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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2009 in all areas

  1. Thanks I actually did a search on his name yesterday. He figured prominently. Does any one know if any of the people monitoring us ever left TWI after learning all the disgusting crap they did, OR is that just wishful thinking on my part?
    2 points
  2. 91 PAGES OF THREADS ......on the About the Way forum and archives, waydale documents, radio episodes, links, etc. etc............no wonder twi & splinter groups discourage their followers from this site. * Personal Testimonies of abuse * Errors in pfal discussed * Plagairism documented extensively * Firsthand accounts of WOW experiences * Regimentation and indoctrination of corps * Sexual Predation of VPW & LCM * Splinter Groups....Momentus & Personal Prophecy * Twi's Evolving Methods of Subtle Control * Etc. etc. * 91 pages......and more IMAGINE.........how this information empowers any newbies who encounter twi and search the internet??? IMAGINE.........how this information would have affected YOU had you see this stuff before signing the green card??? IMAGINE.........the hundreds and hundreds who have STOPPED TWI-AFFILIATION because of GS??? Thanks Paw for keeping the doors open here......and the kitchen staff busy. :)
    1 point
  3. All, If you saw the thread started by a new grad of the SOWERS program, there seemed to be a swarm to fresh meat. It kind of made me feel like an old grad at twig when (miraculously) a new person showed up. 13 pages (and counting) of posts but only a few from the guy who started it. He seemed to drop off fast and we just kept it among ourselves. Have we talked TWI to death yet? Or is there still more or new things to cover? As an irregular poster, others here may be better able to answer. JT
    1 point
  4. I've been thinking about my perception of TWI leadership and sadly some of my impressions from the early days were far more relevant than I knew at the time. Playing politics to be in control. Handling serious biblical issues with spin, not substance. Deliberately destroying folks' lives for petty and twisted reasons. Deliberately demoralizing people into NOT THINKING FOR THEMSELVES. Turning a group of wonderful vital people into a group with about as much life as an ancient Egyptian crypt. Encouraging and thriving on the unthinking adulation that even a false reputation can bring them. Billing themselves as "THE MAN." Yes, even Rosie. The thing is that sometimes I wonder if these very human problems are still with us. Learned habits and feelings can be a real b1tch to deal with. And people still have a tendency to play politics and build a rep, not just in TWI, but even here possibly. I'd like to throw in just for good measure, please don't let folks who may still have these TWI patterns come after you in a multi-website feud of some kind. They probably are capable of wearing you down, they have a lot of practice doing so.
    1 point
  5. "I have a gas can but I'm not lending it to YOU!" (Probably wasn't "parallel" parked.)
    1 point
  6. I remember a local believer setting out on a journey with a nearly empty tank of gas. He said he was "believing" for God to add gas to the tank like the record of the loaves and fishes. I never heard any more about how he made out, but I suspect his next act of "believing" probably involved hitch-hiking with a gas can.
    1 point
  7. Well, how did she do with that!? hehehe
    1 point
  8. Sara Wierwille was hospitalized when she was in-residence in the 8th. corps. Needless to say we had 24/7 hour prayer vigils for her (like we weren't already sleep deprived). Gerald Wrenn let us know that it was our fault that she wasn't getting better; we weren't speaking in tongues enough, praying enough, BELIEVING BIG ENOUGH. Sure enough she eventually got better (thanks to the wonders of modern medicine) and God got all the glory. I was hospitalized when I was in-residence, no prayer vigils for me; as a matter of fact, my husband was told we weren't believing enough and that's why I got sick. Maybe if Mrs. Wierwille would have sent me to a doctor instead of giving me a raw potato to eat I wouldn't have landed in the hospital! Oh yeah, I was also in-residence when uncle harry died. More 24/7 prayer, more sleep deprivation. He Died! Whose lack of believing?
    1 point
  9. I pray a lot more now than I did in TWI. I talk to God whenever I feel like it. He understands my heart, my hopes, my dreams, my fears. He understands my unspoken needs. I very seldom pray in a group, though. I don't know, maybe it's the kind of religious organizations we have been involved with (and no longer are!) that think women should keep quiet, but even in a small group I don't want to pray out loud. WG
    1 point
  10. You might be a TWI tool if you save all year, quit your job to drive three days in the summer heat to spend two weeks in sweltering humidity in a tent with a few hundred other people in "scenic" Northern Ohio where the water tastes like.... All this so you can have the "blessing" of "volunteering" to do a menial job and to have the privilege to sit all day in another tent listening to men of God wannabees spouting their pseudo wisdom. You also might be a TWI tool if when you return home from said event, you talk about what a blessing it was to attend when your non-twi neighbor comes over to show you pictures of their trip to Disney World, or Cancun. You are definitely a tool of TWI if when you look at these pictures of folks having fun while swimming in crystal blue water by lovely waterfalls you think, "What a waste of time! I spent my vacation serving God!!"
    1 point
  11. Robert Hunter - Stanford Univ - circa 1964
    1 point
  12. You may be a twi tool if, when you give someone your opinion on something...it sounds word for word like the latest twi teaching tape.
    1 point
  13. "I think that the Kool Aid concept from some other authors is mean spirited." Oh, I don't know----change the LSD references to SIT references and the parallels become more apparent. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Acid Tests
    1 point
  14. You may be a TWI tool if---- You still refer to a certain someone as "Doctor".
    1 point
  15. You may be a TWI tool if... If you stand and applaud someone who is on the phone.
    1 point
  16. LOLOL - I bet there are dozens of internet sites you could sell that snake-oil on...
    1 point
  17. Excellent. Troops assemble at 0400 at Sydney. Make sure they have extra water and rations. Squirrels because of size and teeth are squad leaders of the pygmy jerboas. (est.) 0430 Upon arrival at the drop zone (corn field) squirrels will hold humans at bay while pygmy mice consume all edible food (bring rations back to the squirrels of course). Gen Ham will set up command post on east side of Hwy 29 - maintaining constant sitreps from his squad leaders and relaying sitreps back to CINC. CINC only speaks molecular bio-engineering - arrange for squirrel to geek translators. Cellular molecular decoupling tools provided only as last resort and not to be deployed without CINC coded authorization. 0430 We need 4 squirrels to volunteer their squads for finding and consuming one pudgy gun-packing idiot and treeing a couple of BOT types. This assignment is volunteer only since we anticipate some troop losses. Books, cash, etc are to be destroyed - this is primarily a squirrel job - again teeth rule the day. 0515-0545 mop up operations on the last of the culprits (anyone still holding fast to cyclops, forehead and/or rivershark) 0600 - troops meet at rally point - transports will be waiting with additional water and rations. 0640 - troops released for independent SERE ops approx 20 klicks from DZ Ruck up and saddle up! As LCDR geisha said - let's make this a plague.
    1 point
  18. Dear Darrell Bailey, I have no doubt as to your good intentions or the sincerity of your searching. But as it pertains to TWI doctrine many of your statements are too generalized for me to form any opinion other than I would tend to believe in your sincerity. And many, many specific doctrinal points have been bandied about for years here at GSC by folks who hold many, many different beliefs. A lot of that work and history has exposed what IMO is simple plagiarism, vainglory, and strife in Wierwille's actions even as he set up TWI. And I don't seem to have met many people who seem to be able to consider that point of view scripturally honestly. It seems to me that it was inevitable that due to Wierwille's intentions TWI was doomed to be rotten from the get-go. And as the Lord has promised to burn up lousy workmanship and take revenge on those who have despitefully used and ruined people financially and in any manner to sate their own piggish lusts that your dry and intellectual manner seems to me to fall a bit short of dealing with what really was going on among Wierwille's kids back in the day. Not to mention the inevitable leaven that has leavened the whole lump. BUT WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK IS "BABY" AND "BATHWATER" (added in editing) (I had to log-off for a bit)(Oh yeah...sigh...spelling too) It really seems to me that without complete honesty on the part of those who attempt to keep the Word alive TWI style that folks are pretty much being set up to fail in their endeavor. If someone is unwilling to take a real honest look at what the epistles say are the consequences of Wierwille's actions that they are unqualified to discern between "The baby and the bathwater." And if ex-TWI leadership doesn't openly repudiate all the hidden, yet cruel methods of leadership that they are almost certainly carrying on with all those manipulative and oppressive mannerisms. And if ex-TWI leadership doesn't openly handle each and every single legitimate complaint that many folks justly have that all their claims as to "great biblical truths" seem likely to be just more self-serving spin.
    1 point
  19. So Gawd is the soup nazi? Or is that that prayer nazi? On a more serious note... What would you say to a father who answered the requests of his child ONLY if they used exact and proper phrasing - else they didn't really want it?
    1 point
  20. I'll tell you what happened to those prayers - it was the fear in the heart and the life of George Aar that killed those prayers. And do you know why? Because George was painting your prayers fire engine red.
    1 point
  21. There are some interesting threads here concerning Momentus...I think that it's very revealing that Lynn and others involved themselves with this sinister form of psycho toilet training... anybody want to get into the lifeboat?
    1 point
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