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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2016 in all areas

  1. No, I actually don't see it as being off topic (...and even if I thought it were, given it was the first response in days to the topic, I'd have no issue with discussing it.) It's certainly not parked in the "unequivocally" camp, but if we were talking "indications" only, I suppose a case could be made for the mentioning of seed in Genesis 1:12. (Seed representing a certain patterning in the natural world of there being "life after death.") However, if we want to jump straight to the unequivocal part, it would probably be Job 14:14.
    1 point
  2. God is able to save to the uttermost all them which call upon His name. No specifics re:Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Muhammad, Confucius, The Great Spirit of the Indigenous Americans, Sikhism, Christianity, Shintoism, Gnosticism, and so forth. By their fruit shall ye know them. The One True God is not and never has been a "one-trick-pony". He's never been fitted into any man made theological boxes or "definitions". She is GOD period, and can do whatever the heck She wants to do, anywhere, at any time, in any manner She sees fit. All the rest is man made. Dem's da facts jack!......imo.
    1 point
  3. Well then. That may just wrap up this topic. Did anyone comment in support of the wierwille nonsense? I don't think so. But DWBH nicely summarized and put a couple of salient exclamation points on the subject. Thanks, DWBH.
    1 point
  4. People get cancer sometimes through no fault of their own. You don't have to do something "bad" to get cancer. Cancer is a genetic malfunction. It is a result of cell replication gone amok. It's not caused by some evil spiritual entity. There is a lot of evidence showing how it physiologically takes place.
    1 point
  5. THIS. Oh, and......didn't Don Wierwille succumb to this cancer spirit.....er, cancer as well? I mean, geez....if it really was spirit infiltration or possession, then what's up with the wierwilles? Might it be a good idea to distance yourself from the wierwilles who attract them? /sarc
    1 point
  6. I vote for the whole thing having been a bunch of nonsense. And I agree that shortfuse nailed several points.
    1 point
  7. Yes, some interesting distinctions are born of attributing symptoms to devil spirits. Someone is said to be "possessed of" such and such spirit. Another is "under the influence of" a devil spirit (this was some how not quite as bad, but still a problem). Later, I remember when Don Wierwille died of cancer, the Craiggers wading in on this topic. He brought up the "spirit of infirmity" is as a devil spirit cause of physical disease. There might not have even been sinfulness on the part of the afflicted. It was an attack of the adversary. (Also, smoking too, maybe.) I think cancer as devil spirit is a logical conclusion if you have first accepted the illogical premise that all life is spirit. We were taught that spirit was either spirit of God, a spirit of the devil, or the spirit of man (aka soul life). It's pretty easy to see this has big gaps as WW pointed out. What about fungus, plants, microbes, etc? In as much as cancer has "life of it's own", which category does it belong in? God is supposed to be all good so not Him. Obviously not a man, so that just leaves devil spirits. But then as you point out, if cancer is a devil spirit affliction, what does that even mean? Is it in your mind (that was how it was supposed to work right?) or is it in your body at some level? The more you try to explain it, the farther off the rails you have to go. In short, no, cancer is not caused by devil spirits.
    1 point
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