual and screwed up as usual. It will show how in the dark people that are in still are. They have no clue as to what has been going on.
Sorry for the edit but I had to add: Does anyone know how to start a new thread? I'm new and can't figure it out.
Sometimes when I read these "articles" from TWI I feel like I am back in English class in Junior High (middle school) You know the one where you were told to have a thousand word speech on a given topic by tomorrow. Home you went and you cobbled together whatever you could remember on said subject, threw in some fancy grammatical footwork and then got on the the Math homework.
The next day you stood up --delivered the speech as quickly as possible waited for the forced applause of your classmates and breathed a sigh of relief.
I mean do these people actually READ what they are saying?????
Go to the top of this page. Click on where it says NEW TOPIC.
That will start your topic you want to post. :)
Ps --- I forgot to mention. Whatever your topic is, go to the forum that deals with that particular subject, and at the top of any page (in any forum) you'll see the NEW TOPIC thing to click on, and that will start your new thread where it belongs. :)
Hello, Mrs. Cleaver. Is Wallace at home?? Clarence and I would like to invite him to go to the soda shop with us.
No, Eddie, he is helping Beaver deliver drugs. I'll tell him you were here.
Why do I want to spit/puke when I read the "loving teaching" above?? "I am the financial advisor here..." This is not only mechanical, but also laughable. Hey Wafers, let's PRETEND we are REAL people.
I'd better go and call my wife to make sure she turned off the kitchen light this morning, because I am the LIGHT advisor in the home, and she's got zero common sense....
She does not ignore the photograph or walk past it, but rather she comes to find me and says, “I saw Dave’s picture in our living room. Did you put it there, Bob?”
My response is, “Yes, I did.”
Dootie continues, “I thought I was responsible for the interior design of our home.” The conversation goes from there until the situation is resolved as craiggers has taught us.
She does not ignore the photograph or walk past it, but rather she comes to find me and says, “I saw Dave’s picture in our living room. Did you put it there, Bob?”
My response is, “What picture, Dootksi?”
She sits down and points at the picture of Dave on the wall. "Why, that picture, right there, Bob. Did you or did you not put it there, while I was out and without consulting me, the Household Spiritual Leader of Wall Coverings?"
Dootski is so specific and loving that I am compelled to speak the truth, in love. "Why yes, I did Dootchka. I did put it there".
Now Doots can follow up with appropriate teaching and correction, having confronted me, with love. "Sit down Bob, I want to share some things with you that I think will help, turn to Genesis in your bible, please...."
(2 hours later)
"Now Bob, do you understand more clearly exactly what I expect of you now?"
To which I can now respond, clearly and with a fuller understanding! "Yes, Dootski, I do understand. Thank you, I will now take the picture down".
You can see how simple and wonderful it can be! Now we can move forward and draft the appropriate Documents of Understanding, and schedule follow up reproof and correction times in the coming months.
I'd better go and call my wife to make sure she turned off the kitchen light this morning, because I am the LIGHT advisor in the home, and she's got zero common sense....
If they play tennis, I wanna be the visor advisor-- can I, huh? can I, please....
What a bunch of self-righteous they really live like that at this age in their lives?? I can just picture somebody at the SNS for the first time hearing that and running out the door as fast as possible....
This is becoming a very funny thread. Socks I think you are getting funnier as you get older. Hell, my wife would have just taken Dave off the wall and smashed him over my head. (But actually we both like Dave.)
I remember reading that article when I got my Way Mag that month. That was during the time when they were all on a confrontation kick. You were supposed to be grateful for it or some shxt like that if I recall. I would rather have read this thread. It's better to laugh than cry.
Bob & Dootski are scary to me now when I look back. No wonder he never seemed to liked me. I was just never able to rise up in my fakeness enough to satisfy him I suppose.
Oh, and his confrontation to me was not at all like this nice syrupy article he wrote. Not at all! To me it was more like "my way othe highway". Europe can have him!
This is becoming a very funny thread. Socks I think you are getting funnier as you get older. Hell, my wife would have just taken Dave off the wall and smashed him over my head. (But actually we both like Dave.)
I remember reading that article when I got my Way Mag that month. That was during the time when they were all on a confrontation kick. You were supposed to be grateful for it or some shxt like that if I recall. I would rather have read this thread. It's better to laugh than cry.
Bob & Dootski are scary to me now when I look back. No wonder he never seemed to liked me. I was just never able to rise up in my fakeness enough to satisfy him I suppose.
Oh, and his confrontation to me was not at all like this nice syrupy article he wrote. Not at all! To me it was more like "my way othe highway". Europe can have him!
More analysis please. I need more laughs!
John, you REALLY hit the nail on the head about SO much that happened in the way----was one able to rise up enough in their "MO-TECH" inspired fakeness to really be kork, wow or what-evah ... waht self-delusional k-rapppp Bub is putting out, .... same as it ever was, same as it ever was......
Speaking of Kraaaaaaaaaaaap, I was thinking about you when I was reading the "Suicide in The Way" thread below. Didn't you know something about Sunny leaving the Corps and the incidents that surrounded it? Seems to me you may have posted about this before (or maybe it was another one of the sickth).
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Part Duex -
Another day my wife comes home from the store with a brand new set of curtains for every single window in the home. She spends so much money that it exceeds our budgeted amount for the year. I am responsible for the finances and so I don’t ignore this situation just because “I don’t want to have a fight”. I speak up.
“Honey, you have the best decorating taste and these are beautiful. However, you did forget one thing. You are supposed to check with me, your financial adviser, before making a purchase to make sure I have placed the money in the budget for these things.”
Yeah, right! Anyone who knows Bob KNOWS this isn’t how this conversation would go.
She responds by saying, “Yes, I forgot that. Can we afford these things?” Then we come to a resolution.
Whenever situations are confronted within the household, whether in a couple’s home or in the household of believers, we must work together in order to see the harmonious functioning of the one Body. Some confrontations are handled simply on a day-by-day basis, like the examples cited above. Other matters are deep-rooted old-man habits which require intense, passionate attention and radical change.
Like the way Dootie confronted craiggers and vee pee instead of continuing to counsel the poor women raped by them?
It is these more difficult situations that require the believer who needs to change and the individual(s) confronting him to have a standard used to measure that change has taken place.
The purpose of TWI is to present every man – every believer in the household – perfect, mature and complete in Christ.
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Col 1:28
Whom (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
In order to do this, we preach Christ; we warn and we teach – giving instruction on a continual basis. Part of the process of maturing in the household of believers is “warning ever man.” The word “warning” is translated from a Greek word, noutheteo, meaning “to admonish”, “to remind”, “to correct” or “confront”.
Confrontation is a vital part of presenting every believer perfect in Christ. When confronted, how does this person know whether he or she is making progress and properly responding to the confrontation? After confronting a situation, what signposts should the confronting believer look for when following up with the confronted individual?
2 Cor 7 has a section on “godly sorryow” which gives us the characteristics and attitudes that should be evident in people’s lives if they are committed to change. The Apostle Paul confronted the Corinthians on several matters, and wanted to know how they were going along in correcting themselves. He sent Titus, a man with an energized ministry, to the Corinthians to see their progress and to report back to him.
2 Cor 7:7
And not by his (Titus’s) coming only, but by the consolation (paraklesis)[also] wherewith he was comforted (parakaleo) in [by] you, when he told us your earnest desire, your mourning [lamenting], your fervent mind [zeal, fervor] toward me [to “us” in Aramaic]; so that I rejoiced the more.
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The use of the two Greek words paraklesis and parakaleo is the repitition of words from the same root. This can be classified under the polyptoton figure of speech. With the use of polyptoton, God emphasizes the comfort or strength that came to Titus’s heart when those who were confronted responded to the reproof they’d been given and line their lives back up with the word and will of God.
The heart and manner of response of the one confronted is vital. Titus had gone to Corinth on Paul’s behalf to see how the Corinthians were responding to the reproof that they had received as recorded in 1 Cor. When Titus reported back to Paul, he relayed their earnest desire, their mourning and their fervent mind toward Paul and the other apostles. These were the elements of response Paul and Titus were looking for so Paul rejoiced at seeing this response.
“Earnest desire” indicates the Corinthian believers’ desire to have full sharing fellowship with Paul. Throughout the church epistles there are forms of this word used thereby indicating the desire of a person or people to be with on another. The Corinthian believers were not purposefully avoiding Paul and his leadership, oversight and direction. On the contrary, they were greatly longing to be with him physically and desired that their thinking, speech and actions would show their association with him.
“Mourning” indicates the Corinthians were lamenting their wrongs and errors or their mistakes. They expressed a genuine remorse and grief regarding those things Paul confronted them on.
“Fervent mind” is from the Greek word zealos. The Corinthian believers demonstrated a zeal, a fervor, a passion toward Paul and the other apostles. Rather than holding on to their hurt feelings, justifying their error, and complaining about how they were confronted. These Corinthians had a passion for the truth that Paul represented and spoke.
Seems to me this whole section is like they were worshipping Paul and not God. It’s also very subtle how he is laying the groundwork for TWIts to fear pointing out where leadership might be wrong in their confrontation, too harsh and harmful in the way they confront….”I yell because I care!” became a battle cry among leadership who learned it from craiggers all the way down to the spittle flying.
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Watered Garden
I never realized when I was "in" how bizarre these "teachings" are. I'm sure there's more to this! Thanks for your hard work, and keep it coming, okay?
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Something about this that sort of flashes "ALERT: TWISTED TEACHING! DANGER!" is this little line:
"The heart and manner of response of the one confronted is vital."
Isn't God the judge of hearts? Not according to the MOG - nope. If you weren't bawling your eyes out and licking their boots, you were scum. No matter your heart or intent.
The other alert that this is twisted is that...
What MAN gives a rip what his wife spends on drapes as long as she makes it up to him once those drapes have been pulled?
Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
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I thought the glimpse into their marriage was interesting. I never spend hundreds of dollars that we haven't discussed first. Can't even imagine doing that.
Plus, in the nineties, in TWI, we had all these budgets n stuff. Guess they didn't have to do all that.
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I know my man would agree with that one, Chas!
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this really belongs on saturday night live
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The interaction between the couple in this is so disfunctional as to make me queasy. Sort of a semi-professional business relationship where two people that live together don't know what the other one's doing, not much of a marriage really but may in fact be a good example of the state of matrimony in the Way.
It also has a vaguely "Ozzie and Harriet" kind of tone, where the big issue is the drapes, or the new dress the Mrs. bought, or the new golf clubs Dad bought and has hidden in the closet cuz he doesn't want Mom to find out.
Someone has to say it-
When Bob comes home, does he say "Howdy, Dootie!"...?
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Maybe that's because Paul and Titus weren't greedy, money grubbing blood-sucking tics, looking to make them sell their homes and use the money to support "their ministries".
Maybe there weren't afraid of them.
Just a thought.
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Gillian Rules
This is so funny, who is Bob and who is Dooty? I think I'll go buy some drapes. hahaha
On another note, I can't even get my husband to talk about decorating or if I want to buy drapes. He doesn't care and the money is always there. I think if the wife wants drapes and it's her job, then God can provide what she wants.
They are so friggin legalistic and they squeek when they walk. Can't stand how gooey good the leadership thinks they are.
If anyone thinks that the ministry has changed, I received a letter that I will post on a new thread as soon as I can. Bizarre, unscriptual and screwed up as usual. It will show how in the dark people that are in still are. They have no clue as to what has been going on.
Sorry for the edit but I had to add: Does anyone know how to start a new thread? I'm new and can't figure it out.
Edited by Gillian RulesLink to comment
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Go to the top of this page. Click on where it says NEW TOPIC.
That will start your topic you want to post. :)
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Sometimes when I read these "articles" from TWI I feel like I am back in English class in Junior High (middle school) You know the one where you were told to have a thousand word speech on a given topic by tomorrow. Home you went and you cobbled together whatever you could remember on said subject, threw in some fancy grammatical footwork and then got on the the Math homework.
The next day you stood up --delivered the speech as quickly as possible waited for the forced applause of your classmates and breathed a sigh of relief.
I mean do these people actually READ what they are saying?????
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Ps --- I forgot to mention. Whatever your topic is, go to the forum that deals with that particular subject, and at the top of any page (in any forum) you'll see the NEW TOPIC thing to click on, and that will start your new thread where it belongs. :)
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Gillian Rules
Thanks I will try.
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Socks! ROTFLMAO!!!!
Gillian-- that's Bxb and Dxttie Mxynihan
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Hello, Mrs. Cleaver. Is Wallace at home?? Clarence and I would like to invite him to go to the soda shop with us.
No, Eddie, he is helping Beaver deliver drugs. I'll tell him you were here.
Why do I want to spit/puke when I read the "loving teaching" above?? "I am the financial advisor here..." This is not only mechanical, but also laughable. Hey Wafers, let's PRETEND we are REAL people.
I'd better go and call my wife to make sure she turned off the kitchen light this morning, because I am the LIGHT advisor in the home, and she's got zero common sense....
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She does not ignore the photograph or walk past it, but rather she comes to find me and says, “I saw Dave’s picture in our living room. Did you put it there, Bob?”
My response is, “What picture, Dootksi?”
She sits down and points at the picture of Dave on the wall. "Why, that picture, right there, Bob. Did you or did you not put it there, while I was out and without consulting me, the Household Spiritual Leader of Wall Coverings?"
Dootski is so specific and loving that I am compelled to speak the truth, in love. "Why yes, I did Dootchka. I did put it there".
Now Doots can follow up with appropriate teaching and correction, having confronted me, with love. "Sit down Bob, I want to share some things with you that I think will help, turn to Genesis in your bible, please...."
(2 hours later)
"Now Bob, do you understand more clearly exactly what I expect of you now?"
To which I can now respond, clearly and with a fuller understanding! "Yes, Dootski, I do understand. Thank you, I will now take the picture down".
You can see how simple and wonderful it can be! Now we can move forward and draft the appropriate Documents of Understanding, and schedule follow up reproof and correction times in the coming months.
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OMG, I can't stop laughing. breathe, breathe - -
"I am the light advisor in the home"....
Too funny, Two Ts!
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If they play tennis, I wanna be the visor advisor-- can I, huh? can I, please....
What a bunch of self-righteous they really live like that at this age in their lives?? I can just picture somebody at the SNS for the first time hearing that and running out the door as fast as possible....
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This is becoming a very funny thread. Socks I think you are getting funnier as you get older. Hell, my wife would have just taken Dave off the wall and smashed him over my head. (But actually we both like Dave.)
I remember reading that article when I got my Way Mag that month. That was during the time when they were all on a confrontation kick. You were supposed to be grateful for it or some shxt like that if I recall. I would rather have read this thread. It's better to laugh than cry.
Bob & Dootski are scary to me now when I look back. No wonder he never seemed to liked me. I was just never able to rise up in my fakeness enough to satisfy him I suppose.
Oh, and his confrontation to me was not at all like this nice syrupy article he wrote. Not at all! To me it was more like "my way othe highway". Europe can have him!
More analysis please. I need more laughs!
Edited by igotoutLink to comment
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John, you REALLY hit the nail on the head about SO much that happened in the way----was one able to rise up enough in their "MO-TECH" inspired fakeness to really be kork, wow or what-evah ... waht self-delusional k-rapppp Bub is putting out, .... same as it ever was, same as it ever was......

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Hey Alfie - -
Speaking of Kraaaaaaaaaaaap, I was thinking about you when I was reading the "Suicide in The Way" thread below. Didn't you know something about Sunny leaving the Corps and the incidents that surrounded it? Seems to me you may have posted about this before (or maybe it was another one of the sickth).
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