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Submariner Birthday

Tom Strange

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Thank you one and all.

Bless you guys.

The weather is so weird, part of the day was sunny and warm, then windy and rainy with a touch of snow. Bahh!!!

I have been hanging floor-joists all this week. setting up our floor in our future home. Another four or five days and the floor-joists should be done. Then the radiant floor tubing should be arriving, so i can set it in place before laying the sub-flooring.

tomorrow I am off to a local livestock auction [the first of the season] looking for goats and sheep. Bonnie, Matthew and I worked Tuesday afternoon setting up an electric fence, so the livestock will have a home.

Yesterday we sent off the order for a batch of chickens and turkeys. [Rhode Island Red chickens and broad-breasted Bronze turkeys]. I wanted to get some wild-turkeys, but they cost more and Bonnie wants to wait until we have been here a year to make sure that our turkeys will survive. there is a flock of wild turkeys that live in our area; they wander up and down a three mile section of our road; about ten turkeys, I have to slow down and chase them out of the road; they are so big it would total my car if I hit one.

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Happy Birthday, Galen!

This WWII submarine is permanently docked near my office:


(Whoda thunk we'd have a submarine in Ohio! This is our second one; our first, the USS Gar, was scrapped in 1959.)

And, just to make you smile on your birthday, here's a great story about some submariners, a rooster, and a goat!

Oops, forgot the link! Here it is:


Edited by Linda Z
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Happy Birthday, Galen!

This WWII submarine is permanently docked near my office:


(Whoda thunk we'd have a submarine in Ohio! This is our second one; our first, the USS Gar, was scrapped in 1959.)

And, just to make you smile on your birthday, here's a great story about some submariners, a rooster, and a goat!

Oops, forgot the link! Here it is:



I knew a few from the archerfish.

Once on the Marshall our COB's wife tried to come down during a surface ventilate, she was so big that she could not make it down through the control room hatch. that hatch is 33 inches in diameter, and she got good and stuck. During a 'surface ventilate' we suck fresh air in through the mast and it flows out through the control room hatch. Normally this is nice to then see girlfriends come down to visit, wearing sun-dresses when the strong up-draft raises their dresses up around their armpits, she the ladys are climbing down the ladder. but in this case, the hatch was plugged. So the boat began to pressurize. Everyone's ears were popping, and we all knew that the control room hatch was plugged. Now this lady's feet had slipped off the ladder-rungs and she was swinging her feet from side to side trying to find something her feet could get purchase on. So as our ear's were popping from the pressure, a group of us charged up the ladder and pushed our hands up into layers of fat hoping to make contact with bone or solid mass with which to lift her up out of the hatch. to our great luck, the pressurizing of the boat helped to lift her up and pop her out of the hatch.

She never came back down to visit the boat again.


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Galen, one of those fellows looks like your picture-any first hand knowledge to add?


What a baldy.

I knew a few baldys :)

Or maybe you meant the facial hair? I have photos, where all of us had beards. Most patrols we had beard growing contests: the longest, the fluffiest, etc. Before we pulled back into port and they all had to be trimmed back to within Navy Regs. Or in the late 80's and until now once in port we all had to shave. Today we are only allowed to grow our beards while out to sea [but it still gives you 105 days to get a good growth going].

Bless you.

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