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What Is The Way -- For Those Considering Joining TWI


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What is The Way?

On TWI's web site, they have a whole page dedicated to describing what they are. I thought I would expand and clarify for those considering joining them.

The Way is a worldwide, nondenominational Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry...

WordWide: Involving or extending throughout the entire world. TWI does not have a presence throughout the world, only a list of certain countries. Other countries have never heard of TWI. TWI counts as having a presence as long as 1 person there espouses any type of association with TWI (for instance, they subscribe to their tapes). I recall sitting in a corps meeting with Craig Martindale saying they just added Taiwan to the list of countries TWI was in. It turns out, one of their corps couple in the army got stationed there. The man immediately became the "country coordinator." They were the only 2 people in the country for TWI. When they were re-stationed elsewhere, TWI lost their presence.

nondenominational: Not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination. Most people who have been involved with TWI would admit that TWI needed some restrictions imposed on them from others. Those at the top had no restrictions, allowing them to abuse people, mentally and physically, unrestrained. The sexual abuse stories, along with the Allen lawsuit, attest to this, among other things.

Biblical: Being in keeping with the nature of the Bible. TWI likes to claim that their entire setup is based on the Bible, but this is their subjective interpretation of the book. There is ample evidence contrary to their claim, which is a thread of its own.

Research: TWI has not had a research department in years. All those who had research skills were run off years ago. Most of their work, if it did not line up with their current doctrine, was discarded. ResearchGeek (a one-time researcher for TWI) and Catcup have several accounts of work they produced being dumped because the President of TWI didn't "agree" with it. And yes, the picture of the library on the page is their entire research library, which nobody really uses.

Teaching: This they really like to do. If you decide to join TWI, you will sit in meeting, after meeting, after meeting - adnausium. It doesn't take long until you have heard everything they espouse to know and all you end up doing is hearing the same thing over and over again. And even though you have heard it a hundred times, you are "unofficially" required to attend the meetings.

Fellowship: The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms. This is a flat-out lie. True, they like to meet, but only for their "teachings" and collect your money. You are never on equal terms with anyone in TWI. There is an established hierarchy, with a known pecking-order. Someone above you in the order can and will tell you what to do, assuming his superior has granted him the permission, etc. The hierarchy is: President, Trustee, Trunk Coordinator (Country), Region Coordinator (group of states), Limb Coordinator (state), Branch Coordinator (group of "fellowships" in an area), Fellowship Coordinator (aka, Twig Coordinator), Joe Blow Fellowship attendee.

Ministry: The act of serving; ministration. The only ones that gets served in TWI are those at the top of the hierarchy. Their excesses are documented elsewhere. Money flows from wherever to their "headquarters" in Ohio, where it collects. Currently, TWI is sitting on about $40 million dollars. Those that are paid staff are paid at a minimal wage. The rest work for free. You cannot be a part of TWI without donating your time and effort without any compensation. You will be helping setup meetings, helping a XXXXX coordinator move, doing endless paper work, etc.

It is designed to teach those who are hungering and thirsting for the truth how to understand the Bible.

It would appear they are reaching out to those who cannot read or do not have a version of the Bible translated into their language. Outside of the obvious though, their "how to understand the Bible" is forcing their interpretation of it onto you repeatedly until you accept it out of shear exhaustion of trying to process everything they throw at you. Karl Kahler documented very well how the process works in his book, "The Cult that Snapped. A Journey Into The Way International" This is usually done via their classes where you are put on a treadmill of meetings that throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at you at once. Your brain gives up questioning any of it and accepts that TWI is an authority on the subject so it must be true. Problem is, most of it isn't.

The Word of God is the will of God.

This is one of their main-stay doctrines. TWI is very fundamental in its doctrines, which means they take a literal interpretation of the Bible (as opposed to seeing it as inspired stories meant to convey a moral principle). It is their opinion of the Bible. I have yet to see a fundamental religious group that was not destructive, TWI included. If TWI ever were to run their own country, it would look very much like current Islam states -- included within it the hard-corps segments that are willing to die to rid the world of infidels. I recall Craig Martindale on several occasions saying he wanted to physically hurt another person, even kill them, and the only thing stopping him was he didn't want to go to jail. Remove this restriction, ...?

The Way is a unique venture in the study and practical application of the Bible.

Actually, they are not unique. They are exactly like every other fundamentalist group/cult, with the only distinction being their specific interpretation of certain scriptures. Everything else is the same. I wouldn't call it a "venture." Hell would be more appropriate.

We are dedicated to setting before people the astonishing accuracy and practicality of God’s Word and letting people decide for themselves whether or not to believe it or use it.

Decide for themselves: No. They will decide for you. You may disagree, but then you will be scolded, had the doctrine thrown at you again, and again. The door is the last option presented. When you finally decide to use the door, they will make sure to curse you on the way out. Threats of death are not uncommon.

Our research has been done from a positive framework. Research doesn’t begin with the answers; it looks for the answers. We don’t present Biblical research to be argumentative or apologetic. We set forth our study as a workman of the Word of God, realizing that if the research is a right dividing (a perfectly right cutting) of God’s Word, many who believe will be blessed.

Positive framework: If you call over-analyzing the devil spirit realm and seeing it in every facet of life positive, so be it. Otherwise, it is just another lie.

Doesn't begin with the answers: Covered earlier. All TWI research must fit within their current doctrine or is discarded. If the researcher insists his work is correct, then the researcher is discarded. Currently there is no official research department.

not argumentative: This does not explain all the screaming, yelling, and cursing I heard sitting through their "teachings." Belittling other religions/unbelievers/ex-TWI is one of their favorite pastimes.

workman of the Word of God: Whatever that means. Lifted from one of the books of Timothy.

research is a right dividing: TWI is the judge and jury of the right dividing. Of course, they violate their own doctrine in this sentence. They state that it is a perfectlright cutting, yet they also teach that only God and Jesus are perfect, man can never be -- although it is man doing the right dividing.

many who believe will be blessed: It is possible to obtain a state of mind within TWI where you believe you are truly "blessed." Renewing you mind, another of TWI's main-stay doctrines, is the principle involved where you convince yourself that reality is an illusion.

We do not commit our work to publication until we are fully persuaded on a subject. After all, research doesn’t mean a simple, cursory reading. It denotes study, observation, and unemotional, detached consideration.

It would be interesting to see where they lifted the last sentence from. It certainly doesn't describe TWI.

There is a thread on this site that documents several errors in TWI's first doctrinal class, PFAL (used for about 30 years before being replaced with something absolutely repulsive). None of these were ever corrected by TWI, even though they were known. So much for being careful with research.

For example, in the verse quoted on the "about the way" page, "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (II Timothy 3:17) TWI made a bid deal about the difference between throughly and thoroughly. If you didn't make the distinction, you weren't rightly dividing the Word. The fact of the matter is that the two words are the same. Throughly is Old English for thoroughly. One should expect to find Old English words in the King James version of the Bible and take them into account when doing your research. One should also correct one’s self when it is found you are wrong. TWI has a very difficult time admitting they are wrong (actually can’t think of an instance when they did admit wrong doing).

If we sincerely want answers and believe in God’s authority, we must study the revelation given in His Word.

Again, they contradict their own doctrine again. TWI teaches that sincerity is no guarantee for truth. A little picky, but they made the rules.

revelation given: Another fundamentalist view of the Bible. The Bible is absolutely God's spoken word, written down verbatim by men. Of course, they never stop to look at how the Bible came to be, how it was canonized, and the results of such throughout history. If you want to study the Bible, this would be a better starting point, not starting with the assumption that the book is the perfectly preserved words of God.

The Word of God does not say of itself that translations of the Bible are without errors. Many errors have crept into the translations of God’s Word since its first writings.

Of course, TWI is the authority for the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic languages. Is there anyone left there that even knows these languages without them being transliterated for them?

Their founder's Greek skills were atrocious. The second President's were even worse. Never once did I hear either one of them pronounce agape (love) properly.

Since 1942, our ministry has provided Biblical research that is being used throughout the world today.

1942: No one is sure why this year is used as their founding. The Way was incorporated in the 60's (I think). The first PFAL class was in the late 50's (a direct rip-off of another man's class). I can't name one doctrine or event of TWI that occurred in the 40s.

research being used throughout the world: This implies that colleges and universities worldwide use research proved by TWI. I'm sure they would like to believe this. The fact is, only people in TWI use their "research". Everyone else, who has happened to have even seen it, has a difficult time calling it research.

Why are we so interested in providing Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship to others? Because the Word of God is that food required by man so that he may renew his mind and thereby manifest the more abundant life. Lack of spiritual strength caused by neglect of the Word of God may today be attributed to the fact that the Bible is not understood when read. People have not been taught how to understand things like figures of speech, Eastern customs, what revelation truly is, and the accuracy of the Word. Our ministry provides this service and direction.

Why?: Because it gives them a stream of revenue.

The rest of this paragraph can be a thread of its own. I'll try to be brief.

food required by man: TWI says all men are "God-hungry." This is their interpretation of the "What is the meaning of life?" question.

renew his mind: Covered earlier. Very dangerous doctrine used against people within TWI.

manifest the more abundant life: TWI never defines what the "more abundant life" is. Looking at their current members' manifestation of it though, it would appear to be dedicating your life to TWI in return for bread crumbs.

Lack of spiritual strength: What is spiritual strength? Never defined.

Bible is not understood when read: All your problems in life are due to the fact that you are not understanding the Bible when you read it. Sure. And TWI will show you how to understand it, for a price (you even have to pay to take their foundational class -- so you will take it seriously, so they say).

figures of speech: Whenever TWI cannot accept something as literal in the Bible, they claim it is a figure of speech and give it another meaning. The best example of this is their interpretation of the word "fornication" in the Bible. Every teaching I ever sat in during my stay in TWI (10 years), every time this word came up in a verse they always specifically clarified it as meaning spiritual fornication, not physical. Later I learned why, because they believed they could have sex with anyone they wanted, whether married or not. They had a whole doctrine built around it and practiced it religiously (but only by the upper echelon, those below could not handle their "freedom in Christ").

Eastern customs: All of their eastern customs knowledge comes from a few books written by Dr. K.C. Pillai. You're better off just reading his books.

what revelation truly is: This does not refer to the Bible book of the same name. TWI defines revelation as God communicating to man. Since that is how the Bible came to be (as they claim) then the Bible is revelation. Once you're in TWI, you find that God only talks to the upper echelon. Only occasionally does God talk to the lower people for items like finding a good parking spot. Word of advice: If someone comes to you saying God told them something, red flags and alarms should be going off and you should be on your guard -- best thing to do is get away from them.

accuracy of the Word: TWI claims that the Bible is perfect and that it never contradicts itself. There are only "apparent" contradictions due to our lack of understanding. They go out of their way, including changing the meaning of simple words, to make the Bible agree with itself, and still fail. Contradictions within the Bible are numerous and well documented. Simple example, Genesis claims God made the birds from the ground (Chapter 2) in one place, and from the ocean in another (chapter 1). TWI (and other fundamentalist) can twist it in such a way to make it appear to not contradict, but you have to defy simple logic to do so.

ministry provides this service and direction: TWI provides no service without a cost. The cost is your money, time, and efforts. You get very little in return, unless you are looking for someone to run your life for you.

For God’s plan in His Word to be made known requires someone teaching it to willing students—those who want to know. Teaching gives the details of how to get the Word into our lives—it’s specific instruction on the will of God. The Way Ministry is for serious Biblical students who want to discipline themselves to the Word—disciples. Not all people want that. We are a unique group with unique offerings of service.

willing students: You must be willing. If you are not, nothing they "teach" you will make sense and you will argue endlessly about it. Seen it many times. Very similar to hypnotism -- you have to be willing, or someone else cannot hypnotize you (I read a study on this once and what they found is that people who prefer to keep control of their mind are the ones that cannot be hypnotized).

specific instruction: Thank you for defining teaching. Of course, the teaching is geared toward integrating you into TWI for a lifetime of service.

disciplines: Keyword. What they call discipline/disciples has its origins in their "research" of the Greek work doulos. It goes back to the slavery instructions in the Old Testament. When you look at it closely and compare, it is basically slavery to TWI. I don't know if there ever was a time when slavery was a good thing, or if it ever will be. I would stick with saying it is bad and avoid becoming one.

Not all people want that: No one should.

We are unique: No, you are not. You are the history of fundamentalism repeating itself.

The life of our ministry is at the home fellowship level. The "church"—the called-out body of believers—meets together in private homes for supervised fellowships, which include a short, positive teaching from the Bible, words of edification and comfort, prayer, and singing. In our fellowships The Way Ministry teaches what we have researched in our over sixty-year history. We are ever seeking to teach how to better appropriate the promises that God has given us of a more abundant life.

home fellowship: TWI runs their meetings in people's homes. They claim it is how the 1st century Christians did it so that is why they do it. Reality: it saves them money, not having to build churches everywhere. They can also move them at will, which they have done in the past, telling people to move with them or leave TWI (and risk the wrath of the Devil).

Church: Ekklesia does not mean "called out." The Greek term refers to the citizens of a city and their rights to participate in government. You will never have citizen status within TWI.

Short: Officially, their fellowship meetings are 45 minutes. Reality, about 1 1/2 hours before you walk out the door. "Fellowship" after the formal section of the meeting is considered required. Corps meetings were/are 3 hours long, all "teaching" with no breaks, if you rise that far in TWI.

positive teaching: Again, if seeing the Devil and all his spirits everywhere is positive, well, you need help then.

edification and comfort: This is TWI hiding that they practice speaking in tongues. Most people find this strange, so they don't want to be up-front about it. I'll refrain on giving my opinion of it.

Prayer: Same prayers every meeting. Thank God for protecting TWI, those in TWI, etc, etc, etc. Then you can pray about your illness.

Teaches what we have researched: And that is the only thing that is taught. No individuality. No coming up with your own research, even if it is correct. Usually, it is someone taking an article out of the Way Magazine, looking up additional verses on the subject, and reading them.

ever seeking to teach: I have never been at a TWI teaching event where they did not collect money.

The Way International: The Way is a fellowship of the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the more abundant life. A follower of The Way is filled with and manifests power from on high, holy spirit, and freely avails himself of fellowship meetings for spiritual nurture and growth. The Way fellowship is cemented together by the Spirit of God with each individual believer being transformed by the renewing of his mind according to the Word of God.

This is their official definition, reprinted in every Way Magazine.

followers of the Lord Jesus Christ: Not much following of Jesus is done in TWI. He is relegated to "absent" status. His main role is to make intercession for us. That's about it. If Jesus did show up at TWI's door, he probably would be sent packing.

filled with and manifests: Again, hiding their speaking in tongues. Never saw any other type of manifestation in TWI.

freely avails: This is more under the category of duress. If you miss a meeting, you are required to give an explanation of why, and if unacceptable, give a reason why your life is messed up to the point of allowing the adversary to rob you of your time in TWI's meeting.

spiritual nurture and growth: Have no idea what this is. TWI never defines it.

transformed: Brainwashed is a better word.

Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship is our ministry, and with it come {sic} a myriad of supporting responsibilities to see that God’s Word prevails in our day and time.

Normally, TWI is a stickler for accuracy. Here they dropped the ball using the wrong verb tense and when TWI reads this, which they will since they monitor what is being said about them, someone is going to get "reproved" for allowing it to happen. You may think I'm being picky and exaggerating. I am not.

If you are still considering joining TWI, I would suggest some professional help first. It will be cheaper and more beneficial for you in the end.

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Bob, an excellent dissection of the deceit impregnated in TWI's attempt at explaining themselves to unsuspecting visitors to their website. I wish there were some way to post that warning ON their website AND at Wierwille Road and Highway 29. I have only one more thing to add:

I have seen several posts throughout GreaseSpotCafe that indicate people are unsure about why TWI counts the year 1942 as it's beginning. Here is why:

On October 3, 1942 was the very first radio broadcast of the Vesper Chimes Youth Caravan program, Dr. Wierwille's first efforts at reaching out beyond his congregation to the world. That is why TWI celebrates their anniversary on October 3 and dates the beginning to the year 1942.

I think there is some confusion because the very first Power For Abundant Living Class was run in October, but that was in 1953. Dorothea Wierwille mentions it also in her book Born Again To Serve (p. 41) where she documents the details of the history of basically TWI I.

Many of us wondered why she stopped so soon in describing the history of TWI and did not mention handing the ministry over to LCM.

I think it was Dotsie's way of making her own personal statement. Read it any way you like.

But that's the stow-ry.

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Ah yes, the radio broadcasts.

Bought Dorothy's book (required), never read it. Nothing against her, but it was hard to read anything TWI was putting out then. It was all the same thing, over and over again. Abundant life, prevailing, household, ... enough already!

I don't think it is honest to claim that date as the starting of their "ministry." The first class would be more appropriate. Even better would be when Victor actually split off from his church and started his own thing.

BTW: Who did Victor rip off PFAL from? From what I understand, Victor took a class somewhere in Canada, took his notes and converted it into his own class, even using the same personal examples.

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Bravo Bob, bravo...well done!

Catcup...Mrs. Wierwille stopped her bio of her husband in the very early 60's, when they moved their "headquarters" to the family farm with financial underwriting by Harry W. It didn't even cover the expansion in Ohio, let alone the filming of PFAL, the "hippies" and the Way Corps.

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I'm a big history buff, so I really got into TWI's history while I was in. Now that I'm out the idea that those in power write the history is very evident in TWI. What Vic and Harry did to raise money to live like they wanted is far from believing God will provide. In the early days Harry and Vic even raised Mink for the pelts and other money making things to keep the ministry going. But once they figured out the formula for collecting money from the pie-eyed masses flocking to be fleeced by old Doc Vic they ditched the work. Keeping the old farm boy looks made it easy for two city slickers to milk their cash cow.

Don't let New Knoxville fool you, Vic and Harry spent much time in the big cities and abroad learning how to ply their trade, old P.T. Barnum would be proud of Harry and Vic. Heck the only thing P.T. would change is to add three rings under the "Big Top" auditorium and use saw dust instead of astro-turf. But surely since 1942 for Vic a sucker was born every minute, and some times they were his own children.


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Very nice work, Bob.


However, I had one or two comments.

Me, I thought 1942 was for the snow on the pumps. Was the radio program

the same year? I'll need to check.

One objection:

You said twi never defined "more abundant life".

Technically true.


the opening chapters of the Blue Book (TBTMS) give examples.

vpw was rather specific that it was something you could see with your

five senses, and was connected with material prosperity in EVERY

example he gave.


You asked about where vpw plagiarized his material from.

I'll try to cover it very briefly.

Part of it was lifted directly from EW Kenyon's books.

More of it was Bullinger's "How to Enjoy the Bible" and a few smaller

works, including one on the holy spirit field.

Also on the holy spirit field was JE Stiles' "Gifts of the Spirit".

In some cases, identical sentences have been located in parallel books.

Almost everyone admits this is because vpw plagiarized them from the

previous books.

(One or two people think God told vpw to plagiarize them.)

The class you are referring to was taught by BG Leonard.

vpw photocopied the bulk of his pfal class-anything not taken from

Stiles, Bullinger and Kenyon- from BG Leonard's class.

This includes the bulk of the pfal Advanced class.

vpw's "definitions" of the manifestations/"gifts" of the spirit are

long-winded paraphrases of Leonards, changed only to avoid identical


Leonard's publishing company: Canadian Christian Press.

vpw's publishing company: American Christian Press.

Leonard's class occasionally used imaginary, hypothetical people as

examples. Their names were: Maggie Muggins (a figure in Canadian

children's tv), Johnny Jumpup (a plant), and Henry Belocco.

vpw's class occasionally used imaginary, hypothetical people as

examples. Their names were: Maggie Muggins, Johnny Jumpup and Henry


Others who have taken BG Leonard's courses can tell you more about what

was ripped off. It seems that hearing he was ripped off so blatantly

did not bless Leonard, who later added elaborate copyrights to his books.

He was also slower to trust strangers, which means vpw probably hampered

Leonard's efforts to move The Word. Then again, does this really

surprise anyone? So long as vpw got his cut, fewer people were ok to

receive blessings.

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Originally posted by WordWolf:

Me, I thought 1942 was for the snow on the pumps. Was the radio program

the same year?

I don't know when the hallucination of the snow on the pumps was, but I recall they always dated the anniversary of the organization from the Vesper Chimes broadcast. (I was in from 1970 - the mid 80's)

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Thanks for the info, Catcup and 3Cents. I edited that info on Wordwolf's "Rough Recollections - History" thread.

The 1985 brochure on TWI history says that Wierwille started intensively studying the Bible "in the late summer of 1942," after Rosalind Rinker spoke with him. After that he had the vision. VP supposedly was looking at a "crystal blue, autumn sky" before the blizzard. Then the radio program began "approximately one month after God audibly spoke to him," on October 3rd.

The point is still clear -- Wierwille exaggerated the time frame to make TWI look more legitimate.



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Thanks for the info on the history part. I'll try to update it later today and merge it in. I'll add a link to the "History and Overview of TWI" thread also.

For the more abundant life, I do recall now that their writings did point at material abundance. Christians Should Be Prosperous comes to mind. At the same time, their live teachings did not promote this with any emphasis (that I recall, outside of "it should be this way"). Reality certaintly did not prove the writings, with most TWI'ers living at the subsistance level. Their teachings seemed to make an attempt at times to redefine abundance as being spiritual. I'll see what I can do with it.

A link to a page/site that has all the plagerism documented in one place would be useful. Does one exist? If not, perhaps a thread that pulls it all together would be useful.

Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate them.

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This is an absolutely wonderful dissection of claims TWI makes on it's website.

But I do have to make this one point.

Regarding how TWI celebrates its anniversary, if VPW wanted to exaggerate the length of time of his ministry to impress people, he could have claimed to have started it earlier, like when he began his first pastorate in 1941. But he didn't.

He began pastoring people much earlier than that. However, he didn't count from that date, he counted from when he felt his personal ministry began, which was with the Chimes Hour Youth Caravan. And it was celebrated every year from that date.

For example, in 1943, it was ONLY a one year anniversary. Not so impressive, eh? But the one year anniversary of Chimes Hour Youth Caravan was celebrated in 1943, and every year since then.

There are sooooooooooo many areas that VPW DID exaggerate, that it is not necessary for us to do the same thing by trying to make it appear VPW was stretching the truth regarding when the anniversary actually began.

IMO, there are far more LEGITIMATE areas of concern than this one. We only hurt our own credibility when we are the pot calling the kettle black.

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I took the AC in '84 at Emporia. VP was there for some of it. He showed us these old films of PFAL bloopers. This was in '63 and he was saying, "Welcome to the internationally famous class on power for abundant living." He did 4 takes in the film. Weird thing was, he was laughing at it like he thought it was stupid.

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A short chronology of events taken from Born Again to Serve by Dorothea Wierwille and The Way Living With Love by Elena Whiteside:

June 1941: "VPW was ordained into the Christian ministry in the Evangelical and Reformed Church in New Knoxville, Ohio, his home church since birth."

July 6, 1941: "VPW accepted the call to the Payne church and was installed there as a minister for St. Jacob’s Evangelical and Reformed Church."

July 23, 1942: "VPW’s outreach beyond the congregation began with a column called 'Religion in the Weekly' in the local weekly newspaper, The Payne Reflector."

Summer of 1942: "VPW brought Rosalind Rinker to their home to meet with her privately and began germinating the idea of producing a radio broadcast in which young people from our church and other community churches would entertain with Christian music and he would teach... In preparation for broadcasting, Rev. Wierwille wrote short sermons regularly, writing about things that he had learned from various situations of his life. Soon Higley Press published some of these articles."

“In the fall of the year, after Rosalind left” was the “snow on the gas pumps” experience according to VPW as quoted by Elena Whiteside in The Way Living With Love: "Then Rosalind left. It was the fall of the year. Kids were back in school already. It must have been September. I was sitting in my office, an old dentist's office..." ect.

October 3, 1942: VPW’s first radio broadcast, his ..."First radio program designed to teach principles of the abundant life through musical performances and scriptural messages." Says Wierwille, "This broadcast got me back to digging the Word… made me go to the Word for two or three new teachings a week. It got me into the Word, got me growing in it, and kept me fluid. All of the other religious programs used adults. But I though if we started with young people, it would grow into something and the adults might catch on.”

Of all the above incidents, at least to VP Wierwille, the incident that was significant to him as to the starting of his personal ministry, is the date October 3, the date of the beginning of the Chimes Hour Youth Caravan program, not the snow on the gas pumps experience, nor was it the 1941 date of his ordination which he could have chosen to use if his motivation was to "exaggerate."

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Good point about exaggeration; but I think it depends on when he started referring to anniversaries of his "ministry". If he started doing it in 1943, the difference between 1941 and 1942 would be trivial, I agree. There is every indication that his "ministry" was a side project for much of the 40's anyway.

If he started celebrating anniversaries in, say, the late sixties, like when he filmed PFAL, or when growth began to accelerate, adding a decade or fifteen years to the "ministry's" longevity would be significant.

Another problem for me: if 1942 was so significant as the beginning of what would become The Way, and he accomplished so much "digging the Word", why was he again ready to "chuck it all" in 1953 (or was it '52?) when he went to Tulsa?

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VPW experienced a lot of disappointment in denominational religion while pastoring his church. For the details, check The Way Living With Love and Born Again to Serve, where the reasons for this are discussed extensively.

But I do see where the argument starts in the difference between when VPW marked what he felt was the beginning of his personal ministry (Chimes Hour Youth Caravan, October 3, 1942) and the incorporation of The Way.

However, the words "The Way" were linked very early to Chimes Hour Youth Caravan, long before The Way itself was incorporated. This is where the confusion enters. "The Way" was a title VPW used in association with his personal ministry even while working for his denomination.

On page 63 of Dotsie’s book there is a photograph of an old Chimes Hour Young People's Publication (forerunner of the Way rag), and at the top of the page it plainly says in large print, "The Way Chimes Hour Young People's Publication". This publication began in 1947. Chimes Hour Youth Caravan itself began as stated earlier on October 3, 1942.

Just five short successful years later, Articles of Incorporation for The Chimes Hour Youth Caravan are dated October 30, 1947, no. 204759 with the Ohio secretary of state.

So, the term “The Way” can be documented as associated in print with VPW’s ministry at least as early as 1947.

On July 24 to 17, 1952, Wierwille planned a weekend camp at a campground at Grand Lake St. Mary’s Ohio in celebration of the tenth anniversary year. Speakers at the celebration:

Tom Lasher, a chemist who had been healed from terrible burns received in an explosion who imparted to the hearers the importance of physical touch.

Jeff Rogers of the Race Relations Department of the Evangelical and Reformed denomination, who taught on “Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself”

Dr. Stuart Hydanus, a professor of astronomy and archaeology whom VPW had met at Pikes Peak Seminary, whose specialty was proving the detailed accuracy of the Bible through astronomy and archaeology.

BTW, since VPW still held pastorate at this time with his denomination, we can only assume they accepted his doctorate from Pikes Peak Seminary.

June 12, 1955, change in articles of incorporation for Chimes Hour Youth Caravan: On pages 110 and 111 of Born Again to Serve are the details and copy of the Resolution of Amendment Articles of Incorporation to Change Name of Corporation and to Amend It’s Purpose Clause. This action changing the name of Victor Paul Wierwille’s ministry officially from Chimes Hour Youth Caravan to The Way, Inc. on June 12, 1955. The ministry itself did not change. It changed the name to include only “The Way” which title had been blended with the Youth Caravan in practice, and had become more and more preferred. The title “The Way” was associated with this ministry long before the name officially changed. It is a continuation of the same ministry that began in 1942 with the radio broadcast.

The third article to this resolution continues the ministry’s purpose as, “The purpose or purposes for which said corporation is formed are: For the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ by radio, or by personal appearance.” This is what he was already doing. To this was added another entire paragraph including television (the emerging technology at the time), the printed page, and all things incident thereto…” etc. etc.

November 1955: The Wierwille family (minus JP) travel to India to inspect the foreign missions of the Evangelical Reformed church.

When the first international PFAL class was run in 1957, The Way still considered itself part of the Evangelical Reformed Church-- as evidenced by the sign over the heads of the class members who posed for a pic back then (p.214 of Dotsie's book).

So there was a “blending” of VPW’s personal ministry of “The Way” with Wierwille’s The Chimes Hour Youth Caravan and throughout his relationship with Evangelical and Reformed church.

Dotsie says it was in August of 1957 that VPW submitted his letter of resignation from St. Peters Church to "go into the full-time research, teaching and fellowship ministry of The Way as of December 1957.” A copy of this letter is in Born Again to Serve.

Dotsie adds, “Of course, there was also a pressured undercurrent from the hierarchy of the denomination to do so since the publishing of The Dilemma of Foreign Missions in India."

This publication outlined VPW's disappointment at the condition of the missions of his denomination in India when he visited them, and was the final nail in the coffin of his relationship with organized religion and his denomination. He basically blew the whistle on how poorly the Indians were being treated by the denomination, which made his church rather uncomfortable. I have a copy of this book myself, and it is rather scathing towards the denomination. But he was right on the money calling them racist imperialists.

So you can see that with just a little effort looking things up in two publications, that the term “The Way” has a very early association with Chimes Hour Youth Caravan, and that the ministry in fact had a 10 year celebration in 1952.

I do not deny the damage this man eventually did to untold numbers of people. But it behooves us to be as accurate as possible if we are going to accuse someone of something. Just ask Radar and those of us who were subject to deposition by TWI’s attorneys.

Edited by Catcup
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Well yeah, I guess he WAS dissapointed in his denomination...Darn em, they took a very dim view of his um ministering to his secretary, according to many of the locals.

Catcup, as much as I respect you, I think that when you conduct your research into the back ground of vp and his ministry, utilizing their publications....you are certainly going to find a rather sanitized view of the events....Consider that in quoting THEIR materials, in order to make your point, that you could very well be guilty of spreading misinformation as well.

He was not a man of integrety, he lied to your face...how could one trust ANY material that his group put out? There is no credibility.

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Thanks, Rascal, I respect you too.

But I gave you information off of photographed documents: Actual magazines and legal documents filed with the State of Ohio.

All you have after that is speculation, which can be colored by your opinions and of course your experiences. And emotions not held in check can skew the facts as well.

My opinion of VPW is well documented on this site and on WayDale, and with attorneys for PXXL AXXXN and Baker and Hostetler et al.

I maintain that the best way to be credible to a new person who is considering whether or not to get involved in TWI is to be as accurate as I know how to be. to not let my emotions get in the way of the facts. As upsetting as my experiences were, I have the ability to set them aside and look at "just the facts, ma'am." --And that is important at times in order to be objective-- something we were not allowed to be in TWI.

I cannot speak for your personal experience, but I can certainly speak for mine, AND I HAVE, both here and to legal counsel.

And legal counsel could not refute my testimony because I testified to Baker and Hostetler et al what I personally knew first hand, and to what could actually be documented.

What I have seen on this site lately and more commonly could be shot down in a court of law, very easily. And it hurts your credibility.

Pardon me for being from the "old school" on WayDale where what we said was obviously held to a much higher standard.

But then again, the site was fortunate to be monitored nearly 24 hrs a day by someone with a legal stake in the matter, and that was his full time job.

This site is not, cannot be, and does not try to hold people to the same standard P.A. did. Here, it is more up to the individual to restrain themselves and be as objective and truthful as they can be without constant reminders to people of the legal ramifications of exaggeration. Unfortunately, there are people here who do exaggerate, don't double check their facts, and don't apologize when caught in it.

Perhaps that's why I don't fit in here. I am used to a different, higher standard.

That's all I've got to say. You all can take it or leave it. I've got things to do besides your research for you.

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Come on now, quoting from mrs. wierwilles book is hardly gospel nor can it be regarded as impartial, catcup....nor can any of the publications that were published by twi offiliated people be seriously viewed as such.

Simply because our collective experiences wouldn`t hold up in a court of law does not in anyway invalidate what we experienced, what we witnessed,...How we were impacted..and because that is recognised here... praise GOD we are ALLOWED to speak of them here....for some of us...it is the first time ever.

Geeze, I would hardly call THAT a lower standard....different maybe, but absolutely necessary for many in our healing and in continuing on our spiritual journey.

However... if you feel you don`t fit in here well, it might benefit you to examine more closely what IS happening ...You have to consider that we here, by in large are not interested in, nor hampered by having to support anybody`s elses case in a court of law, and so are allowed much more freedom to examine the evil experienced...to speak our minds...explore for and examine the missing pieces and eventually assemble all of the puzzle to view and understand the picture in it`s entirety.....

I am not slamming you, nor do I wish to offend (today anyway ;-) as I feel that there is much you can add here, maybe much to be learned....it would be my hope that you will become comfortable....maybe even come to understand why it is that this place IS a place of blessing and healing...and even though not always fitting with others preconcieved mindsets nor necessarily always nice....It gets the job done.

So consider please that the *lower standard* slam, kind of smacks of arrogance and in reality spits on the enormous good that God has seen fit to accomplish for so many through this web sight.

Thank you, Cathy

Edited by rascal
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I agree with you.

Catcup, I changed my fact (the anniversary of TWI) when I saw that I was incorrect. I hold to my opinion (that Wierwille exaggerated), even though I hear what you are saying.

I hope you will always feel free to add your knowledge of TWI history to this site. I hope you will not think of it as doing "your research for you."

I do not think of Paw's site as one with "lower standards," just different ones. As I recall, when PA got his settlement and prepared to shut down his site, many were disappointed that he did not live "up" to their "standards." His wasn't lower, either -- just different.

Please note that it was Paw who stepped up and continued the ex-Way exchange of information begun by PA and others before him. Not too shabby, in my opinion.

And yes, I speak as one who also went to court over issues that were complicated by TWI involvement. I won. I went back to court and had to question a witness -- pro se. TWI issues again involved. I won again.

This ain't court. But it sure helps a lot of people, warts and all.



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I confess to not having read this whole thread. The only thing I have to add, is that VPW's extra marital affairs, at least one of them, did make the local papers in the 50's.

I don't have the time or inclination to search the Ohio newspaper archives to find the article/articles, but VPW's seperation from his denomination could possibly have much more to do with his "unfitness' as a minister, due to his extra-marital affairs, than anybody associated with TWI or his family wants to admit. Of course, Mrs. W would not address that in her book. For obvious reasons.....sadly. icon_frown.gif:(-->

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I in no way disparage Pawtucket for the wonderful job he does in maintaining this website. Only Pawtucket knows how much it takes out of his life to keep up this site, and it's a far piece more than anyone on here can begin to understand.

P.A. did not work a full time job. WD WAS his full time job. Pawtucket works a full time job AND has both the pleasure and headaches of watching over the cafe. But he simply cannot do it like P.A. And that yes, makes the standards different. How?

On WayDale, P.A. was responsible for keeping up the standard.

ON GSC, you and I are largely responsible for it.

With WD, P.A. was there to step in and ON people who exaggerated or overstepped their bounds. Pawtucket, after posting instructions on the front of the website and doing his best with moderators, must leave it up to the individual poster to monitor his own behavior for the most part. The integrity and credibility of this site is mostly up to the integrity and credibility of each poster.

Pawtucket is leaving it up to US to toe the line. Take personal responsibility. Many people do. Unfortunately, those who do not, take away from the credibility on this site. And that ends up HURTING PEOPLE whether you believe it or not. When people who are still in see exaggerations that they can truthfully identify as exaggerations on this site, it takes away from the credibility of the true incidents shared here by honest and careful posters, and you frankly are not believed. Too much $hit mixed in with the brownies, folks.

For instance, I remember hearing reports in the media back in the mid-seventies that VPW was screwing hoards of women in the Way Corps. However, that same source ALSO made the outrageous claim that the Wierwille silo held a missle and that the barn housed tanks and ammunition because, they claimed, we were a paramilitary organization.

I had been in the Wierwille barn, and seen the silo. There was no missle in the silo and the only thing in the barn besides give-away was an old Ford tractor. I was also in The Way Corps and Dr. Wierwille had not made any advances towards me. So guess who I believed?


Too much dog $hit in the brownies, folks.


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Thanks for doing my research for me Catcup icon_wink.gif;)--> - I let my ex-wife keep all the Way books and publications - including a stash of Way mags and collateral booklets going way back. I decided that I didn't want any of that in my home, although in retrospect I could participate more effectively in some debates here if I had my old books! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

I agree with you wholeheatedly about things being presented as "fact" that are not. This does hurt our collective credibility. Denominational smear campaigns full of b.s. and fantasies back in the 70's and 80's only strengthened my resolve when I saw their obvious fabrications.


Speculation, IMHO, is fine, as long as it doesn't masquerade as fact.

None of us know Wierwille's true thoughts or motivations, or what he was trying to do by setting the founding of The Way when he did. However, there appears to be a pattern of self aggrandizment: Famous people who took PFAL after they achieved fame have their success credited to PFAL and TWI; worldwide status is claimed when many countries claimed to have a Way presence have a military couple or one small fellowship; originality is claimed when plagarism is the demonstrable fact; world renowned theologians are name-dropped as if they were drinking buddies...etc.

While you provide some insight as to why he might have used the October 1942 date as the founding of "his ministry", the big picture allows flexibility and alternative opinions.

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